"use strict"; var duckdb = (() => { var Th = Object.create; var as = Object.defineProperty; var Bh = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var Dh = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var Eh = Object.getPrototypeOf, Oh = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var Mh = (r => typeof require < "u" ? require : typeof Proxy < "u" ? new Proxy(r, { get: (t, e) => (typeof require < "u" ? require : t)[e] }) : r)(function (r) { if (typeof require < "u") return require.apply(this, arguments); throw new Error('Dynamic require of "' + r + '" is not supported'); }); var cs = (r, t) => () => (t || r((t = { exports: {} }).exports, t), t.exports), an = (r, t) => { for (var e in t) as(r, e, { get: t[e], enumerable: !0 }); }, Rc = (r, t, e, n) => { if (t && typeof t == "object" || typeof t == "function") for (let i of Dh(t)) !Oh.call(r, i) && i !== e && as(r, i, { get: () => t[i], enumerable: !(n = Bh(t, i)) || n.enumerable }); return r; }; var Uc = (r, t, e) => (e = r != null ? Th(Eh(r)) : {}, Rc(t || !r || !r.__esModule ? as(e, "default", { value: r, enumerable: !0 }) : e, r)), Rh = r => Rc(as({}, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r); var rl = cs((B_, ds) => { var Nc, kc, Lc, Cc, Pc, Vc, Hc, zc, jc, ls, ia, Wc, $c, Yc, xn, Xc, Gc, Kc, Jc, qc, Zc, Qc, tl, el, us; (function (r) { var t = typeof global == "object" ? global : typeof self == "object" ? self : typeof this == "object" ? this : {}; typeof define == "function" && define.amd ? define("tslib", ["exports"], function (n) { r(e(t, e(n))); }) : typeof ds == "object" && typeof ds.exports == "object" ? r(e(t, e(ds.exports))) : r(e(t)); function e(n, i) { return n !== t && (typeof Object.create == "function" ? Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) : n.__esModule = !0), function (s, o) { return n[s] = i ? i(s, o) : o; }; } })(function (r) { var t = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (n, i) { n.__proto__ = i; } || function (n, i) { for (var s in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, s) && (n[s] = i[s]); }; Nc = function (n, i) { if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(i) + " is not a constructor or null"); t(n, i); function s() { this.constructor = n; } n.prototype = i === null ? Object.create(i) : (s.prototype = i.prototype, new s); }, kc = Object.assign || function (n) { for (var i, s = 1, o = arguments.length; s < o; s++) { i = arguments[s]; for (var a in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && (n[a] = i[a]); } return n; }, Lc = function (n, i) { var s = {}; for (var o in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, o) && i.indexOf(o) < 0 && (s[o] = n[o]); if (n != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function") for (var a = 0, o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n); a < o.length; a++) i.indexOf(o[a]) < 0 && Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(n, o[a]) && (s[o[a]] = n[o[a]]); return s; }, Cc = function (n, i, s, o) { var a = arguments.length, c = a < 3 ? i : o === null ? o = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, s) : o, d; if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate == "function") c = Reflect.decorate(n, i, s, o); else for (var p = n.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) (d = n[p]) && (c = (a < 3 ? d(c) : a > 3 ? d(i, s, c) : d(i, s)) || c); return a > 3 && c && Object.defineProperty(i, s, c), c; }, Pc = function (n, i) { return function (s, o) { i(s, o, n); }; }, Vc = function (n, i) { if (typeof Reflect == "object" && typeof Reflect.metadata == "function") return Reflect.metadata(n, i); }, Hc = function (n, i, s, o) { function a(c) { return c instanceof s ? c : new s(function (d) { d(c); }); } return new (s || (s = Promise))(function (c, d) { function p(S) { try { _(o.next(S)); } catch (J) { d(J); } } function b(S) { try { _(o.throw(S)); } catch (J) { d(J); } } function _(S) { S.done ? c(S.value) : a(S.value).then(p, b); } _((o = o.apply(n, i || [])).next()); }); }, zc = function (n, i) { var s = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (c[0] & 1) throw c[1]; return c[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, o, a, c, d; return d = { next: p(0), throw: p(1), return: p(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (d[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }), d; function p(_) { return function (S) { return b([_, S]); }; } function b(_) { if (o) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; s;) try { if (o = 1, a && (c = _[0] & 2 ? a.return : _[0] ? a.throw || ((c = a.return) && c.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(c = c.call(a, _[1])).done) return c; switch (a = 0, c && (_ = [_[0] & 2, c.value]), _[0]) { case 0: case 1: c = _; break; case 4: return s.label++, { value: _[1], done: !1 }; case 5: s.label++, a = _[1], _ = [0]; continue; case 7: _ = s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (c = s.trys, !(c = c.length > 0 && c[c.length - 1]) && (_[0] === 6 || _[0] === 2)) { s = 0; continue; } if (_[0] === 3 && (!c || _[1] > c[0] && _[1] < c[3])) { s.label = _[1]; break; } if (_[0] === 6 && s.label < c[1]) { s.label = c[1], c = _; break; } if (c && s.label < c[2]) { s.label = c[2], s.ops.push(_); break; } c[2] && s.ops.pop(), s.trys.pop(); continue; } _ = i.call(n, s); } catch (S) { _ = [6, S], a = 0; } finally { o = c = 0; } if (_[0] & 5) throw _[1]; return { value: _[0] ? _[1] : void 0, done: !0 }; } }, jc = function (n, i) { for (var s in n) s !== "default" && !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, s) && us(i, n, s); }, us = Object.create ? function (n, i, s, o) { o === void 0 && (o = s); var a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(i, s); (!a || ("get" in a ? !i.__esModule : a.writable || a.configurable)) && (a = { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i[s]; } }), Object.defineProperty(n, o, a); } : function (n, i, s, o) { o === void 0 && (o = s), n[o] = i[s]; }, ls = function (n) { var i = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, s = i && n[i], o = 0; if (s) return s.call(n); if (n && typeof n.length == "number") return { next: function () { return n && o >= n.length && (n = void 0), { value: n && n[o++], done: !n }; } }; throw new TypeError(i ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); }, ia = function (n, i) { var s = typeof Symbol == "function" && n[Symbol.iterator]; if (!s) return n; var o = s.call(n), a, c = [], d; try { for (; (i === void 0 || i-- > 0) && !(a = o.next()).done;) c.push(a.value); } catch (p) { d = { error: p }; } finally { try { a && !a.done && (s = o.return) && s.call(o); } finally { if (d) throw d.error; } } return c; }, Wc = function () { for (var n = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) n = n.concat(ia(arguments[i])); return n; }, $c = function () { for (var n = 0, i = 0, s = arguments.length; i < s; i++) n += arguments[i].length; for (var o = Array(n), a = 0, i = 0; i < s; i++) for (var c = arguments[i], d = 0, p = c.length; d < p; d++, a++) o[a] = c[d]; return o; }, Yc = function (n, i, s) { if (s || arguments.length === 2) for (var o = 0, a = i.length, c; o < a; o++) (c || !(o in i)) && (c || (c = Array.prototype.slice.call(i, 0, o)), c[o] = i[o]); return n.concat(c || Array.prototype.slice.call(i)); }, xn = function (n) { return this instanceof xn ? (this.v = n, this) : new xn(n); }, Xc = function (n, i, s) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var o = s.apply(n, i || []), a, c = []; return a = {}, d("next"), d("throw"), d("return"), a[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, a; function d(q) { o[q] && (a[q] = function (ot) { return new Promise(function (St, Qt) { c.push([q, ot, St, Qt]) > 1 || p(q, ot); }); }); } function p(q, ot) { try { b(o[q](ot)); } catch (St) { J(c[0][3], St); } } function b(q) { q.value instanceof xn ? Promise.resolve(q.value.v).then(_, S) : J(c[0][2], q); } function _(q) { p("next", q); } function S(q) { p("throw", q); } function J(q, ot) { q(ot), c.shift(), c.length && p(c[0][0], c[0][1]); } }, Gc = function (n) { var i, s; return i = {}, o("next"), o("throw", function (a) { throw a; }), o("return"), i[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }, i; function o(a, c) { i[a] = n[a] ? function (d) { return (s = !s) ? { value: xn(n[a](d)), done: a === "return" } : c ? c(d) : d; } : c; } }, Kc = function (n) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); var i = n[Symbol.asyncIterator], s; return i ? i.call(n) : (n = typeof ls == "function" ? ls(n) : n[Symbol.iterator](), s = {}, o("next"), o("throw"), o("return"), s[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function () { return this; }, s); function o(c) { s[c] = n[c] && function (d) { return new Promise(function (p, b) { d = n[c](d), a(p, b, d.done, d.value); }); }; } function a(c, d, p, b) { Promise.resolve(b).then(function (_) { c({ value: _, done: p }); }, d); } }, Jc = function (n, i) { return Object.defineProperty ? Object.defineProperty(n, "raw", { value: i }) : n.raw = i, n; }; var e = Object.create ? function (n, i) { Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }); } : function (n, i) { n.default = i; }; qc = function (n) { if (n && n.__esModule) return n; var i = {}; if (n != null) for (var s in n) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, s) && us(i, n, s); return e(i, n), i; }, Zc = function (n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }; }, Qc = function (n, i, s, o) { if (s === "a" && !o) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof i == "function" ? n !== i || !o : !i.has(n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return s === "m" ? o : s === "a" ? o.call(n) : o ? o.value : i.get(n); }, tl = function (n, i, s, o, a) { if (o === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (o === "a" && !a) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof i == "function" ? n !== i || !a : !i.has(n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return o === "a" ? a.call(n, s) : a ? a.value = s : i.set(n, s), s; }, el = function (n, i) { if (i === null || typeof i != "object" && typeof i != "function") throw new TypeError("Cannot use 'in' operator on non-object"); return typeof n == "function" ? i === n : n.has(i); }, r("__extends", Nc), r("__assign", kc), r("__rest", Lc), r("__decorate", Cc), r("__param", Pc), r("__metadata", Vc), r("__awaiter", Hc), r("__generator", zc), r("__exportStar", jc), r("__createBinding", us), r("__values", ls), r("__read", ia), r("__spread", Wc), r("__spreadArrays", $c), r("__spreadArray", Yc), r("__await", xn), r("__asyncGenerator", Xc), r("__asyncDelegator", Gc), r("__asyncValues", Kc), r("__makeTemplateObject", Jc), r("__importStar", qc), r("__importDefault", Zc), r("__classPrivateFieldGet", Qc), r("__classPrivateFieldSet", tl), r("__classPrivateFieldIn", el); }); }); var rc = cs(() => { }); var zu = cs(() => { }); var Ku = cs((exports, module) => { (function () { "use strict"; var ERROR = "input is invalid type", WINDOW = typeof window == "object", root = WINDOW ? window : {}; root.JS_SHA256_NO_WINDOW && (WINDOW = !1); var WEB_WORKER = !WINDOW && typeof self == "object", NODE_JS = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS && typeof process == "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node; NODE_JS ? root = global : WEB_WORKER && (root = self); var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_COMMON_JS && typeof module == "object" && module.exports, AMD = typeof define == "function" && define.amd, ARRAY_BUFFER = !root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER && typeof ArrayBuffer < "u", HEX_CHARS = "0123456789abcdef".split(""), EXTRA = [-2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 128], SHIFT = [24, 16, 8, 0], K = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], OUTPUT_TYPES = ["hex", "array", "digest", "arrayBuffer"], blocks = []; (root.JS_SHA256_NO_NODE_JS || !Array.isArray) && (Array.isArray = function (r) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(r) === "[object Array]"; }), ARRAY_BUFFER && (root.JS_SHA256_NO_ARRAY_BUFFER_IS_VIEW || !ArrayBuffer.isView) && (ArrayBuffer.isView = function (r) { return typeof r == "object" && r.buffer && r.buffer.constructor === ArrayBuffer; }); var createOutputMethod = function (r, t) { return function (e) { return new Sha256(t, !0).update(e)[r](); }; }, createMethod = function (r) { var t = createOutputMethod("hex", r); NODE_JS && (t = nodeWrap(t, r)), t.create = function () { return new Sha256(r); }, t.update = function (i) { return t.create().update(i); }; for (var e = 0; e < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++e) { var n = OUTPUT_TYPES[e]; t[n] = createOutputMethod(n, r); } return t; }, nodeWrap = function (method, is224) { var crypto = eval("require('crypto')"), Buffer = eval("require('buffer').Buffer"), algorithm = is224 ? "sha224" : "sha256", nodeMethod = function (r) { if (typeof r == "string") return crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(r, "utf8").digest("hex"); if (r == null) throw new Error(ERROR); return r.constructor === ArrayBuffer && (r = new Uint8Array(r)), Array.isArray(r) || ArrayBuffer.isView(r) || r.constructor === Buffer ? crypto.createHash(algorithm).update(new Buffer(r)).digest("hex") : method(r); }; return nodeMethod; }, createHmacOutputMethod = function (r, t) { return function (e, n) { return new HmacSha256(e, t, !0).update(n)[r](); }; }, createHmacMethod = function (r) { var t = createHmacOutputMethod("hex", r); t.create = function (i) { return new HmacSha256(i, r); }, t.update = function (i, s) { return t.create(i).update(s); }; for (var e = 0; e < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++e) { var n = OUTPUT_TYPES[e]; t[n] = createHmacOutputMethod(n, r); } return t; }; function Sha256(r, t) { t ? (blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] = blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] = blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] = blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0, this.blocks = blocks) : this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], r ? (this.h0 = 3238371032, this.h1 = 914150663, this.h2 = 812702999, this.h3 = 4144912697, this.h4 = 4290775857, this.h5 = 1750603025, this.h6 = 1694076839, this.h7 = 3204075428) : (this.h0 = 1779033703, this.h1 = 3144134277, this.h2 = 1013904242, this.h3 = 2773480762, this.h4 = 1359893119, this.h5 = 2600822924, this.h6 = 528734635, this.h7 = 1541459225), this.block = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0, this.finalized = this.hashed = !1, this.first = !0, this.is224 = r; } Sha256.prototype.update = function (r) { if (!this.finalized) { var t, e = typeof r; if (e !== "string") { if (e === "object") { if (r === null) throw new Error(ERROR); if (ARRAY_BUFFER && r.constructor === ArrayBuffer) r = new Uint8Array(r); else if (!Array.isArray(r) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(r))) throw new Error(ERROR); } else throw new Error(ERROR); t = !0; } for (var n, i = 0, s, o = r.length, a = this.blocks; i < o;) { if (this.hashed && (this.hashed = !1, a[0] = this.block, a[16] = a[1] = a[2] = a[3] = a[4] = a[5] = a[6] = a[7] = a[8] = a[9] = a[10] = a[11] = a[12] = a[13] = a[14] = a[15] = 0), t) for (s = this.start; i < o && s < 64; ++i) a[s >> 2] |= r[i] << SHIFT[s++ & 3]; else for (s = this.start; i < o && s < 64; ++i) n = r.charCodeAt(i), n < 128 ? a[s >> 2] |= n << SHIFT[s++ & 3] : n < 2048 ? (a[s >> 2] |= (192 | n >> 6) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]) : n < 55296 || n >= 57344 ? (a[s >> 2] |= (224 | n >> 12) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]) : (n = 65536 + ((n & 1023) << 10 | r.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023), a[s >> 2] |= (240 | n >> 18) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n >> 12 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], a[s >> 2] |= (128 | n & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]); this.lastByteIndex = s, this.bytes += s - this.start, s >= 64 ? (this.block = a[16], this.start = s - 64, this.hash(), this.hashed = !0) : this.start = s; } return this.bytes > 4294967295 && (this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0, this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296), this; } }, Sha256.prototype.finalize = function () { if (!this.finalized) { this.finalized = !0; var r = this.blocks, t = this.lastByteIndex; r[16] = this.block, r[t >> 2] |= EXTRA[t & 3], this.block = r[16], t >= 56 && (this.hashed || this.hash(), r[0] = this.block, r[16] = r[1] = r[2] = r[3] = r[4] = r[5] = r[6] = r[7] = r[8] = r[9] = r[10] = r[11] = r[12] = r[13] = r[14] = r[15] = 0), r[14] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29, r[15] = this.bytes << 3, this.hash(); } }, Sha256.prototype.hash = function () { var r = this.h0, t = this.h1, e = this.h2, n = this.h3, i = this.h4, s = this.h5, o = this.h6, a = this.h7, c = this.blocks, d, p, b, _, S, J, q, ot, St, Qt, se; for (d = 16; d < 64; ++d) S = c[d - 15], p = (S >>> 7 | S << 25) ^ (S >>> 18 | S << 14) ^ S >>> 3, S = c[d - 2], b = (S >>> 17 | S << 15) ^ (S >>> 19 | S << 13) ^ S >>> 10, c[d] = c[d - 16] + p + c[d - 7] + b << 0; for (se = t & e, d = 0; d < 64; d += 4) this.first ? (this.is224 ? (ot = 300032, S = c[0] - 1413257819, a = S - 150054599 << 0, n = S + 24177077 << 0) : (ot = 704751109, S = c[0] - 210244248, a = S - 1521486534 << 0, n = S + 143694565 << 0), this.first = !1) : (p = (r >>> 2 | r << 30) ^ (r >>> 13 | r << 19) ^ (r >>> 22 | r << 10), b = (i >>> 6 | i << 26) ^ (i >>> 11 | i << 21) ^ (i >>> 25 | i << 7), ot = r & t, _ = ot ^ r & e ^ se, q = i & s ^ ~i & o, S = a + b + q + K[d] + c[d], J = p + _, a = n + S << 0, n = S + J << 0), p = (n >>> 2 | n << 30) ^ (n >>> 13 | n << 19) ^ (n >>> 22 | n << 10), b = (a >>> 6 | a << 26) ^ (a >>> 11 | a << 21) ^ (a >>> 25 | a << 7), St = n & r, _ = St ^ n & t ^ ot, q = a & i ^ ~a & s, S = o + b + q + K[d + 1] + c[d + 1], J = p + _, o = e + S << 0, e = S + J << 0, p = (e >>> 2 | e << 30) ^ (e >>> 13 | e << 19) ^ (e >>> 22 | e << 10), b = (o >>> 6 | o << 26) ^ (o >>> 11 | o << 21) ^ (o >>> 25 | o << 7), Qt = e & n, _ = Qt ^ e & r ^ St, q = o & a ^ ~o & i, S = s + b + q + K[d + 2] + c[d + 2], J = p + _, s = t + S << 0, t = S + J << 0, p = (t >>> 2 | t << 30) ^ (t >>> 13 | t << 19) ^ (t >>> 22 | t << 10), b = (s >>> 6 | s << 26) ^ (s >>> 11 | s << 21) ^ (s >>> 25 | s << 7), se = t & e, _ = se ^ t & n ^ Qt, q = s & o ^ ~s & a, S = i + b + q + K[d + 3] + c[d + 3], J = p + _, i = r + S << 0, r = S + J << 0; this.h0 = this.h0 + r << 0, this.h1 = this.h1 + t << 0, this.h2 = this.h2 + e << 0, this.h3 = this.h3 + n << 0, this.h4 = this.h4 + i << 0, this.h5 = this.h5 + s << 0, this.h6 = this.h6 + o << 0, this.h7 = this.h7 + a << 0; }, Sha256.prototype.hex = function () { this.finalize(); var r = this.h0, t = this.h1, e = this.h2, n = this.h3, i = this.h4, s = this.h5, o = this.h6, a = this.h7, c = HEX_CHARS[r >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[n & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[o & 15]; return this.is224 || (c += HEX_CHARS[a >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[a & 15]), c; }, Sha256.prototype.toString = Sha256.prototype.hex, Sha256.prototype.digest = function () { this.finalize(); var r = this.h0, t = this.h1, e = this.h2, n = this.h3, i = this.h4, s = this.h5, o = this.h6, a = this.h7, c = [r >> 24 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, r & 255, t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, e & 255, n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, n & 255, i >> 24 & 255, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, i & 255, s >> 24 & 255, s >> 16 & 255, s >> 8 & 255, s & 255, o >> 24 & 255, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, o & 255]; return this.is224 || c.push(a >> 24 & 255, a >> 16 & 255, a >> 8 & 255, a & 255), c; }, Sha256.prototype.array = Sha256.prototype.digest, Sha256.prototype.arrayBuffer = function () { this.finalize(); var r = new ArrayBuffer(this.is224 ? 28 : 32), t = new DataView(r); return t.setUint32(0, this.h0), t.setUint32(4, this.h1), t.setUint32(8, this.h2), t.setUint32(12, this.h3), t.setUint32(16, this.h4), t.setUint32(20, this.h5), t.setUint32(24, this.h6), this.is224 || t.setUint32(28, this.h7), r; }; function HmacSha256(r, t, e) { var n, i = typeof r; if (i === "string") { var s = [], o = r.length, a = 0, c; for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) c = r.charCodeAt(n), c < 128 ? s[a++] = c : c < 2048 ? (s[a++] = 192 | c >> 6, s[a++] = 128 | c & 63) : c < 55296 || c >= 57344 ? (s[a++] = 224 | c >> 12, s[a++] = 128 | c >> 6 & 63, s[a++] = 128 | c & 63) : (c = 65536 + ((c & 1023) << 10 | r.charCodeAt(++n) & 1023), s[a++] = 240 | c >> 18, s[a++] = 128 | c >> 12 & 63, s[a++] = 128 | c >> 6 & 63, s[a++] = 128 | c & 63); r = s; } else if (i === "object") { if (r === null) throw new Error(ERROR); if (ARRAY_BUFFER && r.constructor === ArrayBuffer) r = new Uint8Array(r); else if (!Array.isArray(r) && (!ARRAY_BUFFER || !ArrayBuffer.isView(r))) throw new Error(ERROR); } else throw new Error(ERROR); r.length > 64 && (r = new Sha256(t, !0).update(r).array()); var d = [], p = []; for (n = 0; n < 64; ++n) { var b = r[n] || 0; d[n] = 92 ^ b, p[n] = 54 ^ b; } Sha256.call(this, t, e), this.update(p), this.oKeyPad = d, this.inner = !0, this.sharedMemory = e; } HmacSha256.prototype = new Sha256, HmacSha256.prototype.finalize = function () { if (Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this), this.inner) { this.inner = !1; var r = this.array(); Sha256.call(this, this.is224, this.sharedMemory), this.update(this.oKeyPad), this.update(r), Sha256.prototype.finalize.call(this); } }; var exports = createMethod(); exports.sha256 = exports, exports.sha224 = createMethod(!0), exports.sha256.hmac = createHmacMethod(), exports.sha224.hmac = createHmacMethod(!0), COMMON_JS ? module.exports = exports : (root.sha256 = exports.sha256, root.sha224 = exports.sha224, AMD && define(function () { return exports; })); })(); }); var A_ = {}; an(A_, { registerWorker: () => Zu }); var nl = Uc(rl(), 1), { __extends: D_, __assign: E_, __rest: il, __decorate: O_, __param: M_, __metadata: R_, __awaiter: I, __generator: U_, __exportStar: N_, __createBinding: k_, __values: L_, __read: C_, __spread: P_, __spreadArrays: V_, __spreadArray: H_, __await: W, __asyncGenerator: ae, __asyncDelegator: Tn, __asyncValues: De, __makeTemplateObject: z_, __importStar: j_, __importDefault: W_, __classPrivateFieldGet: $_, __classPrivateFieldSet: Y_, __classPrivateFieldIn: X_ } = nl.default; var ua = {}; an(ua, { compareArrayLike: () => la, joinUint8Arrays: () => we, memcpy: () => Dn, rebaseValueOffsets: () => ui, toArrayBufferView: () => $, toArrayBufferViewAsyncIterator: () => Ve, toArrayBufferViewIterator: () => er, toBigInt64Array: () => Vh, toBigUint64Array: () => jh, toFloat32Array: () => Wh, toFloat32ArrayAsyncIterator: () => op, toFloat32ArrayIterator: () => Zh, toFloat64Array: () => $h, toFloat64ArrayAsyncIterator: () => ap, toFloat64ArrayIterator: () => Qh, toInt16Array: () => Ph, toInt16ArrayAsyncIterator: () => rp, toInt16ArrayIterator: () => Gh, toInt32Array: () => cn, toInt32ArrayAsyncIterator: () => np, toInt32ArrayIterator: () => Kh, toInt8Array: () => Ch, toInt8ArrayAsyncIterator: () => ep, toInt8ArrayIterator: () => Xh, toUint16Array: () => Hh, toUint16ArrayAsyncIterator: () => ip, toUint16ArrayIterator: () => Jh, toUint32Array: () => zh, toUint32ArrayAsyncIterator: () => sp, toUint32ArrayIterator: () => qh, toUint8Array: () => N, toUint8ArrayAsyncIterator: () => ca, toUint8ArrayIterator: () => aa, toUint8ClampedArray: () => Yh, toUint8ClampedArrayAsyncIterator: () => cp, toUint8ClampedArrayIterator: () => tp }); var Uh = new TextDecoder("utf-8"), ai = r => Uh.decode(r), Nh = new TextEncoder, Vr = r => Nh.encode(r); var [J_, fs] = (() => { let r = () => { throw new Error("BigInt is not available in this environment"); }; function t() { throw r(); } return t.asIntN = () => { throw r(); }, t.asUintN = () => { throw r(); }, typeof BigInt < "u" ? [BigInt, !0] : [t, !1]; })(), [ci, q_] = (() => { let r = () => { throw new Error("BigInt64Array is not available in this environment"); }; class t { static get BYTES_PER_ELEMENT() { return 8; } static of() { throw r(); } static from() { throw r(); } constructor() { throw r(); } } return typeof BigInt64Array < "u" ? [BigInt64Array, !0] : [t, !1]; })(), [Bn, Z_] = (() => { let r = () => { throw new Error("BigUint64Array is not available in this environment"); }; class t { static get BYTES_PER_ELEMENT() { return 8; } static of() { throw r(); } static from() { throw r(); } constructor() { throw r(); } } return typeof BigUint64Array < "u" ? [BigUint64Array, !0] : [t, !1]; })(); var kh = r => typeof r == "number", sl = r => typeof r == "boolean", Mt = r => typeof r == "function", ee = r => r != null && Object(r) === r, Ce = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.then); var Pe = r => ee(r) && Mt(r[Symbol.iterator]), Ee = r => ee(r) && Mt(r[Symbol.asyncIterator]), hs = r => ee(r) && ee(r.schema); var ps = r => ee(r) && "done" in r && "value" in r; var ms = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.stat) && kh(r.fd); var _s = r => ee(r) && li(r.body), ys = r => "_getDOMStream" in r && "_getNodeStream" in r, ol = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.abort) && Mt(r.getWriter) && !ys(r), li = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.cancel) && Mt(r.getReader) && !ys(r), al = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.end) && Mt(r.write) && sl(r.writable) && !ys(r), bs = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.read) && Mt(r.pipe) && sl(r.readable) && !ys(r), cl = r => ee(r) && Mt(r.clear) && Mt(r.bytes) && Mt(r.position) && Mt(r.setPosition) && Mt(r.capacity) && Mt(r.getBufferIdentifier) && Mt(r.createLong); var oa = typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" ? SharedArrayBuffer : ArrayBuffer; function Lh(r) { let t = r[0] ? [r[0]] : [], e, n, i, s; for (let o, a, c = 0, d = 0, p = r.length; ++c < p;) { if (o = t[d], a = r[c], !o || !a || o.buffer !== a.buffer || a.byteOffset < o.byteOffset) { a && (t[++d] = a); continue; } if ({ byteOffset: e, byteLength: i } = o, { byteOffset: n, byteLength: s } = a, e + i < n || n + s < e) { a && (t[++d] = a); continue; } t[d] = new Uint8Array(o.buffer, e, n - e + s); } return t; } function Dn(r, t, e = 0, n = t.byteLength) { let i = r.byteLength, s = new Uint8Array(r.buffer, r.byteOffset, i), o = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, Math.min(n, i)); return s.set(o, e), r; } function we(r, t) { let e = Lh(r), n = e.reduce((p, b) => p + b.byteLength, 0), i, s, o, a = 0, c = -1, d = Math.min(t || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, n); for (let p = e.length; ++c < p;) { if (i = e[c], s = i.subarray(0, Math.min(i.length, d - a)), d <= a + s.length) { s.length < i.length ? e[c] = i.subarray(s.length) : s.length === i.length && c++, o ? Dn(o, s, a) : o = s; break; } Dn(o || (o = new Uint8Array(d)), s, a), a += s.length; } return [o || new Uint8Array(0), e.slice(c), n - (o ? o.byteLength : 0)]; } function $(r, t) { let e = ps(t) ? t.value : t; return e instanceof r ? r === Uint8Array ? new r(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength) : e : e ? (typeof e == "string" && (e = Vr(e)), e instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new r(e) : e instanceof oa ? new r(e) : cl(e) ? $(r, e.bytes()) : ArrayBuffer.isView(e) ? e.byteLength <= 0 ? new r(0) : new r(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength / r.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) : r.from(e)) : new r(0); } var Ch = r => $(Int8Array, r), Ph = r => $(Int16Array, r), cn = r => $(Int32Array, r), Vh = r => $(ci, r), N = r => $(Uint8Array, r), Hh = r => $(Uint16Array, r), zh = r => $(Uint32Array, r), jh = r => $(Bn, r), Wh = r => $(Float32Array, r), $h = r => $(Float64Array, r), Yh = r => $(Uint8ClampedArray, r), sa = r => (r.next(), r); function* er(r, t) { let e = function* (i) { yield i; }, n = typeof t == "string" || ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || t instanceof ArrayBuffer || t instanceof oa ? e(t) : Pe(t) ? t : e(t); return yield* sa(function* (i) { let s = null; do s = i.next(yield $(r, s)); while (!s.done); }(n[Symbol.iterator]())), new r; } var Xh = r => er(Int8Array, r), Gh = r => er(Int16Array, r), Kh = r => er(Int32Array, r), aa = r => er(Uint8Array, r), Jh = r => er(Uint16Array, r), qh = r => er(Uint32Array, r), Zh = r => er(Float32Array, r), Qh = r => er(Float64Array, r), tp = r => er(Uint8ClampedArray, r); function Ve(r, t) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { if (Ce(t)) return yield W(yield W(yield* Tn(De(Ve(r, yield W(t)))))); let n = function (o) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { yield yield W(yield W(o)); }); }, i = function (o) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { yield W(yield* Tn(De(sa(function* (a) { let c = null; do c = a.next(yield c == null ? void 0 : c.value); while (!c.done); }(o[Symbol.iterator]()))))); }); }, s = typeof t == "string" || ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || t instanceof ArrayBuffer || t instanceof oa ? n(t) : Pe(t) ? i(t) : Ee(t) ? t : n(t); return yield W(yield* Tn(De(sa(function (o) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { let a = null; do a = yield W(o.next(yield yield W($(r, a)))); while (!a.done); }); }(s[Symbol.asyncIterator]()))))), yield W(new r); }); } var ep = r => Ve(Int8Array, r), rp = r => Ve(Int16Array, r), np = r => Ve(Int32Array, r), ca = r => Ve(Uint8Array, r), ip = r => Ve(Uint16Array, r), sp = r => Ve(Uint32Array, r), op = r => Ve(Float32Array, r), ap = r => Ve(Float64Array, r), cp = r => Ve(Uint8ClampedArray, r); function ui(r, t, e) { if (r !== 0) { e = e.slice(0, t + 1); for (let n = -1; ++n <= t;) e[n] += r; } return e; } function la(r, t) { let e = 0, n = r.length; if (n !== t.length) return !1; if (n > 0) do if (r[e] !== t[e]) return !1; while (++e < n); return !0; } var $t = { fromIterable(r) { return gs(lp(r)); }, fromAsyncIterable(r) { return gs(up(r)); }, fromDOMStream(r) { return gs(dp(r)); }, fromNodeStream(r) { return gs(fp(r)); }, toDOMStream(r, t) { throw new Error('"toDOMStream" not available in this environment'); }, toNodeStream(r, t) { throw new Error('"toNodeStream" not available in this environment'); } }, gs = r => (r.next(), r); function* lp(r) { let t, e = !1, n = [], i, s, o, a = 0; function c() { return s === "peek" ? we(n, o)[0] : ([i, n, a] = we(n, o), i); } ({ cmd: s, size: o } = yield null); let d = aa(r)[Symbol.iterator](); try { do if ({ done: t, value: i } = Number.isNaN(o - a) ? d.next() : d.next(o - a), !t && i.byteLength > 0 && (n.push(i), a += i.byteLength), t || o <= a) do ({ cmd: s, size: o } = yield c()); while (o < a); while (!t); } catch (p) { (e = !0) && typeof d.throw == "function" && d.throw(p); } finally { e === !1 && typeof d.return == "function" && d.return(null); } return null; } function up(r) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { let e, n = !1, i = [], s, o, a, c = 0; function d() { return o === "peek" ? we(i, a)[0] : ([s, i, c] = we(i, a), s); } ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(null)); let p = ca(r)[Symbol.asyncIterator](); try { do if ({ done: e, value: s } = Number.isNaN(a - c) ? yield W(p.next()) : yield W(p.next(a - c)), !e && s.byteLength > 0 && (i.push(s), c += s.byteLength), e || a <= c) do ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(d())); while (a < c); while (!e); } catch (b) { (n = !0) && typeof p.throw == "function" && (yield W(p.throw(b))); } finally { n === !1 && typeof p.return == "function" && (yield W(p.return(new Uint8Array(0)))); } return yield W(null); }); } function dp(r) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { let e = !1, n = !1, i = [], s, o, a, c = 0; function d() { return o === "peek" ? we(i, a)[0] : ([s, i, c] = we(i, a), s); } ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(null)); let p = new fa(r); try { do if ({ done: e, value: s } = Number.isNaN(a - c) ? yield W(p.read()) : yield W(p.read(a - c)), !e && s.byteLength > 0 && (i.push(N(s)), c += s.byteLength), e || a <= c) do ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(d())); while (a < c); while (!e); } catch (b) { (n = !0) && (yield W(p.cancel(b))); } finally { n === !1 ? yield W(p.cancel()) : r.locked && p.releaseLock(); } return yield W(null); }); } var fa = class { constructor(t) { this.source = t, this.reader = null, this.reader = this.source.getReader(), this.reader.closed.catch(() => { }); } get closed() { return this.reader ? this.reader.closed.catch(() => { }) : Promise.resolve(); } releaseLock() { this.reader && this.reader.releaseLock(), this.reader = null; } cancel(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let { reader: e, source: n } = this; e && (yield e.cancel(t).catch(() => { })), n && n.locked && this.releaseLock(); }); } read(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (t === 0) return { done: this.reader == null, value: new Uint8Array(0) }; let e = yield this.reader.read(); return !e.done && (e.value = N(e)), e; }); } }, da = (r, t) => { let e = i => n([t, i]), n; return [t, e, new Promise(i => (n = i) && r.once(t, e))]; }; function fp(r) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { let e = [], n = "error", i = !1, s = null, o, a, c = 0, d = [], p; function b() { return o === "peek" ? we(d, a)[0] : ([p, d, c] = we(d, a), p); } if ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(null), r.isTTY) return yield yield W(new Uint8Array(0)), yield W(null); try { e[0] = da(r, "end"), e[1] = da(r, "error"); do { if (e[2] = da(r, "readable"), [n, s] = yield W(Promise.race(e.map(S => S[2]))), n === "error") break; if ((i = n === "end") || (Number.isFinite(a - c) ? (p = N(r.read(a - c)), p.byteLength < a - c && (p = N(r.read()))) : p = N(r.read()), p.byteLength > 0 && (d.push(p), c += p.byteLength)), i || a <= c) do ({ cmd: o, size: a } = yield yield W(b())); while (a < c); } while (!i); } finally { yield W(_(e, n === "error" ? s : null)); } return yield W(null); function _(S, J) { return p = d = null, new Promise((q, ot) => { for (let [St, Qt] of S) r.off(St, Qt); try { let St = r.destroy; St && St.call(r, J), J = void 0; } catch (St) { J = St || J; } finally { J != null ? ot(J) : q(); } }); } }); } var Ut; (function (r) { r[r.V1 = 0] = "V1", r[r.V2 = 1] = "V2", r[r.V3 = 2] = "V3", r[r.V4 = 3] = "V4", r[r.V5 = 4] = "V5"; })(Ut || (Ut = {})); var gt; (function (r) { r[r.Sparse = 0] = "Sparse", r[r.Dense = 1] = "Dense"; })(gt || (gt = {})); var mt; (function (r) { r[r.HALF = 0] = "HALF", r[r.SINGLE = 1] = "SINGLE", r[r.DOUBLE = 2] = "DOUBLE"; })(mt || (mt = {})); var Yt; (function (r) { r[r.DAY = 0] = "DAY", r[r.MILLISECOND = 1] = "MILLISECOND"; })(Yt || (Yt = {})); var X; (function (r) { r[r.SECOND = 0] = "SECOND", r[r.MILLISECOND = 1] = "MILLISECOND", r[r.MICROSECOND = 2] = "MICROSECOND", r[r.NANOSECOND = 3] = "NANOSECOND"; })(X || (X = {})); var re; (function (r) { r[r.YEAR_MONTH = 0] = "YEAR_MONTH", r[r.DAY_TIME = 1] = "DAY_TIME", r[r.MONTH_DAY_NANO = 2] = "MONTH_DAY_NANO"; })(re || (re = {})); var Q; (function (r) { r[r.NONE = 0] = "NONE", r[r.Schema = 1] = "Schema", r[r.DictionaryBatch = 2] = "DictionaryBatch", r[r.RecordBatch = 3] = "RecordBatch", r[r.Tensor = 4] = "Tensor", r[r.SparseTensor = 5] = "SparseTensor"; })(Q || (Q = {})); var f; (function (r) { r[r.NONE = 0] = "NONE", r[r.Null = 1] = "Null", r[r.Int = 2] = "Int", r[r.Float = 3] = "Float", r[r.Binary = 4] = "Binary", r[r.Utf8 = 5] = "Utf8", r[r.Bool = 6] = "Bool", r[r.Decimal = 7] = "Decimal", r[r.Date = 8] = "Date", r[r.Time = 9] = "Time", r[r.Timestamp = 10] = "Timestamp", r[r.Interval = 11] = "Interval", r[r.List = 12] = "List", r[r.Struct = 13] = "Struct", r[r.Union = 14] = "Union", r[r.FixedSizeBinary = 15] = "FixedSizeBinary", r[r.FixedSizeList = 16] = "FixedSizeList", r[r.Map = 17] = "Map", r[r.Dictionary = -1] = "Dictionary", r[r.Int8 = -2] = "Int8", r[r.Int16 = -3] = "Int16", r[r.Int32 = -4] = "Int32", r[r.Int64 = -5] = "Int64", r[r.Uint8 = -6] = "Uint8", r[r.Uint16 = -7] = "Uint16", r[r.Uint32 = -8] = "Uint32", r[r.Uint64 = -9] = "Uint64", r[r.Float16 = -10] = "Float16", r[r.Float32 = -11] = "Float32", r[r.Float64 = -12] = "Float64", r[r.DateDay = -13] = "DateDay", r[r.DateMillisecond = -14] = "DateMillisecond", r[r.TimestampSecond = -15] = "TimestampSecond", r[r.TimestampMillisecond = -16] = "TimestampMillisecond", r[r.TimestampMicrosecond = -17] = "TimestampMicrosecond", r[r.TimestampNanosecond = -18] = "TimestampNanosecond", r[r.TimeSecond = -19] = "TimeSecond", r[r.TimeMillisecond = -20] = "TimeMillisecond", r[r.TimeMicrosecond = -21] = "TimeMicrosecond", r[r.TimeNanosecond = -22] = "TimeNanosecond", r[r.DenseUnion = -23] = "DenseUnion", r[r.SparseUnion = -24] = "SparseUnion", r[r.IntervalDayTime = -25] = "IntervalDayTime", r[r.IntervalYearMonth = -26] = "IntervalYearMonth"; })(f || (f = {})); var Oe; (function (r) { r[r.OFFSET = 0] = "OFFSET", r[r.DATA = 1] = "DATA", r[r.VALIDITY = 2] = "VALIDITY", r[r.TYPE = 3] = "TYPE"; })(Oe || (Oe = {})); var Da = {}; an(Da, { clampIndex: () => rm, clampRange: () => hi, createElementComparator: () => Wr }); function He(r) { if (r === null) return "null"; if (r === void 0) return "undefined"; switch (typeof r) { case "number": return `${r}`; case "bigint": return `${r}`; case "string": return `"${r}"`; } return typeof r[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function" ? r[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string") : ArrayBuffer.isView(r) ? r instanceof BigInt64Array || r instanceof BigUint64Array ? `[${[...r].map(t => He(t))}]` : `[${r}]` : ArrayBuffer.isView(r) ? `[${r}]` : JSON.stringify(r, (t, e) => typeof e == "bigint" ? `${e}` : e); } var pa = {}; an(pa, { BN: () => ln, bignumToBigInt: () => ws, bignumToString: () => Hr, isArrowBigNumSymbol: () => ll }); var ll = Symbol.for("isArrowBigNum"); function ze(r, ...t) { return t.length === 0 ? Object.setPrototypeOf($(this.TypedArray, r), this.constructor.prototype) : Object.setPrototypeOf(new this.TypedArray(r, ...t), this.constructor.prototype); } ze.prototype[ll] = !0; ze.prototype.toJSON = function () { return `"${Hr(this)}"`; }; ze.prototype.valueOf = function () { return ul(this); }; ze.prototype.toString = function () { return Hr(this); }; ze.prototype[Symbol.toPrimitive] = function (r = "default") { switch (r) { case "number": return ul(this); case "string": return Hr(this); case "default": return ws(this); } return Hr(this); }; function En(...r) { return ze.apply(this, r); } function On(...r) { return ze.apply(this, r); } function di(...r) { return ze.apply(this, r); } Object.setPrototypeOf(En.prototype, Object.create(Int32Array.prototype)); Object.setPrototypeOf(On.prototype, Object.create(Uint32Array.prototype)); Object.setPrototypeOf(di.prototype, Object.create(Uint32Array.prototype)); Object.assign(En.prototype, ze.prototype, { constructor: En, signed: !0, TypedArray: Int32Array, BigIntArray: ci }); Object.assign(On.prototype, ze.prototype, { constructor: On, signed: !1, TypedArray: Uint32Array, BigIntArray: Bn }); Object.assign(di.prototype, ze.prototype, { constructor: di, signed: !0, TypedArray: Uint32Array, BigIntArray: Bn }); function ul(r) { let { buffer: t, byteOffset: e, length: n, signed: i } = r, s = new Bn(t, e, n), o = i && s[s.length - 1] & BigInt(1) << BigInt(63), a = BigInt(o ? 1 : 0), c = BigInt(0); if (o) { for (let d of s) a += ~d * (BigInt(1) << BigInt(32) * c++); a *= BigInt(-1); } else for (let d of s) a += d * (BigInt(1) << BigInt(32) * c++); return a; } var Hr, ws; fs ? (ws = r => r.byteLength === 8 ? new r.BigIntArray(r.buffer, r.byteOffset, 1)[0] : ha(r), Hr = r => r.byteLength === 8 ? `${new r.BigIntArray(r.buffer, r.byteOffset, 1)[0]}` : ha(r)) : (Hr = ha, ws = Hr); function ha(r) { let t = "", e = new Uint32Array(2), n = new Uint16Array(r.buffer, r.byteOffset, r.byteLength / 2), i = new Uint32Array((n = new Uint16Array(n).reverse()).buffer), s = -1, o = n.length - 1; do { for (e[0] = n[s = 0]; s < o;) n[s++] = e[1] = e[0] / 10, e[0] = (e[0] - e[1] * 10 << 16) + n[s]; n[s] = e[1] = e[0] / 10, e[0] = e[0] - e[1] * 10, t = `${e[0]}${t}`; } while (i[0] || i[1] || i[2] || i[3]); return t || "0"; } var ln = class { static new(t, e) { switch (e) { case !0: return new En(t); case !1: return new On(t); } switch (t.constructor) { case Int8Array: case Int16Array: case Int32Array: case ci: return new En(t); } return t.byteLength === 16 ? new di(t) : new On(t); } static signed(t) { return new En(t); } static unsigned(t) { return new On(t); } static decimal(t) { return new di(t); } constructor(t, e) { return ln.new(t, e); } }; var dl, fl, hl, pl, ml, _l, yl, bl, gl, wl, vl, Sl, Il, Al, Fl, xl, Tl, Bl, Dl, F = class { static isNull(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Null; } static isInt(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Int; } static isFloat(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Float; } static isBinary(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Binary; } static isUtf8(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Utf8; } static isBool(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Bool; } static isDecimal(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Decimal; } static isDate(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Date; } static isTime(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Time; } static isTimestamp(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Timestamp; } static isInterval(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Interval; } static isList(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.List; } static isStruct(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Struct; } static isUnion(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Union; } static isFixedSizeBinary(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.FixedSizeBinary; } static isFixedSizeList(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.FixedSizeList; } static isMap(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Map; } static isDictionary(t) { return (t == null ? void 0 : t.typeId) === f.Dictionary; } static isDenseUnion(t) { return F.isUnion(t) && t.mode === gt.Dense; } static isSparseUnion(t) { return F.isUnion(t) && t.mode === gt.Sparse; } get typeId() { return f.NONE; } }; dl = Symbol.toStringTag; F[dl] = (r => (r.children = null, r.ArrayType = Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "DataType"))(F.prototype); var ne = class extends F { toString() { return "Null"; } get typeId() { return f.Null; } }; fl = Symbol.toStringTag; ne[fl] = (r => r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Null")(ne.prototype); var At = class extends F { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.isSigned = t, this.bitWidth = e; } get typeId() { return f.Int; } get ArrayType() { switch (this.bitWidth) { case 8: return this.isSigned ? Int8Array : Uint8Array; case 16: return this.isSigned ? Int16Array : Uint16Array; case 32: return this.isSigned ? Int32Array : Uint32Array; case 64: return this.isSigned ? BigInt64Array : BigUint64Array; } throw new Error(`Unrecognized ${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} type`); } toString() { return `${this.isSigned ? "I" : "Ui"}nt${this.bitWidth}`; } }; hl = Symbol.toStringTag; At[hl] = (r => (r.isSigned = null, r.bitWidth = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Int"))(At.prototype); var vs = class extends At { constructor() { super(!0, 8); } get ArrayType() { return Int8Array; } }, Ss = class extends At { constructor() { super(!0, 16); } get ArrayType() { return Int16Array; } }, rr = class extends At { constructor() { super(!0, 32); } get ArrayType() { return Int32Array; } }, Is = class extends At { constructor() { super(!0, 64); } get ArrayType() { return BigInt64Array; } }, As = class extends At { constructor() { super(!1, 8); } get ArrayType() { return Uint8Array; } }, Fs = class extends At { constructor() { super(!1, 16); } get ArrayType() { return Uint16Array; } }, xs = class extends At { constructor() { super(!1, 32); } get ArrayType() { return Uint32Array; } }, Ts = class extends At { constructor() { super(!1, 64); } get ArrayType() { return BigUint64Array; } }; Object.defineProperty(vs.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Int8Array }); Object.defineProperty(Ss.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Int16Array }); Object.defineProperty(rr.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Int32Array }); Object.defineProperty(Is.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: BigInt64Array }); Object.defineProperty(As.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Uint8Array }); Object.defineProperty(Fs.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Uint16Array }); Object.defineProperty(xs.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Uint32Array }); Object.defineProperty(Ts.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: BigUint64Array }); var ce = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.precision = t; } get typeId() { return f.Float; } get ArrayType() { switch (this.precision) { case mt.HALF: return Uint16Array; case mt.SINGLE: return Float32Array; case mt.DOUBLE: return Float64Array; } throw new Error(`Unrecognized ${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} type`); } toString() { return `Float${this.precision << 5 || 16}`; } }; pl = Symbol.toStringTag; ce[pl] = (r => (r.precision = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Float"))(ce.prototype); var Bs = class extends ce { constructor() { super(mt.HALF); } }, Ds = class extends ce { constructor() { super(mt.SINGLE); } }, Es = class extends ce { constructor() { super(mt.DOUBLE); } }; Object.defineProperty(Bs.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Uint16Array }); Object.defineProperty(Ds.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Float32Array }); Object.defineProperty(Es.prototype, "ArrayType", { value: Float64Array }); var wr = class extends F { constructor() { super(); } get typeId() { return f.Binary; } toString() { return "Binary"; } }; ml = Symbol.toStringTag; wr[ml] = (r => (r.ArrayType = Uint8Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Binary"))(wr.prototype); var vr = class extends F { constructor() { super(); } get typeId() { return f.Utf8; } toString() { return "Utf8"; } }; _l = Symbol.toStringTag; vr[_l] = (r => (r.ArrayType = Uint8Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Utf8"))(vr.prototype); var Sr = class extends F { constructor() { super(); } get typeId() { return f.Bool; } toString() { return "Bool"; } }; yl = Symbol.toStringTag; Sr[yl] = (r => (r.ArrayType = Uint8Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Bool"))(Sr.prototype); var Ir = class extends F { constructor(t, e, n = 128) { super(), this.scale = t, this.precision = e, this.bitWidth = n; } get typeId() { return f.Decimal; } toString() { return `Decimal[${this.precision}e${this.scale > 0 ? "+" : ""}${this.scale}]`; } }; bl = Symbol.toStringTag; Ir[bl] = (r => (r.scale = null, r.precision = null, r.ArrayType = Uint32Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Decimal"))(Ir.prototype); var Ar = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.unit = t; } get typeId() { return f.Date; } toString() { return `Date${(this.unit + 1) * 32}<${Yt[this.unit]}>`; } }; gl = Symbol.toStringTag; Ar[gl] = (r => (r.unit = null, r.ArrayType = Int32Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Date"))(Ar.prototype); var je = class extends F { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.unit = t, this.bitWidth = e; } get typeId() { return f.Time; } toString() { return `Time${this.bitWidth}<${X[this.unit]}>`; } get ArrayType() { switch (this.bitWidth) { case 32: return Int32Array; case 64: return BigInt64Array; } throw new Error(`Unrecognized ${this[Symbol.toStringTag]} type`); } }; wl = Symbol.toStringTag; je[wl] = (r => (r.unit = null, r.bitWidth = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Time"))(je.prototype); var Fr = class extends F { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.unit = t, this.timezone = e; } get typeId() { return f.Timestamp; } toString() { return `Timestamp<${X[this.unit]}${this.timezone ? `, ${this.timezone}` : ""}>`; } }; vl = Symbol.toStringTag; Fr[vl] = (r => (r.unit = null, r.timezone = null, r.ArrayType = Int32Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Timestamp"))(Fr.prototype); var xr = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.unit = t; } get typeId() { return f.Interval; } toString() { return `Interval<${re[this.unit]}>`; } }; Sl = Symbol.toStringTag; xr[Sl] = (r => (r.unit = null, r.ArrayType = Int32Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Interval"))(xr.prototype); var We = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.children = [t]; } get typeId() { return f.List; } toString() { return `List<${this.valueType}>`; } get valueType() { return this.children[0].type; } get valueField() { return this.children[0]; } get ArrayType() { return this.valueType.ArrayType; } }; Il = Symbol.toStringTag; We[Il] = (r => (r.children = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "List"))(We.prototype); var ut = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.children = t; } get typeId() { return f.Struct; } toString() { return `Struct<{${this.children.map(t => `${t.name}:${t.type}`).join(", ")}}>`; } }; Al = Symbol.toStringTag; ut[Al] = (r => (r.children = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Struct"))(ut.prototype); var $e = class extends F { constructor(t, e, n) { super(), this.mode = t, this.children = n, this.typeIds = e = Int32Array.from(e), this.typeIdToChildIndex = e.reduce((i, s, o) => (i[s] = o) && i || i, Object.create(null)); } get typeId() { return f.Union; } toString() { return `${this[Symbol.toStringTag]}<${this.children.map(t => `${t.type}`).join(" | ")}>`; } }; Fl = Symbol.toStringTag; $e[Fl] = (r => (r.mode = null, r.typeIds = null, r.children = null, r.typeIdToChildIndex = null, r.ArrayType = Int8Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Union"))($e.prototype); var Tr = class extends F { constructor(t) { super(), this.byteWidth = t; } get typeId() { return f.FixedSizeBinary; } toString() { return `FixedSizeBinary[${this.byteWidth}]`; } }; xl = Symbol.toStringTag; Tr[xl] = (r => (r.byteWidth = null, r.ArrayType = Uint8Array, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "FixedSizeBinary"))(Tr.prototype); var Ye = class extends F { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.listSize = t, this.children = [e]; } get typeId() { return f.FixedSizeList; } get valueType() { return this.children[0].type; } get valueField() { return this.children[0]; } get ArrayType() { return this.valueType.ArrayType; } toString() { return `FixedSizeList[${this.listSize}]<${this.valueType}>`; } }; Tl = Symbol.toStringTag; Ye[Tl] = (r => (r.children = null, r.listSize = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "FixedSizeList"))(Ye.prototype); var Xe = class extends F { constructor(t, e = !1) { super(), this.children = [t], this.keysSorted = e; } get typeId() { return f.Map; } get keyType() { return this.children[0].type.children[0].type; } get valueType() { return this.children[0].type.children[1].type; } get childType() { return this.children[0].type; } toString() { return `Map<{${this.children[0].type.children.map(t => `${t.name}:${t.type}`).join(", ")}}>`; } }; Bl = Symbol.toStringTag; Xe[Bl] = (r => (r.children = null, r.keysSorted = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Map_"))(Xe.prototype); var hp = (r => () => ++r)(-1), ve = class extends F { constructor(t, e, n, i) { super(), this.indices = e, this.dictionary = t, this.isOrdered = i || !1, this.id = n == null ? hp() : typeof n == "number" ? n : n.low; } get typeId() { return f.Dictionary; } get children() { return this.dictionary.children; } get valueType() { return this.dictionary; } get ArrayType() { return this.dictionary.ArrayType; } toString() { return `Dictionary<${this.indices}, ${this.dictionary}>`; } }; Dl = Symbol.toStringTag; ve[Dl] = (r => (r.id = null, r.indices = null, r.isOrdered = null, r.dictionary = null, r[Symbol.toStringTag] = "Dictionary"))(ve.prototype); function Se(r) { let t = r; switch (r.typeId) { case f.Decimal: return r.bitWidth / 32; case f.Timestamp: return 2; case f.Date: return 1 + t.unit; case f.Interval: return 1 + t.unit; case f.FixedSizeList: return t.listSize; case f.FixedSizeBinary: return t.byteWidth; default: return 1; } } var D = class { visitMany(t, ...e) { return t.map((n, i) => this.visit(n, ...e.map(s => s[i]))); } visit(...t) { return this.getVisitFn(t[0], !1).apply(this, t); } getVisitFn(t, e = !0) { return pp(this, t, e); } getVisitFnByTypeId(t, e = !0) { return Mn(this, t, e); } visitNull(t, ...e) { return null; } visitBool(t, ...e) { return null; } visitInt(t, ...e) { return null; } visitFloat(t, ...e) { return null; } visitUtf8(t, ...e) { return null; } visitBinary(t, ...e) { return null; } visitFixedSizeBinary(t, ...e) { return null; } visitDate(t, ...e) { return null; } visitTimestamp(t, ...e) { return null; } visitTime(t, ...e) { return null; } visitDecimal(t, ...e) { return null; } visitList(t, ...e) { return null; } visitStruct(t, ...e) { return null; } visitUnion(t, ...e) { return null; } visitDictionary(t, ...e) { return null; } visitInterval(t, ...e) { return null; } visitFixedSizeList(t, ...e) { return null; } visitMap(t, ...e) { return null; } }; function pp(r, t, e = !0) { return typeof t == "number" ? Mn(r, t, e) : typeof t == "string" && t in f ? Mn(r, f[t], e) : t && t instanceof F ? Mn(r, El(t), e) : (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) && t.type instanceof F ? Mn(r, El(t.type), e) : Mn(r, f.NONE, e); } function Mn(r, t, e = !0) { let n = null; switch (t) { case f.Null: n = r.visitNull; break; case f.Bool: n = r.visitBool; break; case f.Int: n = r.visitInt; break; case f.Int8: n = r.visitInt8 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Int16: n = r.visitInt16 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Int32: n = r.visitInt32 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Int64: n = r.visitInt64 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Uint8: n = r.visitUint8 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Uint16: n = r.visitUint16 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Uint32: n = r.visitUint32 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Uint64: n = r.visitUint64 || r.visitInt; break; case f.Float: n = r.visitFloat; break; case f.Float16: n = r.visitFloat16 || r.visitFloat; break; case f.Float32: n = r.visitFloat32 || r.visitFloat; break; case f.Float64: n = r.visitFloat64 || r.visitFloat; break; case f.Utf8: n = r.visitUtf8; break; case f.Binary: n = r.visitBinary; break; case f.FixedSizeBinary: n = r.visitFixedSizeBinary; break; case f.Date: n = r.visitDate; break; case f.DateDay: n = r.visitDateDay || r.visitDate; break; case f.DateMillisecond: n = r.visitDateMillisecond || r.visitDate; break; case f.Timestamp: n = r.visitTimestamp; break; case f.TimestampSecond: n = r.visitTimestampSecond || r.visitTimestamp; break; case f.TimestampMillisecond: n = r.visitTimestampMillisecond || r.visitTimestamp; break; case f.TimestampMicrosecond: n = r.visitTimestampMicrosecond || r.visitTimestamp; break; case f.TimestampNanosecond: n = r.visitTimestampNanosecond || r.visitTimestamp; break; case f.Time: n = r.visitTime; break; case f.TimeSecond: n = r.visitTimeSecond || r.visitTime; break; case f.TimeMillisecond: n = r.visitTimeMillisecond || r.visitTime; break; case f.TimeMicrosecond: n = r.visitTimeMicrosecond || r.visitTime; break; case f.TimeNanosecond: n = r.visitTimeNanosecond || r.visitTime; break; case f.Decimal: n = r.visitDecimal; break; case f.List: n = r.visitList; break; case f.Struct: n = r.visitStruct; break; case f.Union: n = r.visitUnion; break; case f.DenseUnion: n = r.visitDenseUnion || r.visitUnion; break; case f.SparseUnion: n = r.visitSparseUnion || r.visitUnion; break; case f.Dictionary: n = r.visitDictionary; break; case f.Interval: n = r.visitInterval; break; case f.IntervalDayTime: n = r.visitIntervalDayTime || r.visitInterval; break; case f.IntervalYearMonth: n = r.visitIntervalYearMonth || r.visitInterval; break; case f.FixedSizeList: n = r.visitFixedSizeList; break; case f.Map: n = r.visitMap; break; } if (typeof n == "function") return n; if (!e) return () => null; throw new Error(`Unrecognized type '${f[t]}'`); } function El(r) { switch (r.typeId) { case f.Null: return f.Null; case f.Int: { let { bitWidth: t, isSigned: e } = r; switch (t) { case 8: return e ? f.Int8 : f.Uint8; case 16: return e ? f.Int16 : f.Uint16; case 32: return e ? f.Int32 : f.Uint32; case 64: return e ? f.Int64 : f.Uint64; } return f.Int; } case f.Float: switch (r.precision) { case mt.HALF: return f.Float16; case mt.SINGLE: return f.Float32; case mt.DOUBLE: return f.Float64; } return f.Float; case f.Binary: return f.Binary; case f.Utf8: return f.Utf8; case f.Bool: return f.Bool; case f.Decimal: return f.Decimal; case f.Time: switch (r.unit) { case X.SECOND: return f.TimeSecond; case X.MILLISECOND: return f.TimeMillisecond; case X.MICROSECOND: return f.TimeMicrosecond; case X.NANOSECOND: return f.TimeNanosecond; } return f.Time; case f.Timestamp: switch (r.unit) { case X.SECOND: return f.TimestampSecond; case X.MILLISECOND: return f.TimestampMillisecond; case X.MICROSECOND: return f.TimestampMicrosecond; case X.NANOSECOND: return f.TimestampNanosecond; } return f.Timestamp; case f.Date: switch (r.unit) { case Yt.DAY: return f.DateDay; case Yt.MILLISECOND: return f.DateMillisecond; } return f.Date; case f.Interval: switch (r.unit) { case re.DAY_TIME: return f.IntervalDayTime; case re.YEAR_MONTH: return f.IntervalYearMonth; } return f.Interval; case f.Map: return f.Map; case f.List: return f.List; case f.Struct: return f.Struct; case f.Union: switch (r.mode) { case gt.Dense: return f.DenseUnion; case gt.Sparse: return f.SparseUnion; } return f.Union; case f.FixedSizeBinary: return f.FixedSizeBinary; case f.FixedSizeList: return f.FixedSizeList; case f.Dictionary: return f.Dictionary; } throw new Error(`Unrecognized type '${f[r.typeId]}'`); } D.prototype.visitInt8 = null; D.prototype.visitInt16 = null; D.prototype.visitInt32 = null; D.prototype.visitInt64 = null; D.prototype.visitUint8 = null; D.prototype.visitUint16 = null; D.prototype.visitUint32 = null; D.prototype.visitUint64 = null; D.prototype.visitFloat16 = null; D.prototype.visitFloat32 = null; D.prototype.visitFloat64 = null; D.prototype.visitDateDay = null; D.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimeSecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = null; D.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = null; D.prototype.visitDenseUnion = null; D.prototype.visitSparseUnion = null; D.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = null; D.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = null; var ma = {}; an(ma, { float64ToUint16: () => fi, uint16ToFloat64: () => Os }); var Ol = new Float64Array(1), Rn = new Uint32Array(Ol.buffer); function Os(r) { let t = (r & 31744) >> 10, e = (r & 1023) / 1024, n = Math.pow(-1, (r & 32768) >> 15); switch (t) { case 31: return n * (e ? Number.NaN : 1 / 0); case 0: return n * (e ? 6103515625e-14 * e : 0); } return n * Math.pow(2, t - 15) * (1 + e); } function fi(r) { if (r !== r) return 32256; Ol[0] = r; let t = (Rn[1] & 2147483648) >> 16 & 65535, e = Rn[1] & 2146435072, n = 0; return e >= 1089470464 ? Rn[0] > 0 ? e = 31744 : (e = (e & 2080374784) >> 16, n = (Rn[1] & 1048575) >> 10) : e <= 1056964608 ? (n = 1048576 + (Rn[1] & 1048575), n = 1048576 + (n << (e >> 20) - 998) >> 21, e = 0) : (e = e - 1056964608 >> 10, n = (Rn[1] & 1048575) + 512 >> 10), t | e | n & 65535; } var k = class extends D { }; function j(r) { return (t, e, n) => { if (t.setValid(e, n != null)) return r(t, e, n); }; } var mp = (r, t, e) => { r[t] = Math.trunc(e / 864e5); }, _a = (r, t, e) => { r[t] = Math.trunc(e % 4294967296), r[t + 1] = Math.trunc(e / 4294967296); }, _p = (r, t, e) => { r[t] = Math.trunc(e * 1e3 % 4294967296), r[t + 1] = Math.trunc(e * 1e3 / 4294967296); }, yp = (r, t, e) => { r[t] = Math.trunc(e * 1e6 % 4294967296), r[t + 1] = Math.trunc(e * 1e6 / 4294967296); }, Ml = (r, t, e, n) => { if (e + 1 < t.length) { let { [e]: i, [e + 1]: s } = t; r.set(n.subarray(0, s - i), i); } }, bp = ({ offset: r, values: t }, e, n) => { let i = r + e; n ? t[i >> 3] |= 1 << i % 8 : t[i >> 3] &= ~(1 << i % 8); }, Br = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, ya = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, Rl = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = fi(e); }, gp = (r, t, e) => { switch (r.type.precision) { case mt.HALF: return Rl(r, t, e); case mt.SINGLE: case mt.DOUBLE: return ya(r, t, e); } }, Ms = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { mp(r, t, e.valueOf()); }, Rs = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { _a(r, t * 2, e.valueOf()); }, ba = ({ stride: r, values: t }, e, n) => { t.set(n.subarray(0, r), r * e); }, wp = ({ values: r, valueOffsets: t }, e, n) => Ml(r, t, e, n), vp = ({ values: r, valueOffsets: t }, e, n) => { Ml(r, t, e, Vr(n)); }, ga = (r, t, e) => { r.type.unit === Yt.DAY ? Ms(r, t, e) : Rs(r, t, e); }, Us = ({ values: r }, t, e) => _a(r, t * 2, e / 1e3), Ns = ({ values: r }, t, e) => _a(r, t * 2, e), ks = ({ values: r }, t, e) => _p(r, t * 2, e), Ls = ({ values: r }, t, e) => yp(r, t * 2, e), wa = (r, t, e) => { switch (r.type.unit) { case X.SECOND: return Us(r, t, e); case X.MILLISECOND: return Ns(r, t, e); case X.MICROSECOND: return ks(r, t, e); case X.NANOSECOND: return Ls(r, t, e); } }, Cs = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, Ps = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, Vs = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, Hs = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e; }, va = (r, t, e) => { switch (r.type.unit) { case X.SECOND: return Cs(r, t, e); case X.MILLISECOND: return Ps(r, t, e); case X.MICROSECOND: return Vs(r, t, e); case X.NANOSECOND: return Hs(r, t, e); } }, Sa = ({ values: r, stride: t }, e, n) => { r.set(n.subarray(0, t), t * e); }, Sp = (r, t, e) => { let n = r.children[0], i = r.valueOffsets, s = Xt.getVisitFn(n); if (Array.isArray(e)) for (let o = -1, a = i[t], c = i[t + 1]; a < c;) s(n, a++, e[++o]); else for (let o = -1, a = i[t], c = i[t + 1]; a < c;) s(n, a++, e.get(++o)); }, Ip = (r, t, e) => { let n = r.children[0], { valueOffsets: i } = r, s = Xt.getVisitFn(n), { [t]: o, [t + 1]: a } = i, c = e instanceof Map ? e.entries() : Object.entries(e); for (let d of c) if (s(n, o, d), ++o >= a) break; }, Ap = (r, t) => (e, n, i, s) => n && e(n, r, t[s]), Fp = (r, t) => (e, n, i, s) => n && e(n, r, t.get(s)), xp = (r, t) => (e, n, i, s) => n && e(n, r, t.get(i.name)), Tp = (r, t) => (e, n, i, s) => n && e(n, r, t[i.name]), Bp = (r, t, e) => { let n = r.type.children.map(s => Xt.getVisitFn(s.type)), i = e instanceof Map ? xp(t, e) : e instanceof L ? Fp(t, e) : Array.isArray(e) ? Ap(t, e) : Tp(t, e); r.type.children.forEach((s, o) => i(n[o], r.children[o], s, o)); }, Dp = (r, t, e) => { r.type.mode === gt.Dense ? Ul(r, t, e) : Nl(r, t, e); }, Ul = (r, t, e) => { let n = r.type.typeIdToChildIndex[r.typeIds[t]], i = r.children[n]; Xt.visit(i, r.valueOffsets[t], e); }, Nl = (r, t, e) => { let n = r.type.typeIdToChildIndex[r.typeIds[t]], i = r.children[n]; Xt.visit(i, t, e); }, Ep = (r, t, e) => { var n; (n = r.dictionary) === null || n === void 0 || n.set(r.values[t], e); }, Ia = (r, t, e) => { r.type.unit === re.DAY_TIME ? zs(r, t, e) : js(r, t, e); }, zs = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r.set(e.subarray(0, 2), 2 * t); }, js = ({ values: r }, t, e) => { r[t] = e[0] * 12 + e[1] % 12; }, Op = (r, t, e) => { let { stride: n } = r, i = r.children[0], s = Xt.getVisitFn(i); if (Array.isArray(e)) for (let o = -1, a = t * n; ++o < n;) s(i, a + o, e[o]); else for (let o = -1, a = t * n; ++o < n;) s(i, a + o, e.get(o)); }; k.prototype.visitBool = j(bp); k.prototype.visitInt = j(Br); k.prototype.visitInt8 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitInt16 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitInt32 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitInt64 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitUint8 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitUint16 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitUint32 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitUint64 = j(Br); k.prototype.visitFloat = j(gp); k.prototype.visitFloat16 = j(Rl); k.prototype.visitFloat32 = j(ya); k.prototype.visitFloat64 = j(ya); k.prototype.visitUtf8 = j(vp); k.prototype.visitBinary = j(wp); k.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = j(ba); k.prototype.visitDate = j(ga); k.prototype.visitDateDay = j(Ms); k.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = j(Rs); k.prototype.visitTimestamp = j(wa); k.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = j(Us); k.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = j(Ns); k.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = j(ks); k.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = j(Ls); k.prototype.visitTime = j(va); k.prototype.visitTimeSecond = j(Cs); k.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = j(Ps); k.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = j(Vs); k.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = j(Hs); k.prototype.visitDecimal = j(Sa); k.prototype.visitList = j(Sp); k.prototype.visitStruct = j(Bp); k.prototype.visitUnion = j(Dp); k.prototype.visitDenseUnion = j(Ul); k.prototype.visitSparseUnion = j(Nl); k.prototype.visitDictionary = j(Ep); k.prototype.visitInterval = j(Ia); k.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = j(zs); k.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = j(js); k.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = j(Op); k.prototype.visitMap = j(Ip); var Xt = new k; var Ge = Symbol.for("parent"), Un = Symbol.for("rowIndex"), zr = class { constructor(t, e) { return this[Ge] = t, this[Un] = e, new Proxy(this, new Fa); } toArray() { return Object.values(this.toJSON()); } toJSON() { let t = this[Un], e = this[Ge], n = e.type.children, i = {}; for (let s = -1, o = n.length; ++s < o;) i[n[s].name] = Tt.visit(e.children[s], t); return i; } toString() { return `{${[...this].map(([t, e]) => `${He(t)}: ${He(e)}`).join(", ")}}`; } [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() { return this.toString(); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new Aa(this[Ge], this[Un]); } }, Aa = class { constructor(t, e) { this.childIndex = 0, this.children = t.children, this.rowIndex = e, this.childFields = t.type.children, this.numChildren = this.childFields.length; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } next() { let t = this.childIndex; return t < this.numChildren ? (this.childIndex = t + 1, { done: !1, value: [this.childFields[t].name, Tt.visit(this.children[t], this.rowIndex)] }) : { done: !0, value: null }; } }; Object.defineProperties(zr.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: "Row" }, [Ge]: { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: null }, [Un]: { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: -1 } }); var Fa = class { isExtensible() { return !1; } deleteProperty() { return !1; } preventExtensions() { return !0; } ownKeys(t) { return t[Ge].type.children.map(e => e.name); } has(t, e) { return t[Ge].type.children.findIndex(n => n.name === e) !== -1; } getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) { if (t[Ge].type.children.findIndex(n => n.name === e) !== -1) return { writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }; } get(t, e) { if (Reflect.has(t, e)) return t[e]; let n = t[Ge].type.children.findIndex(i => i.name === e); if (n !== -1) { let i = Tt.visit(t[Ge].children[n], t[Un]); return Reflect.set(t, e, i), i; } } set(t, e, n) { let i = t[Ge].type.children.findIndex(s => s.name === e); return i !== -1 ? (Xt.visit(t[Ge].children[i], t[Un], n), Reflect.set(t, e, n)) : Reflect.has(t, e) || typeof e == "symbol" ? Reflect.set(t, e, n) : !1; } }; var O = class extends D { }; function P(r) { return (t, e) => t.getValid(e) ? r(t, e) : null; } var Mp = (r, t) => 864e5 * r[t], xa = (r, t) => 4294967296 * r[t + 1] + (r[t] >>> 0), Rp = (r, t) => 4294967296 * (r[t + 1] / 1e3) + (r[t] >>> 0) / 1e3, Up = (r, t) => 4294967296 * (r[t + 1] / 1e6) + (r[t] >>> 0) / 1e6, kl = r => new Date(r), Np = (r, t) => kl(Mp(r, t)), kp = (r, t) => kl(xa(r, t)), Lp = (r, t) => null, Ll = (r, t, e) => { if (e + 1 >= t.length) return null; let n = t[e], i = t[e + 1]; return r.subarray(n, i); }, Cp = ({ offset: r, values: t }, e) => { let n = r + e; return (t[n >> 3] & 1 << n % 8) !== 0; }, Cl = ({ values: r }, t) => Np(r, t), Pl = ({ values: r }, t) => kp(r, t * 2), jr = ({ stride: r, values: t }, e) => t[r * e], Pp = ({ stride: r, values: t }, e) => Os(t[r * e]), Vl = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Vp = ({ stride: r, values: t }, e) => t.subarray(r * e, r * (e + 1)), Hp = ({ values: r, valueOffsets: t }, e) => Ll(r, t, e), zp = ({ values: r, valueOffsets: t }, e) => { let n = Ll(r, t, e); return n !== null ? ai(n) : null; }, jp = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Wp = ({ type: r, values: t }, e) => r.precision !== mt.HALF ? t[e] : Os(t[e]), $p = (r, t) => r.type.unit === Yt.DAY ? Cl(r, t) : Pl(r, t), Hl = ({ values: r }, t) => 1e3 * xa(r, t * 2), zl = ({ values: r }, t) => xa(r, t * 2), jl = ({ values: r }, t) => Rp(r, t * 2), Wl = ({ values: r }, t) => Up(r, t * 2), Yp = (r, t) => { switch (r.type.unit) { case X.SECOND: return Hl(r, t); case X.MILLISECOND: return zl(r, t); case X.MICROSECOND: return jl(r, t); case X.NANOSECOND: return Wl(r, t); } }, $l = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Yl = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Xl = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Gl = ({ values: r }, t) => r[t], Xp = (r, t) => { switch (r.type.unit) { case X.SECOND: return $l(r, t); case X.MILLISECOND: return Yl(r, t); case X.MICROSECOND: return Xl(r, t); case X.NANOSECOND: return Gl(r, t); } }, Gp = ({ values: r, stride: t }, e) => ln.decimal(r.subarray(t * e, t * (e + 1))), Kp = (r, t) => { let { valueOffsets: e, stride: n, children: i } = r, { [t * n]: s, [t * n + 1]: o } = e, c = i[0].slice(s, o - s); return new L([c]); }, Jp = (r, t) => { let { valueOffsets: e, children: n } = r, { [t]: i, [t + 1]: s } = e, o = n[0]; return new nr(o.slice(i, s - i)); }, qp = (r, t) => new zr(r, t), Zp = (r, t) => r.type.mode === gt.Dense ? Kl(r, t) : Jl(r, t), Kl = (r, t) => { let e = r.type.typeIdToChildIndex[r.typeIds[t]], n = r.children[e]; return Tt.visit(n, r.valueOffsets[t]); }, Jl = (r, t) => { let e = r.type.typeIdToChildIndex[r.typeIds[t]], n = r.children[e]; return Tt.visit(n, t); }, Qp = (r, t) => { var e; return (e = r.dictionary) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.get(r.values[t]); }, tm = (r, t) => r.type.unit === re.DAY_TIME ? ql(r, t) : Zl(r, t), ql = ({ values: r }, t) => r.subarray(2 * t, 2 * (t + 1)), Zl = ({ values: r }, t) => { let e = r[t], n = new Int32Array(2); return n[0] = Math.trunc(e / 12), n[1] = Math.trunc(e % 12), n; }, em = (r, t) => { let { stride: e, children: n } = r, s = n[0].slice(t * e, e); return new L([s]); }; O.prototype.visitNull = P(Lp); O.prototype.visitBool = P(Cp); O.prototype.visitInt = P(jp); O.prototype.visitInt8 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitInt16 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitInt32 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitInt64 = P(Vl); O.prototype.visitUint8 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitUint16 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitUint32 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitUint64 = P(Vl); O.prototype.visitFloat = P(Wp); O.prototype.visitFloat16 = P(Pp); O.prototype.visitFloat32 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitFloat64 = P(jr); O.prototype.visitUtf8 = P(zp); O.prototype.visitBinary = P(Hp); O.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = P(Vp); O.prototype.visitDate = P($p); O.prototype.visitDateDay = P(Cl); O.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = P(Pl); O.prototype.visitTimestamp = P(Yp); O.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = P(Hl); O.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = P(zl); O.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = P(jl); O.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = P(Wl); O.prototype.visitTime = P(Xp); O.prototype.visitTimeSecond = P($l); O.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = P(Yl); O.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = P(Xl); O.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = P(Gl); O.prototype.visitDecimal = P(Gp); O.prototype.visitList = P(Kp); O.prototype.visitStruct = P(qp); O.prototype.visitUnion = P(Zp); O.prototype.visitDenseUnion = P(Kl); O.prototype.visitSparseUnion = P(Jl); O.prototype.visitDictionary = P(Qp); O.prototype.visitInterval = P(tm); O.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = P(ql); O.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = P(Zl); O.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = P(em); O.prototype.visitMap = P(Jp); var Tt = new O; var Me = Symbol.for("keys"), Nn = Symbol.for("vals"), nr = class { constructor(t) { return this[Me] = new L([t.children[0]]).memoize(), this[Nn] = t.children[1], new Proxy(this, new Ba); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return new Ta(this[Me], this[Nn]); } get size() { return this[Me].length; } toArray() { return Object.values(this.toJSON()); } toJSON() { let t = this[Me], e = this[Nn], n = {}; for (let i = -1, s = t.length; ++i < s;) n[t.get(i)] = Tt.visit(e, i); return n; } toString() { return `{${[...this].map(([t, e]) => `${He(t)}: ${He(e)}`).join(", ")}}`; } [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]() { return this.toString(); } }, Ta = class { constructor(t, e) { this.keys = t, this.vals = e, this.keyIndex = 0, this.numKeys = t.length; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } next() { let t = this.keyIndex; return t === this.numKeys ? { done: !0, value: null } : (this.keyIndex++, { done: !1, value: [this.keys.get(t), Tt.visit(this.vals, t)] }); } }, Ba = class { isExtensible() { return !1; } deleteProperty() { return !1; } preventExtensions() { return !0; } ownKeys(t) { return t[Me].toArray().map(String); } has(t, e) { return t[Me].includes(e); } getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e) { if (t[Me].indexOf(e) !== -1) return { writable: !0, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }; } get(t, e) { if (Reflect.has(t, e)) return t[e]; let n = t[Me].indexOf(e); if (n !== -1) { let i = Tt.visit(Reflect.get(t, Nn), n); return Reflect.set(t, e, i), i; } } set(t, e, n) { let i = t[Me].indexOf(e); return i !== -1 ? (Xt.visit(Reflect.get(t, Nn), i, n), Reflect.set(t, e, n)) : Reflect.has(t, e) ? Reflect.set(t, e, n) : !1; } }; Object.defineProperties(nr.prototype, { [Symbol.toStringTag]: { enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: "Row" }, [Me]: { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: null }, [Nn]: { writable: !0, enumerable: !1, configurable: !1, value: null } }); function rm(r, t, e) { let n = r.length, i = t > -1 ? t : n + t % n; return e ? e(r, i) : i; } var Ql; function hi(r, t, e, n) { let { length: i = 0 } = r, s = typeof t != "number" ? 0 : t, o = typeof e != "number" ? i : e; return s < 0 && (s = (s % i + i) % i), o < 0 && (o = (o % i + i) % i), o < s && (Ql = s, s = o, o = Ql), o > i && (o = i), n ? n(r, s, o) : [s, o]; } var tu = r => r !== r; function Wr(r) { if (typeof r !== "object" || r === null) return tu(r) ? tu : e => e === r; if (r instanceof Date) { let e = r.valueOf(); return n => n instanceof Date ? n.valueOf() === e : !1; } return ArrayBuffer.isView(r) ? e => e ? la(r, e) : !1 : r instanceof Map ? im(r) : Array.isArray(r) ? nm(r) : r instanceof L ? sm(r) : om(r, !0); } function nm(r) { let t = []; for (let e = -1, n = r.length; ++e < n;) t[e] = Wr(r[e]); return Ws(t); } function im(r) { let t = -1, e = []; for (let n of r.values()) e[++t] = Wr(n); return Ws(e); } function sm(r) { let t = []; for (let e = -1, n = r.length; ++e < n;) t[e] = Wr(r.get(e)); return Ws(t); } function om(r, t = !1) { let e = Object.keys(r); if (!t && e.length === 0) return () => !1; let n = []; for (let i = -1, s = e.length; ++i < s;) n[i] = Wr(r[e[i]]); return Ws(n, e); } function Ws(r, t) { return e => { if (!e || typeof e != "object") return !1; switch (e.constructor) { case Array: return am(r, e); case Map: return eu(r, e, e.keys()); case nr: case zr: case Object: case void 0: return eu(r, e, t || Object.keys(e)); } return e instanceof L ? cm(r, e) : !1; }; } function am(r, t) { let e = r.length; if (t.length !== e) return !1; for (let n = -1; ++n < e;) if (!r[n](t[n])) return !1; return !0; } function cm(r, t) { let e = r.length; if (t.length !== e) return !1; for (let n = -1; ++n < e;) if (!r[n](t.get(n))) return !1; return !0; } function eu(r, t, e) { let n = e[Symbol.iterator](), i = t instanceof Map ? t.keys() : Object.keys(t)[Symbol.iterator](), s = t instanceof Map ? t.values() : Object.values(t)[Symbol.iterator](), o = 0, a = r.length, c = s.next(), d = n.next(), p = i.next(); for (; o < a && !d.done && !p.done && !c.done && !(d.value !== p.value || !r[o](c.value)); ++o, d = n.next(), p = i.next(), c = s.next()) ; return o === a && d.done && p.done && c.done ? !0 : (n.return && n.return(), i.return && i.return(), s.return && s.return(), !1); } var Ea = {}; an(Ea, { BitIterator: () => un, getBit: () => ru, getBool: () => Ys, packBools: () => dn, popcnt_array: () => nu, popcnt_bit_range: () => pi, popcnt_uint32: () => $s, setBool: () => lm, truncateBitmap: () => kn }); function Ys(r, t, e, n) { return (e & 1 << n) !== 0; } function ru(r, t, e, n) { return (e & 1 << n) >> n; } function lm(r, t, e) { return e ? !!(r[t >> 3] |= 1 << t % 8) || !0 : !(r[t >> 3] &= ~(1 << t % 8)) && !1; } function kn(r, t, e) { let n = e.byteLength + 7 & -8; if (r > 0 || e.byteLength < n) { let i = new Uint8Array(n); return i.set(r % 8 === 0 ? e.subarray(r >> 3) : dn(new un(e, r, t, null, Ys)).subarray(0, n)), i; } return e; } function dn(r) { let t = [], e = 0, n = 0, i = 0; for (let o of r) o && (i |= 1 << n), ++n === 8 && (t[e++] = i, i = n = 0); (e === 0 || n > 0) && (t[e++] = i); let s = new Uint8Array(t.length + 7 & -8); return s.set(t), s; } var un = class { constructor(t, e, n, i, s) { this.bytes = t, this.length = n, this.context = i, this.get = s, this.bit = e % 8, this.byteIndex = e >> 3, this.byte = t[this.byteIndex++], this.index = 0; } next() { return this.index < this.length ? (this.bit === 8 && (this.bit = 0, this.byte = this.bytes[this.byteIndex++]), { value: this.get(this.context, this.index++, this.byte, this.bit++) }) : { done: !0, value: null }; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; function pi(r, t, e) { if (e - t <= 0) return 0; if (e - t < 8) { let s = 0; for (let o of new un(r, t, e - t, r, ru)) s += o; return s; } let n = e >> 3 << 3, i = t + (t % 8 === 0 ? 0 : 8 - t % 8); return pi(r, t, i) + pi(r, n, e) + nu(r, i >> 3, n - i >> 3); } function nu(r, t, e) { let n = 0, i = Math.trunc(t), s = new DataView(r.buffer, r.byteOffset, r.byteLength), o = e === void 0 ? r.byteLength : i + e; for (; o - i >= 4;) n += $s(s.getUint32(i)), i += 4; for (; o - i >= 2;) n += $s(s.getUint16(i)), i += 2; for (; o - i >= 1;) n += $s(s.getUint8(i)), i += 1; return n; } function $s(r) { let t = Math.trunc(r); return t = t - (t >>> 1 & 1431655765), t = (t & 858993459) + (t >>> 2 & 858993459), (t + (t >>> 4) & 252645135) * 16843009 >>> 24; } var um = -1, et = class { constructor(t, e, n, i, s, o = [], a) { this.type = t, this.children = o, this.dictionary = a, this.offset = Math.floor(Math.max(e || 0, 0)), this.length = Math.floor(Math.max(n || 0, 0)), this._nullCount = Math.floor(Math.max(i || 0, -1)); let c; s instanceof et ? (this.stride = s.stride, this.values = s.values, this.typeIds = s.typeIds, this.nullBitmap = s.nullBitmap, this.valueOffsets = s.valueOffsets) : (this.stride = Se(t), s && ((c = s[0]) && (this.valueOffsets = c), (c = s[1]) && (this.values = c), (c = s[2]) && (this.nullBitmap = c), (c = s[3]) && (this.typeIds = c))), this.nullable = this._nullCount !== 0 && this.nullBitmap && this.nullBitmap.byteLength > 0; } get typeId() { return this.type.typeId; } get ArrayType() { return this.type.ArrayType; } get buffers() { return [this.valueOffsets, this.values, this.nullBitmap, this.typeIds]; } get byteLength() { let t = 0, { valueOffsets: e, values: n, nullBitmap: i, typeIds: s } = this; return e && (t += e.byteLength), n && (t += n.byteLength), i && (t += i.byteLength), s && (t += s.byteLength), this.children.reduce((o, a) => o + a.byteLength, t); } get nullCount() { let t = this._nullCount, e; return t <= um && (e = this.nullBitmap) && (this._nullCount = t = this.length - pi(e, this.offset, this.offset + this.length)), t; } getValid(t) { if (this.nullable && this.nullCount > 0) { let e = this.offset + t; return (this.nullBitmap[e >> 3] & 1 << e % 8) !== 0; } return !0; } setValid(t, e) { if (!this.nullable) return e; if (!this.nullBitmap || this.nullBitmap.byteLength <= t >> 3) { let { nullBitmap: c } = this._changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(this.length); Object.assign(this, { nullBitmap: c, _nullCount: 0 }); } let { nullBitmap: n, offset: i } = this, s = i + t >> 3, o = (i + t) % 8, a = n[s] >> o & 1; return e ? a === 0 && (n[s] |= 1 << o, this._nullCount = this.nullCount + 1) : a === 1 && (n[s] &= ~(1 << o), this._nullCount = this.nullCount - 1), e; } clone(t = this.type, e = this.offset, n = this.length, i = this._nullCount, s = this, o = this.children) { return new et(t, e, n, i, s, o, this.dictionary); } slice(t, e) { let { stride: n, typeId: i, children: s } = this, o = +(this._nullCount === 0) - 1, a = i === 16 ? n : 1, c = this._sliceBuffers(t, e, n, i); return this.clone(this.type, this.offset + t, e, o, c, s.length === 0 || this.valueOffsets ? s : this._sliceChildren(s, a * t, a * e)); } _changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(t) { if (this.typeId === f.Null) return this.clone(this.type, 0, t, 0); let { length: e, nullCount: n } = this, i = new Uint8Array((t + 63 & -64) >> 3).fill(255, 0, e >> 3); i[e >> 3] = (1 << e - (e & -8)) - 1, n > 0 && i.set(kn(this.offset, e, this.nullBitmap), 0); let s = this.buffers; return s[Oe.VALIDITY] = i, this.clone(this.type, 0, t, n + (t - e), s); } _sliceBuffers(t, e, n, i) { let s, { buffers: o } = this; return (s = o[Oe.TYPE]) && (o[Oe.TYPE] = s.subarray(t, t + e)), (s = o[Oe.OFFSET]) && (o[Oe.OFFSET] = s.subarray(t, t + e + 1)) || (s = o[Oe.DATA]) && (o[Oe.DATA] = i === 6 ? s : s.subarray(n * t, n * (t + e))), o; } _sliceChildren(t, e, n) { return t.map(i => i.slice(e, n)); } }; et.prototype.children = Object.freeze([]); var fn = class extends D { visit(t) { return this.getVisitFn(t.type).call(this, t); } visitNull(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["length"]: i = 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, i, 0); } visitBool(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length >> 3, ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitInt(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length, ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitFloat(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length, ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitUtf8(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.data), s = N(t.nullBitmap), o = cn(t.valueOffsets), { ["length"]: a = o.length - 1, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, a, c, [o, i, s]); } visitBinary(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.data), s = N(t.nullBitmap), o = cn(t.valueOffsets), { ["length"]: a = o.length - 1, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, a, c, [o, i, s]); } visitFixedSizeBinary(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitDate(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitTimestamp(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitTime(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitDecimal(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitList(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["child"]: i } = t, s = N(t.nullBitmap), o = cn(t.valueOffsets), { ["length"]: a = o.length - 1, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, a, c, [o, void 0, s], [i]); } visitStruct(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["children"]: i = [] } = t, s = N(t.nullBitmap), { length: o = i.reduce((c, { length: d }) => Math.max(c, d), 0), nullCount: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, void 0, s], i); } visitUnion(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["children"]: i = [] } = t, s = N(t.nullBitmap), o = $(e.ArrayType, t.typeIds), { ["length"]: a = o.length, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; if (F.isSparseUnion(e)) return new et(e, n, a, c, [void 0, void 0, s, o], i); let d = cn(t.valueOffsets); return new et(e, n, a, c, [d, void 0, s, o], i); } visitDictionary(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.indices.ArrayType, t.data), { ["dictionary"]: o = new L([new fn().visit({ type: e.dictionary })]) } = t, { ["length"]: a = s.length, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, a, c, [void 0, s, i], [], o); } visitInterval(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0 } = t, i = N(t.nullBitmap), s = $(e.ArrayType, t.data), { ["length"]: o = s.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, s, i]); } visitFixedSizeList(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["child"]: i = new fn().visit({ type: e.valueType }) } = t, s = N(t.nullBitmap), { ["length"]: o = i.length / Se(e), ["nullCount"]: a = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, o, a, [void 0, void 0, s], [i]); } visitMap(t) { let { ["type"]: e, ["offset"]: n = 0, ["child"]: i = new fn().visit({ type: e.childType }) } = t, s = N(t.nullBitmap), o = cn(t.valueOffsets), { ["length"]: a = o.length - 1, ["nullCount"]: c = t.nullBitmap ? -1 : 0 } = t; return new et(e, n, a, c, [o, void 0, s], [i]); } }; function C(r) { return new fn().visit(r); } var mi = class { constructor(t = 0, e) { this.numChunks = t, this.getChunkIterator = e, this.chunkIndex = 0, this.chunkIterator = this.getChunkIterator(0); } next() { for (; this.chunkIndex < this.numChunks;) { let t = this.chunkIterator.next(); if (!t.done) return t; ++this.chunkIndex < this.numChunks && (this.chunkIterator = this.getChunkIterator(this.chunkIndex)); } return { done: !0, value: null }; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; function Xs(r) { return r.reduce((t, e) => t + e.nullCount, 0); } function Gs(r) { return r.reduce((t, e, n) => (t[n + 1] = t[n] + e.length, t), new Uint32Array(r.length + 1)); } function Ks(r, t, e, n) { let i = []; for (let s = -1, o = r.length; ++s < o;) { let a = r[s], c = t[s], { length: d } = a; if (c >= n) break; if (e >= c + d) continue; if (c >= e && c + d <= n) { i.push(a); continue; } let p = Math.max(0, e - c), b = Math.min(n - c, d); i.push(a.slice(p, b - p)); } return i.length === 0 && i.push(r[0].slice(0, 0)), i; } function Oa(r, t, e, n) { let i = 0, s = 0, o = t.length - 1; do { if (i >= o - 1) return e < t[o] ? n(r, i, e - t[i]) : null; s = i + Math.trunc((o - i) * .5), e < t[s] ? o = s : i = s; } while (i < o); } function _i(r, t) { return r.getValid(t); } function $r(r) { function t(e, n, i) { return r(e[n], i); } return function (e) { let n = this.data; return Oa(n, this._offsets, e, t); }; } function Js(r) { let t; function e(n, i, s) { return r(n[i], s, t); } return function (n, i) { let s = this.data; t = i; let o = Oa(s, this._offsets, n, e); return t = void 0, o; }; } function qs(r) { let t; function e(n, i, s) { let o = s, a = 0, c = 0; for (let d = i - 1, p = n.length; ++d < p;) { let b = n[d]; if (~(a = r(b, t, o))) return c + a; o = 0, c += b.length; } return -1; } return function (n, i) { t = n; let s = this.data, o = typeof i != "number" ? e(s, 0, 0) : Oa(s, this._offsets, i, e); return t = void 0, o; }; } var M = class extends D { }; function dm(r, t) { return t === null && r.length > 0 ? 0 : -1; } function fm(r, t) { let { nullBitmap: e } = r; if (!e || r.nullCount <= 0) return -1; let n = 0; for (let i of new un(e, r.offset + (t || 0), r.length, e, Ys)) { if (!i) return n; ++n; } return -1; } function Y(r, t, e) { if (t === void 0) return -1; if (t === null) return fm(r, e); let n = Tt.getVisitFn(r), i = Wr(t); for (let s = (e || 0) - 1, o = r.length; ++s < o;) if (i(n(r, s))) return s; return -1; } function iu(r, t, e) { let n = Tt.getVisitFn(r), i = Wr(t); for (let s = (e || 0) - 1, o = r.length; ++s < o;) if (i(n(r, s))) return s; return -1; } M.prototype.visitNull = dm; M.prototype.visitBool = Y; M.prototype.visitInt = Y; M.prototype.visitInt8 = Y; M.prototype.visitInt16 = Y; M.prototype.visitInt32 = Y; M.prototype.visitInt64 = Y; M.prototype.visitUint8 = Y; M.prototype.visitUint16 = Y; M.prototype.visitUint32 = Y; M.prototype.visitUint64 = Y; M.prototype.visitFloat = Y; M.prototype.visitFloat16 = Y; M.prototype.visitFloat32 = Y; M.prototype.visitFloat64 = Y; M.prototype.visitUtf8 = Y; M.prototype.visitBinary = Y; M.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = Y; M.prototype.visitDate = Y; M.prototype.visitDateDay = Y; M.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimestamp = Y; M.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTime = Y; M.prototype.visitTimeSecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = Y; M.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = Y; M.prototype.visitDecimal = Y; M.prototype.visitList = Y; M.prototype.visitStruct = Y; M.prototype.visitUnion = Y; M.prototype.visitDenseUnion = iu; M.prototype.visitSparseUnion = iu; M.prototype.visitDictionary = Y; M.prototype.visitInterval = Y; M.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = Y; M.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = Y; M.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = Y; M.prototype.visitMap = Y; var hn = new M; var R = class extends D { }; function V(r) { let { type: t } = r; if (r.nullCount === 0 && r.stride === 1 && (t.typeId === f.Timestamp || t instanceof At && t.bitWidth !== 64 || t instanceof je && t.bitWidth !== 64 || t instanceof ce && t.precision !== mt.HALF)) return new mi(r.data.length, n => { let i = r.data[n]; return i.values.subarray(0, i.length)[Symbol.iterator](); }); let e = 0; return new mi(r.data.length, n => { let s = r.data[n].length, o = r.slice(e, e + s); return e += s, new Ma(o); }); } var Ma = class { constructor(t) { this.vector = t, this.index = 0; } next() { return this.index < this.vector.length ? { value: this.vector.get(this.index++) } : { done: !0, value: null }; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }; R.prototype.visitNull = V; R.prototype.visitBool = V; R.prototype.visitInt = V; R.prototype.visitInt8 = V; R.prototype.visitInt16 = V; R.prototype.visitInt32 = V; R.prototype.visitInt64 = V; R.prototype.visitUint8 = V; R.prototype.visitUint16 = V; R.prototype.visitUint32 = V; R.prototype.visitUint64 = V; R.prototype.visitFloat = V; R.prototype.visitFloat16 = V; R.prototype.visitFloat32 = V; R.prototype.visitFloat64 = V; R.prototype.visitUtf8 = V; R.prototype.visitBinary = V; R.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = V; R.prototype.visitDate = V; R.prototype.visitDateDay = V; R.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimestamp = V; R.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = V; R.prototype.visitTime = V; R.prototype.visitTimeSecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = V; R.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = V; R.prototype.visitDecimal = V; R.prototype.visitList = V; R.prototype.visitStruct = V; R.prototype.visitUnion = V; R.prototype.visitDenseUnion = V; R.prototype.visitSparseUnion = V; R.prototype.visitDictionary = V; R.prototype.visitInterval = V; R.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = V; R.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = V; R.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = V; R.prototype.visitMap = V; var Ln = new R; var hm = (r, t) => r + t, ir = class extends D { visitNull(t, e) { return 0; } visitInt(t, e) { return t.type.bitWidth / 8; } visitFloat(t, e) { return t.type.ArrayType.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT; } visitBool(t, e) { return 1 / 8; } visitDecimal(t, e) { return t.type.bitWidth / 8; } visitDate(t, e) { return (t.type.unit + 1) * 4; } visitTime(t, e) { return t.type.bitWidth / 8; } visitTimestamp(t, e) { return t.type.unit === X.SECOND ? 4 : 8; } visitInterval(t, e) { return (t.type.unit + 1) * 4; } visitStruct(t, e) { return t.children.reduce((n, i) => n + Ie.visit(i, e), 0); } visitFixedSizeBinary(t, e) { return t.type.byteWidth; } visitMap(t, e) { return 8 + t.children.reduce((n, i) => n + Ie.visit(i, e), 0); } visitDictionary(t, e) { var n; return t.type.indices.bitWidth / 8 + (((n = t.dictionary) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getByteLength(t.values[e])) || 0); } }, pm = ({ valueOffsets: r }, t) => 8 + (r[t + 1] - r[t]), mm = ({ valueOffsets: r }, t) => 8 + (r[t + 1] - r[t]), _m = ({ valueOffsets: r, stride: t, children: e }, n) => { let i = e[0], { [n * t]: s } = r, { [n * t + 1]: o } = r, a = Ie.getVisitFn(i.type), c = i.slice(s, o - s), d = 8; for (let p = -1, b = o - s; ++p < b;) d += a(c, p); return d; }, ym = ({ stride: r, children: t }, e) => { let n = t[0], i = n.slice(e * r, r), s = Ie.getVisitFn(n.type), o = 0; for (let a = -1, c = i.length; ++a < c;) o += s(i, a); return o; }, bm = (r, t) => r.type.mode === gt.Dense ? su(r, t) : ou(r, t), su = ({ type: r, children: t, typeIds: e, valueOffsets: n }, i) => { let s = r.typeIdToChildIndex[e[i]]; return 8 + Ie.visit(t[s], n[i]); }, ou = ({ children: r }, t) => 4 + Ie.visitMany(r, r.map(() => t)).reduce(hm, 0); ir.prototype.visitUtf8 = pm; ir.prototype.visitBinary = mm; ir.prototype.visitList = _m; ir.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = ym; ir.prototype.visitUnion = bm; ir.prototype.visitDenseUnion = su; ir.prototype.visitSparseUnion = ou; var Ie = new ir; var au, cu = {}, lu = {}, L = class { constructor(t) { var e, n, i; let s = t[0] instanceof L ? t.flatMap(a => a.data) : t; if (s.length === 0 || s.some(a => !(a instanceof et))) throw new TypeError("Vector constructor expects an Array of Data instances."); let o = (e = s[0]) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.type; switch (s.length) { case 0: this._offsets = [0]; break; case 1: { let { get: a, set: c, indexOf: d, byteLength: p } = cu[o.typeId], b = s[0]; this.isValid = _ => _i(b, _), this.get = _ => a(b, _), this.set = (_, S) => c(b, _, S), this.indexOf = _ => d(b, _), this.getByteLength = _ => p(b, _), this._offsets = [0, b.length]; break; } default: Object.setPrototypeOf(this, lu[o.typeId]), this._offsets = Gs(s); break; } this.data = s, this.type = o, this.stride = Se(o), this.numChildren = (i = (n = o.children) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.length) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : 0, this.length = this._offsets[this._offsets.length - 1]; } get byteLength() { return this._byteLength === -1 && (this._byteLength = this.data.reduce((t, e) => t + e.byteLength, 0)), this._byteLength; } get nullCount() { return this._nullCount === -1 && (this._nullCount = Xs(this.data)), this._nullCount; } get ArrayType() { return this.type.ArrayType; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return `${this.VectorName}<${this.type[Symbol.toStringTag]}>`; } get VectorName() { return `${f[this.type.typeId]}Vector`; } isValid(t) { return !1; } get(t) { return null; } set(t, e) { } indexOf(t, e) { return -1; } includes(t, e) { return this.indexOf(t, e) > 0; } getByteLength(t) { return 0; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return Ln.visit(this); } concat(...t) { return new L(this.data.concat(t.flatMap(e => e.data).flat(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY))); } slice(t, e) { return new L(hi(this, t, e, ({ data: n, _offsets: i }, s, o) => Ks(n, i, s, o))); } toJSON() { return [...this]; } toArray() { let { type: t, data: e, length: n, stride: i, ArrayType: s } = this; switch (t.typeId) { case f.Int: case f.Float: case f.Decimal: case f.Time: case f.Timestamp: switch (e.length) { case 0: return new s; case 1: return e[0].values.subarray(0, n * i); default: return e.reduce((o, { values: a }) => (o.array.set(a, o.offset), o.offset += a.length, o), { array: new s(n * i), offset: 0 }).array; } } return [...this]; } toString() { return `[${[...this].join(",")}]`; } getChild(t) { var e; return this.getChildAt((e = this.type.children) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.findIndex(n => n.name === t)); } getChildAt(t) { return t > -1 && t < this.numChildren ? new L(this.data.map(({ children: e }) => e[t])) : null; } get isMemoized() { return F.isDictionary(this.type) ? this.data[0].dictionary.isMemoized : !1; } memoize() { if (F.isDictionary(this.type)) { let t = new Cn(this.data[0].dictionary), e = this.data.map(n => { let i = n.clone(); return i.dictionary = t, i; }); return new L(e); } return new Cn(this); } unmemoize() { if (F.isDictionary(this.type) && this.isMemoized) { let t = this.data[0].dictionary.unmemoize(), e = this.data.map(n => { let i = n.clone(); return i.dictionary = t, i; }); return new L(e); } return this; } }; au = Symbol.toStringTag; L[au] = (r => { r.type = F.prototype, r.data = [], r.length = 0, r.stride = 1, r.numChildren = 0, r._nullCount = -1, r._byteLength = -1, r._offsets = new Uint32Array([0]), r[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = !0; let t = Object.keys(f).map(e => f[e]).filter(e => typeof e == "number" && e !== f.NONE); for (let e of t) { let n = Tt.getVisitFnByTypeId(e), i = Xt.getVisitFnByTypeId(e), s = hn.getVisitFnByTypeId(e), o = Ie.getVisitFnByTypeId(e); cu[e] = { get: n, set: i, indexOf: s, byteLength: o }, lu[e] = Object.create(r, { isValid: { value: $r(_i) }, get: { value: $r(Tt.getVisitFnByTypeId(e)) }, set: { value: Js(Xt.getVisitFnByTypeId(e)) }, indexOf: { value: qs(hn.getVisitFnByTypeId(e)) }, getByteLength: { value: $r(Ie.getVisitFnByTypeId(e)) } }); } return "Vector"; })(L.prototype); var Cn = class extends L { constructor(t) { super(t.data); let e = this.get, n = this.set, i = this.slice, s = new Array(this.length); Object.defineProperty(this, "get", { value(o) { let a = s[o]; if (a !== void 0) return a; let c = e.call(this, o); return s[o] = c, c; } }), Object.defineProperty(this, "set", { value(o, a) { n.call(this, o, a), s[o] = a; } }), Object.defineProperty(this, "slice", { value: (o, a) => new Cn(i.call(this, o, a)) }), Object.defineProperty(this, "isMemoized", { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(this, "unmemoize", { value: () => new L(this.data) }), Object.defineProperty(this, "memoize", { value: () => this }); } }; function uu(r) { if (!r || r.length <= 0) return function (i) { return !0; }; let t = "", e = r.filter(n => n === n); return e.length > 0 && (t = ` switch (x) {${e.map(n => ` case ${gm(n)}:`).join("")} return false; }`), r.length !== e.length && (t = `if (x !== x) return false; ${t}`), new Function("x", `${t} return true;`); } function gm(r) { return typeof r != "bigint" ? He(r) : fs ? `${He(r)}n` : `"${He(r)}"`; } var Ra = (r, t) => (r * t + 63 & -64 || 64) / t, wm = (r, t = 0) => r.length >= t ? r.subarray(0, t) : Dn(new r.constructor(t), r, 0), Yr = class { constructor(t, e = 1) { this.buffer = t, this.stride = e, this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, this.ArrayType = t.constructor, this._resize(this.length = Math.trunc(t.length / e)); } get byteLength() { return Math.trunc(this.length * this.stride * this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); } get reservedLength() { return this.buffer.length / this.stride; } get reservedByteLength() { return this.buffer.byteLength; } set(t, e) { return this; } append(t) { return this.set(this.length, t); } reserve(t) { if (t > 0) { this.length += t; let e = this.stride, n = this.length * e, i = this.buffer.length; n >= i && this._resize(i === 0 ? Ra(n * 1, this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT) : Ra(n * 2, this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)); } return this; } flush(t = this.length) { t = Ra(t * this.stride, this.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); let e = wm(this.buffer, t); return this.clear(), e; } clear() { return this.length = 0, this._resize(0), this; } _resize(t) { return this.buffer = Dn(new this.ArrayType(t), this.buffer); } }; Yr.prototype.offset = 0; var Dr = class extends Yr { last() { return this.get(this.length - 1); } get(t) { return this.buffer[t]; } set(t, e) { return this.reserve(t - this.length + 1), this.buffer[t * this.stride] = e, this; } }, Pn = class extends Dr { constructor(t = new Uint8Array(0)) { super(t, 1 / 8), this.numValid = 0; } get numInvalid() { return this.length - this.numValid; } get(t) { return this.buffer[t >> 3] >> t % 8 & 1; } set(t, e) { let { buffer: n } = this.reserve(t - this.length + 1), i = t >> 3, s = t % 8, o = n[i] >> s & 1; return e ? o === 0 && (n[i] |= 1 << s, ++this.numValid) : o === 1 && (n[i] &= ~(1 << s), --this.numValid), this; } clear() { return this.numValid = 0, super.clear(); } }, Vn = class extends Dr { constructor(t = new Int32Array(1)) { super(t, 1); } append(t) { return this.set(this.length - 1, t); } set(t, e) { let n = this.length - 1, i = this.reserve(t - n + 1).buffer; return n < t++ && i.fill(i[n], n, t), i[t] = i[t - 1] + e, this; } flush(t = this.length - 1) { return t > this.length && this.set(t - 1, 0), super.flush(t + 1); } }; var _t = class { constructor({ type: t, nullValues: e }) { this.length = 0, this.finished = !1, this.type = t, this.children = [], this.nullValues = e, this.stride = Se(t), this._nulls = new Pn, e && e.length > 0 && (this._isValid = uu(e)); } static throughNode(t) { throw new Error('"throughNode" not available in this environment'); } static throughDOM(t) { throw new Error('"throughDOM" not available in this environment'); } toVector() { return new L([this.flush()]); } get ArrayType() { return this.type.ArrayType; } get nullCount() { return this._nulls.numInvalid; } get numChildren() { return this.children.length; } get byteLength() { let t = 0, { _offsets: e, _values: n, _nulls: i, _typeIds: s, children: o } = this; return e && (t += e.byteLength), n && (t += n.byteLength), i && (t += i.byteLength), s && (t += s.byteLength), o.reduce((a, c) => a + c.byteLength, t); } get reservedLength() { return this._nulls.reservedLength; } get reservedByteLength() { let t = 0; return this._offsets && (t += this._offsets.reservedByteLength), this._values && (t += this._values.reservedByteLength), this._nulls && (t += this._nulls.reservedByteLength), this._typeIds && (t += this._typeIds.reservedByteLength), this.children.reduce((e, n) => e + n.reservedByteLength, t); } get valueOffsets() { return this._offsets ? this._offsets.buffer : null; } get values() { return this._values ? this._values.buffer : null; } get nullBitmap() { return this._nulls ? this._nulls.buffer : null; } get typeIds() { return this._typeIds ? this._typeIds.buffer : null; } append(t) { return this.set(this.length, t); } isValid(t) { return this._isValid(t); } set(t, e) { return this.setValid(t, this.isValid(e)) && this.setValue(t, e), this; } setValue(t, e) { this._setValue(this, t, e); } setValid(t, e) { return this.length = this._nulls.set(t, +e).length, e; } addChild(t, e = `${this.numChildren}`) { throw new Error(`Cannot append children to non-nested type "${this.type}"`); } getChildAt(t) { return this.children[t] || null; } flush() { let t, e, n, i, { type: s, length: o, nullCount: a, _typeIds: c, _offsets: d, _values: p, _nulls: b } = this; (e = c == null ? void 0 : c.flush(o)) ? i = d == null ? void 0 : d.flush(o) : (i = d == null ? void 0 : d.flush(o)) ? t = p == null ? void 0 : p.flush(d.last()) : t = p == null ? void 0 : p.flush(o), a > 0 && (n = b == null ? void 0 : b.flush(o)); let _ = this.children.map(S => S.flush()); return this.clear(), C({ type: s, length: o, nullCount: a, children: _, child: _[0], data: t, typeIds: e, nullBitmap: n, valueOffsets: i }); } finish() { this.finished = !0; for (let t of this.children) t.finish(); return this; } clear() { var t, e, n, i; this.length = 0, (t = this._nulls) === null || t === void 0 || t.clear(), (e = this._values) === null || e === void 0 || e.clear(), (n = this._offsets) === null || n === void 0 || n.clear(), (i = this._typeIds) === null || i === void 0 || i.clear(); for (let s of this.children) s.clear(); return this; } }; _t.prototype.length = 1; _t.prototype.stride = 1; _t.prototype.children = null; _t.prototype.finished = !1; _t.prototype.nullValues = null; _t.prototype._isValid = () => !0; var Nt = class extends _t { constructor(t) { super(t), this._values = new Dr(new this.ArrayType(0), this.stride); } setValue(t, e) { let n = this._values; return n.reserve(t - n.length + 1), super.setValue(t, e); } }, sr = class extends _t { constructor(t) { super(t), this._pendingLength = 0, this._offsets = new Vn; } setValue(t, e) { let n = this._pending || (this._pending = new Map), i = n.get(t); i && (this._pendingLength -= i.length), this._pendingLength += e instanceof nr ? e[Me].length : e.length, n.set(t, e); } setValid(t, e) { return super.setValid(t, e) ? !0 : ((this._pending || (this._pending = new Map)).set(t, void 0), !1); } clear() { return this._pendingLength = 0, this._pending = void 0, super.clear(); } flush() { return this._flush(), super.flush(); } finish() { return this._flush(), super.finish(); } _flush() { let t = this._pending, e = this._pendingLength; return this._pendingLength = 0, this._pending = void 0, t && t.size > 0 && this._flushPending(t, e), this; } }; var pn = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } offset() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos); } metaDataLength() { return this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + 8); } bodyLength() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + 16); } static sizeOf() { return 24; } static createBlock(t, e, n, i) { return t.prep(8, 24), t.writeInt64(i), t.pad(4), t.writeInt32(n), t.writeInt64(e), t.offset(); } }; var or = new Int32Array(2), Zs = new Float32Array(or.buffer), Qs = new Float64Array(or.buffer), Hn = new Uint16Array(new Uint8Array([1, 0]).buffer)[0] === 1; var Bt = class { constructor(t, e) { this.low = t | 0, this.high = e | 0; } static create(t, e) { return t == 0 && e == 0 ? Bt.ZERO : new Bt(t, e); } toFloat64() { return (this.low >>> 0) + this.high * 4294967296; } equals(t) { return this.low == t.low && this.high == t.high; } }; Bt.ZERO = new Bt(0, 0); var yi; (function (r) { r[r.UTF8_BYTES = 1] = "UTF8_BYTES", r[r.UTF16_STRING = 2] = "UTF16_STRING"; })(yi || (yi = {})); var ie = class { constructor(t) { this.bytes_ = t, this.position_ = 0; } static allocate(t) { return new ie(new Uint8Array(t)); } clear() { this.position_ = 0; } bytes() { return this.bytes_; } position() { return this.position_; } setPosition(t) { this.position_ = t; } capacity() { return this.bytes_.length; } readInt8(t) { return this.readUint8(t) << 24 >> 24; } readUint8(t) { return this.bytes_[t]; } readInt16(t) { return this.readUint16(t) << 16 >> 16; } readUint16(t) { return this.bytes_[t] | this.bytes_[t + 1] << 8; } readInt32(t) { return this.bytes_[t] | this.bytes_[t + 1] << 8 | this.bytes_[t + 2] << 16 | this.bytes_[t + 3] << 24; } readUint32(t) { return this.readInt32(t) >>> 0; } readInt64(t) { return new Bt(this.readInt32(t), this.readInt32(t + 4)); } readUint64(t) { return new Bt(this.readUint32(t), this.readUint32(t + 4)); } readFloat32(t) { return or[0] = this.readInt32(t), Zs[0]; } readFloat64(t) { return or[Hn ? 0 : 1] = this.readInt32(t), or[Hn ? 1 : 0] = this.readInt32(t + 4), Qs[0]; } writeInt8(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e; } writeUint8(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e; } writeInt16(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e, this.bytes_[t + 1] = e >> 8; } writeUint16(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e, this.bytes_[t + 1] = e >> 8; } writeInt32(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e, this.bytes_[t + 1] = e >> 8, this.bytes_[t + 2] = e >> 16, this.bytes_[t + 3] = e >> 24; } writeUint32(t, e) { this.bytes_[t] = e, this.bytes_[t + 1] = e >> 8, this.bytes_[t + 2] = e >> 16, this.bytes_[t + 3] = e >> 24; } writeInt64(t, e) { this.writeInt32(t, e.low), this.writeInt32(t + 4, e.high); } writeUint64(t, e) { this.writeUint32(t, e.low), this.writeUint32(t + 4, e.high); } writeFloat32(t, e) { Zs[0] = e, this.writeInt32(t, or[0]); } writeFloat64(t, e) { Qs[0] = e, this.writeInt32(t, or[Hn ? 0 : 1]), this.writeInt32(t + 4, or[Hn ? 1 : 0]); } getBufferIdentifier() { if (this.bytes_.length < this.position_ + 4 + 4) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: ByteBuffer is too short to contain an identifier."); let t = ""; for (let e = 0; e < 4; e++) t += String.fromCharCode(this.readInt8(this.position_ + 4 + e)); return t; } __offset(t, e) { let n = t - this.readInt32(t); return e < this.readInt16(n) ? this.readInt16(n + e) : 0; } __union(t, e) { return t.bb_pos = e + this.readInt32(e), t.bb = this, t; } __string(t, e) { t += this.readInt32(t); let n = this.readInt32(t), i = "", s = 0; if (t += 4, e === yi.UTF8_BYTES) return this.bytes_.subarray(t, t + n); for (; s < n;) { let o, a = this.readUint8(t + s++); if (a < 192) o = a; else { let c = this.readUint8(t + s++); if (a < 224) o = (a & 31) << 6 | c & 63; else { let d = this.readUint8(t + s++); if (a < 240) o = (a & 15) << 12 | (c & 63) << 6 | d & 63; else { let p = this.readUint8(t + s++); o = (a & 7) << 18 | (c & 63) << 12 | (d & 63) << 6 | p & 63; } } } o < 65536 ? i += String.fromCharCode(o) : (o -= 65536, i += String.fromCharCode((o >> 10) + 55296, (o & (1 << 10) - 1) + 56320)); } return i; } __union_with_string(t, e) { return typeof t == "string" ? this.__string(e) : this.__union(t, e); } __indirect(t) { return t + this.readInt32(t); } __vector(t) { return t + this.readInt32(t) + 4; } __vector_len(t) { return this.readInt32(t + this.readInt32(t)); } __has_identifier(t) { if (t.length != 4) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " + 4); for (let e = 0; e < 4; e++) if (t.charCodeAt(e) != this.readInt8(this.position() + 4 + e)) return !1; return !0; } createLong(t, e) { return Bt.create(t, e); } createScalarList(t, e) { let n = []; for (let i = 0; i < e; ++i) t(i) !== null && n.push(t(i)); return n; } createObjList(t, e) { let n = []; for (let i = 0; i < e; ++i) { let s = t(i); s !== null && n.push(s.unpack()); } return n; } }; var Er = class { constructor(t) { this.minalign = 1, this.vtable = null, this.vtable_in_use = 0, this.isNested = !1, this.object_start = 0, this.vtables = [], this.vector_num_elems = 0, this.force_defaults = !1, this.string_maps = null; let e; t ? e = t : e = 1024, this.bb = ie.allocate(e), this.space = e; } clear() { this.bb.clear(), this.space = this.bb.capacity(), this.minalign = 1, this.vtable = null, this.vtable_in_use = 0, this.isNested = !1, this.object_start = 0, this.vtables = [], this.vector_num_elems = 0, this.force_defaults = !1, this.string_maps = null; } forceDefaults(t) { this.force_defaults = t; } dataBuffer() { return this.bb; } asUint8Array() { return this.bb.bytes().subarray(this.bb.position(), this.bb.position() + this.offset()); } prep(t, e) { t > this.minalign && (this.minalign = t); let n = ~(this.bb.capacity() - this.space + e) + 1 & t - 1; for (; this.space < n + t + e;) { let i = this.bb.capacity(); this.bb = Er.growByteBuffer(this.bb), this.space += this.bb.capacity() - i; } this.pad(n); } pad(t) { for (let e = 0; e < t; e++) this.bb.writeInt8(--this.space, 0); } writeInt8(t) { this.bb.writeInt8(this.space -= 1, t); } writeInt16(t) { this.bb.writeInt16(this.space -= 2, t); } writeInt32(t) { this.bb.writeInt32(this.space -= 4, t); } writeInt64(t) { this.bb.writeInt64(this.space -= 8, t); } writeFloat32(t) { this.bb.writeFloat32(this.space -= 4, t); } writeFloat64(t) { this.bb.writeFloat64(this.space -= 8, t); } addInt8(t) { this.prep(1, 0), this.writeInt8(t); } addInt16(t) { this.prep(2, 0), this.writeInt16(t); } addInt32(t) { this.prep(4, 0), this.writeInt32(t); } addInt64(t) { this.prep(8, 0), this.writeInt64(t); } addFloat32(t) { this.prep(4, 0), this.writeFloat32(t); } addFloat64(t) { this.prep(8, 0), this.writeFloat64(t); } addFieldInt8(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addInt8(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldInt16(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addInt16(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldInt32(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addInt32(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldInt64(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || !e.equals(n)) && (this.addInt64(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldFloat32(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addFloat32(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldFloat64(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addFloat64(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldOffset(t, e, n) { (this.force_defaults || e != n) && (this.addOffset(e), this.slot(t)); } addFieldStruct(t, e, n) { e != n && (this.nested(e), this.slot(t)); } nested(t) { if (t != this.offset()) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: struct must be serialized inline."); } notNested() { if (this.isNested) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: object serialization must not be nested."); } slot(t) { this.vtable !== null && (this.vtable[t] = this.offset()); } offset() { return this.bb.capacity() - this.space; } static growByteBuffer(t) { let e = t.capacity(); if (e & 3221225472) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: cannot grow buffer beyond 2 gigabytes."); let n = e << 1, i = ie.allocate(n); return i.setPosition(n - e), i.bytes().set(t.bytes(), n - e), i; } addOffset(t) { this.prep(4, 0), this.writeInt32(this.offset() - t + 4); } startObject(t) { this.notNested(), this.vtable == null && (this.vtable = []), this.vtable_in_use = t; for (let e = 0; e < t; e++) this.vtable[e] = 0; this.isNested = !0, this.object_start = this.offset(); } endObject() { if (this.vtable == null || !this.isNested) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: endObject called without startObject"); this.addInt32(0); let t = this.offset(), e = this.vtable_in_use - 1; for (; e >= 0 && this.vtable[e] == 0; e--) ; let n = e + 1; for (; e >= 0; e--) this.addInt16(this.vtable[e] != 0 ? t - this.vtable[e] : 0); let i = 2; this.addInt16(t - this.object_start); let s = (n + i) * 2; this.addInt16(s); let o = 0, a = this.space; t: for (e = 0; e < this.vtables.length; e++) { let c = this.bb.capacity() - this.vtables[e]; if (s == this.bb.readInt16(c)) { for (let d = 2; d < s; d += 2) if (this.bb.readInt16(a + d) != this.bb.readInt16(c + d)) continue t; o = this.vtables[e]; break; } } return o ? (this.space = this.bb.capacity() - t, this.bb.writeInt32(this.space, o - t)) : (this.vtables.push(this.offset()), this.bb.writeInt32(this.bb.capacity() - t, this.offset() - t)), this.isNested = !1, t; } finish(t, e, n) { let i = n ? 4 : 0; if (e) { let s = e; if (this.prep(this.minalign, 4 + 4 + i), s.length != 4) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: file identifier must be length " + 4); for (let o = 4 - 1; o >= 0; o--) this.writeInt8(s.charCodeAt(o)); } this.prep(this.minalign, 4 + i), this.addOffset(t), i && this.addInt32(this.bb.capacity() - this.space), this.bb.setPosition(this.space); } finishSizePrefixed(t, e) { this.finish(t, e, !0); } requiredField(t, e) { let n = this.bb.capacity() - t, i = n - this.bb.readInt32(n); if (!(this.bb.readInt16(i + e) != 0)) throw new Error("FlatBuffers: field " + e + " must be set"); } startVector(t, e, n) { this.notNested(), this.vector_num_elems = e, this.prep(4, t * e), this.prep(n, t * e); } endVector() { return this.writeInt32(this.vector_num_elems), this.offset(); } createSharedString(t) { if (!t) return 0; if (this.string_maps || (this.string_maps = new Map), this.string_maps.has(t)) return this.string_maps.get(t); let e = this.createString(t); return this.string_maps.set(t, e), e; } createString(t) { if (!t) return 0; let e; if (t instanceof Uint8Array) e = t; else { e = []; let n = 0; for (; n < t.length;) { let i, s = t.charCodeAt(n++); if (s < 55296 || s >= 56320) i = s; else { let o = t.charCodeAt(n++); i = (s << 10) + o + (65536 - (55296 << 10) - 56320); } i < 128 ? e.push(i) : (i < 2048 ? e.push(i >> 6 & 31 | 192) : (i < 65536 ? e.push(i >> 12 & 15 | 224) : e.push(i >> 18 & 7 | 240, i >> 12 & 63 | 128), e.push(i >> 6 & 63 | 128)), e.push(i & 63 | 128)); } } this.addInt8(0), this.startVector(1, e.length, 1), this.bb.setPosition(this.space -= e.length); for (let n = 0, i = this.space, s = this.bb.bytes(); n < e.length; n++) s[i++] = e[n]; return this.endVector(); } createLong(t, e) { return Bt.create(t, e); } createObjectOffset(t) { return t === null ? 0 : typeof t == "string" ? this.createString(t) : t.pack(this); } createObjectOffsetList(t) { let e = []; for (let n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { let i = t[n]; if (i !== null) e.push(this.createObjectOffset(i)); else throw new Error("FlatBuffers: Argument for createObjectOffsetList cannot contain null."); } return e; } createStructOffsetList(t, e) { return e(this, t.length), this.createObjectOffsetList(t), this.endVector(); } }; var dt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsKeyValue(t, e) { return (e || new dt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsKeyValue(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new dt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } key(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return e ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + e, t) : null; } value(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + e, t) : null; } static startKeyValue(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addKey(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(0, e, 0); } static addValue(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static endKeyValue(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createKeyValue(t, e, n) { return dt.startKeyValue(t), dt.addKey(t, e), dt.addValue(t, n), dt.endKeyValue(t); } }; var Xr; (function (r) { r[r.V1 = 0] = "V1", r[r.V2 = 1] = "V2", r[r.V3 = 2] = "V3", r[r.V4 = 3] = "V4", r[r.V5 = 4] = "V5"; })(Xr || (Xr = {})); var Gr; (function (r) { r[r.Little = 0] = "Little", r[r.Big = 1] = "Big"; })(Gr || (Gr = {})); var bi; (function (r) { r[r.DenseArray = 0] = "DenseArray"; })(bi || (bi = {})); var kt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsInt(t, e) { return (e || new kt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsInt(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new kt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } bitWidth() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } isSigned() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : !1; } static startInt(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addBitWidth(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(0, e, 0); } static addIsSigned(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(1, +e, 0); } static endInt(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createInt(t, e, n) { return kt.startInt(t), kt.addBitWidth(t, e), kt.addIsSigned(t, n), kt.endInt(t); } }; var Ae = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsDictionaryEncoding(t, e) { return (e || new Ae).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsDictionaryEncoding(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Ae).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } id() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + t) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } indexType(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? (t || new kt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + e), this.bb) : null; } isOrdered() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : !1; } dictionaryKind() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : bi.DenseArray; } static startDictionaryEncoding(t) { t.startObject(4); } static addId(t, e) { t.addFieldInt64(0, e, t.createLong(0, 0)); } static addIndexType(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static addIsOrdered(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(2, +e, 0); } static addDictionaryKind(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(3, e, bi.DenseArray); } static endDictionaryEncoding(t) { return t.endObject(); } }; var ar = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsBinary(t, e) { return (e || new ar).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsBinary(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new ar).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startBinary(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endBinary(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createBinary(t) { return ar.startBinary(t), ar.endBinary(t); } }; var cr = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsBool(t, e) { return (e || new cr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsBool(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new cr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startBool(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endBool(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createBool(t) { return cr.startBool(t), cr.endBool(t); } }; var gi; (function (r) { r[r.DAY = 0] = "DAY", r[r.MILLISECOND = 1] = "MILLISECOND"; })(gi || (gi = {})); var le = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsDate(t, e) { return (e || new le).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsDate(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new le).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } unit() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : gi.MILLISECOND; } static startDate(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addUnit(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, gi.MILLISECOND); } static endDate(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createDate(t, e) { return le.startDate(t), le.addUnit(t, e), le.endDate(t); } }; var Lt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsDecimal(t, e) { return (e || new Lt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsDecimal(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Lt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } precision() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } scale() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } bitWidth() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 128; } static startDecimal(t) { t.startObject(3); } static addPrecision(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(0, e, 0); } static addScale(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(1, e, 0); } static addBitWidth(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(2, e, 128); } static endDecimal(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createDecimal(t, e, n, i) { return Lt.startDecimal(t), Lt.addPrecision(t, e), Lt.addScale(t, n), Lt.addBitWidth(t, i), Lt.endDecimal(t); } }; var Kr; (function (r) { r[r.SECOND = 0] = "SECOND", r[r.MILLISECOND = 1] = "MILLISECOND", r[r.MICROSECOND = 2] = "MICROSECOND", r[r.NANOSECOND = 3] = "NANOSECOND"; })(Kr || (Kr = {})); var ue = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsFixedSizeBinary(t, e) { return (e || new ue).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsFixedSizeBinary(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new ue).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } byteWidth() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startFixedSizeBinary(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addByteWidth(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(0, e, 0); } static endFixedSizeBinary(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createFixedSizeBinary(t, e) { return ue.startFixedSizeBinary(t), ue.addByteWidth(t, e), ue.endFixedSizeBinary(t); } }; var de = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsFixedSizeList(t, e) { return (e || new de).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsFixedSizeList(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new de).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } listSize() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startFixedSizeList(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addListSize(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(0, e, 0); } static endFixedSizeList(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createFixedSizeList(t, e) { return de.startFixedSizeList(t), de.addListSize(t, e), de.endFixedSizeList(t); } }; var wi; (function (r) { r[r.HALF = 0] = "HALF", r[r.SINGLE = 1] = "SINGLE", r[r.DOUBLE = 2] = "DOUBLE"; })(wi || (wi = {})); var fe = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsFloatingPoint(t, e) { return (e || new fe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsFloatingPoint(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new fe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } precision() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : wi.HALF; } static startFloatingPoint(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addPrecision(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, wi.HALF); } static endFloatingPoint(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createFloatingPoint(t, e) { return fe.startFloatingPoint(t), fe.addPrecision(t, e), fe.endFloatingPoint(t); } }; var vi; (function (r) { r[r.YEAR_MONTH = 0] = "YEAR_MONTH", r[r.DAY_TIME = 1] = "DAY_TIME", r[r.MONTH_DAY_NANO = 2] = "MONTH_DAY_NANO"; })(vi || (vi = {})); var he = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsInterval(t, e) { return (e || new he).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsInterval(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new he).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } unit() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : vi.YEAR_MONTH; } static startInterval(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addUnit(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, vi.YEAR_MONTH); } static endInterval(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createInterval(t, e) { return he.startInterval(t), he.addUnit(t, e), he.endInterval(t); } }; var lr = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsList(t, e) { return (e || new lr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsList(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new lr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startList(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endList(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createList(t) { return lr.startList(t), lr.endList(t); } }; var pe = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsMap(t, e) { return (e || new pe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsMap(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new pe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } keysSorted() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : !1; } static startMap(t) { t.startObject(1); } static addKeysSorted(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(0, +e, 0); } static endMap(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createMap(t, e) { return pe.startMap(t), pe.addKeysSorted(t, e), pe.endMap(t); } }; var ur = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsNull(t, e) { return (e || new ur).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsNull(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new ur).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startNull(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endNull(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createNull(t) { return ur.startNull(t), ur.endNull(t); } }; var dr = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsStruct_(t, e) { return (e || new dr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsStruct_(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new dr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startStruct_(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endStruct_(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createStruct_(t) { return dr.startStruct_(t), dr.endStruct_(t); } }; var Kt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsTime(t, e) { return (e || new Kt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTime(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Kt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } unit() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Kr.MILLISECOND; } bitWidth() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb_pos + t) : 32; } static startTime(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addUnit(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Kr.MILLISECOND); } static addBitWidth(t, e) { t.addFieldInt32(1, e, 32); } static endTime(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createTime(t, e, n) { return Kt.startTime(t), Kt.addUnit(t, e), Kt.addBitWidth(t, n), Kt.endTime(t); } }; var Jt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsTimestamp(t, e) { return (e || new Jt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsTimestamp(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Jt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } unit() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Kr.SECOND; } timezone(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + e, t) : null; } static startTimestamp(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addUnit(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Kr.SECOND); } static addTimezone(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static endTimestamp(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createTimestamp(t, e, n) { return Jt.startTimestamp(t), Jt.addUnit(t, e), Jt.addTimezone(t, n), Jt.endTimestamp(t); } }; var Si; (function (r) { r[r.Sparse = 0] = "Sparse", r[r.Dense = 1] = "Dense"; })(Si || (Si = {})); var Ct = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsUnion(t, e) { return (e || new Ct).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsUnion(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Ct).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } mode() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Si.Sparse; } typeIds(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? this.bb.readInt32(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + e) + t * 4) : 0; } typeIdsLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } typeIdsArray() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? new Int32Array(this.bb.bytes().buffer, this.bb.bytes().byteOffset + this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + t), this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t)) : null; } static startUnion(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addMode(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Si.Sparse); } static addTypeIds(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static createTypeIdsVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addInt32(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startTypeIdsVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static endUnion(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createUnion(t, e, n) { return Ct.startUnion(t), Ct.addMode(t, e), Ct.addTypeIds(t, n), Ct.endUnion(t); } }; var fr = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsUtf8(t, e) { return (e || new fr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsUtf8(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new fr).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static startUtf8(t) { t.startObject(0); } static endUtf8(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createUtf8(t) { return fr.startUtf8(t), fr.endUtf8(t); } }; var yt; (function (r) { r[r.NONE = 0] = "NONE", r[r.Null = 1] = "Null", r[r.Int = 2] = "Int", r[r.FloatingPoint = 3] = "FloatingPoint", r[r.Binary = 4] = "Binary", r[r.Utf8 = 5] = "Utf8", r[r.Bool = 6] = "Bool", r[r.Decimal = 7] = "Decimal", r[r.Date = 8] = "Date", r[r.Time = 9] = "Time", r[r.Timestamp = 10] = "Timestamp", r[r.Interval = 11] = "Interval", r[r.List = 12] = "List", r[r.Struct_ = 13] = "Struct_", r[r.Union = 14] = "Union", r[r.FixedSizeBinary = 15] = "FixedSizeBinary", r[r.FixedSizeList = 16] = "FixedSizeList", r[r.Map = 17] = "Map", r[r.Duration = 18] = "Duration", r[r.LargeBinary = 19] = "LargeBinary", r[r.LargeUtf8 = 20] = "LargeUtf8", r[r.LargeList = 21] = "LargeList"; })(yt || (yt = {})); var Dt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsField(t, e) { return (e || new Dt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsField(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Dt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } name(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return e ? this.bb.__string(this.bb_pos + e, t) : null; } nullable() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : !1; } typeType() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + t) : yt.NONE; } type(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return e ? this.bb.__union(t, this.bb_pos + e) : null; } dictionary(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return e ? (t || new Ae).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + e), this.bb) : null; } children(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return n ? (e || new Dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } childrenLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 14); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } customMetadata(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return n ? (e || new dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } customMetadataLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 16); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startField(t) { t.startObject(7); } static addName(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(0, e, 0); } static addNullable(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(1, +e, 0); } static addTypeType(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(2, e, yt.NONE); } static addType(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(3, e, 0); } static addDictionary(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(4, e, 0); } static addChildren(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(5, e, 0); } static createChildrenVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startChildrenVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static addCustomMetadata(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(6, e, 0); } static createCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static endField(t) { return t.endObject(); } }; var wt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsSchema(t, e) { return (e || new wt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsSchema(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new wt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } endianness() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Gr.Little; } fields(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return n ? (e || new Dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } fieldsLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } customMetadata(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return n ? (e || new dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } customMetadataLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } features(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return e ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + e) + t * 8) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } featuresLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startSchema(t) { t.startObject(4); } static addEndianness(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Gr.Little); } static addFields(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static createFieldsVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startFieldsVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static addCustomMetadata(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(2, e, 0); } static createCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static addFeatures(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(3, e, 0); } static createFeaturesVector(t, e) { t.startVector(8, e.length, 8); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addInt64(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startFeaturesVector(t, e) { t.startVector(8, e, 8); } static endSchema(t) { return t.endObject(); } static finishSchemaBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e); } static finishSizePrefixedSchemaBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e, void 0, !0); } static createSchema(t, e, n, i, s) { return wt.startSchema(t), wt.addEndianness(t, e), wt.addFields(t, n), wt.addCustomMetadata(t, i), wt.addFeatures(t, s), wt.endSchema(t); } }; var qt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsFooter(t, e) { return (e || new qt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsFooter(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new qt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } version() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Xr.V1; } schema(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? (t || new wt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + e), this.bb) : null; } dictionaries(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return n ? (e || new pn).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 24, this.bb) : null; } dictionariesLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } recordBatches(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return n ? (e || new pn).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 24, this.bb) : null; } recordBatchesLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } customMetadata(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return n ? (e || new dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } customMetadataLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startFooter(t) { t.startObject(5); } static addVersion(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Xr.V1); } static addSchema(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static addDictionaries(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(2, e, 0); } static startDictionariesVector(t, e) { t.startVector(24, e, 8); } static addRecordBatches(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(3, e, 0); } static startRecordBatchesVector(t, e) { t.startVector(24, e, 8); } static addCustomMetadata(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(4, e, 0); } static createCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static endFooter(t) { return t.endObject(); } static finishFooterBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e); } static finishSizePrefixedFooterBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e, void 0, !0); } }; var G = class { constructor(t = [], e, n) { this.fields = t || [], this.metadata = e || new Map, n || (n = Ua(t)), this.dictionaries = n; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Schema"; } get names() { return this.fields.map(t => t.name); } toString() { return `Schema<{ ${this.fields.map((t, e) => `${e}: ${t}`).join(", ")} }>`; } select(t) { let e = new Set(t), n = this.fields.filter(i => e.has(i.name)); return new G(n, this.metadata); } selectAt(t) { let e = t.map(n => this.fields[n]).filter(Boolean); return new G(e, this.metadata); } assign(...t) { let e = t[0] instanceof G ? t[0] : Array.isArray(t[0]) ? new G(t[0]) : new G(t), n = [...this.fields], i = eo(eo(new Map, this.metadata), e.metadata), s = e.fields.filter(a => { let c = n.findIndex(d => d.name === a.name); return ~c ? (n[c] = a.clone({ metadata: eo(eo(new Map, n[c].metadata), a.metadata) })) && !1 : !0; }), o = Ua(s, new Map); return new G([...n, ...s], i, new Map([...this.dictionaries, ...o])); } }; G.prototype.fields = null; G.prototype.metadata = null; G.prototype.dictionaries = null; var H = class { constructor(t, e, n = !1, i) { this.name = t, this.type = e, this.nullable = n, this.metadata = i || new Map; } static new(...t) { let [e, n, i, s] = t; return t[0] && typeof t[0] == "object" && ({ name: e } = t[0], n === void 0 && (n = t[0].type), i === void 0 && (i = t[0].nullable), s === void 0 && (s = t[0].metadata)), new H(`${e}`, n, i, s); } get typeId() { return this.type.typeId; } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return "Field"; } toString() { return `${this.name}: ${this.type}`; } clone(...t) { let [e, n, i, s] = t; return !t[0] || typeof t[0] != "object" ? [e = this.name, n = this.type, i = this.nullable, s = this.metadata] = t : { name: e = this.name, type: n = this.type, nullable: i = this.nullable, metadata: s = this.metadata } = t[0], H.new(e, n, i, s); } }; H.prototype.type = null; H.prototype.name = null; H.prototype.nullable = null; H.prototype.metadata = null; function eo(r, t) { return new Map([...r || new Map, ...t || new Map]); } function Ua(r, t = new Map) { for (let e = -1, n = r.length; ++e < n;) { let s = r[e].type; if (F.isDictionary(s)) { if (!t.has(s.id)) t.set(s.id, s.dictionary); else if (t.get(s.id) !== s.dictionary) throw new Error("Cannot create Schema containing two different dictionaries with the same Id"); } s.children && s.children.length > 0 && Ua(s.children, t); } return t; } var du = Bt, vm = Er, Sm = ie, Or = class { constructor(t, e = Ut.V4, n, i) { this.schema = t, this.version = e, n && (this._recordBatches = n), i && (this._dictionaryBatches = i); } static decode(t) { t = new Sm(N(t)); let e = qt.getRootAsFooter(t), n = G.decode(e.schema()); return new Na(n, e); } static encode(t) { let e = new vm, n = G.encode(e, t.schema); qt.startRecordBatchesVector(e, t.numRecordBatches); for (let o of [...t.recordBatches()].slice().reverse()) Je.encode(e, o); let i = e.endVector(); qt.startDictionariesVector(e, t.numDictionaries); for (let o of [...t.dictionaryBatches()].slice().reverse()) Je.encode(e, o); let s = e.endVector(); return qt.startFooter(e), qt.addSchema(e, n), qt.addVersion(e, Ut.V4), qt.addRecordBatches(e, i), qt.addDictionaries(e, s), qt.finishFooterBuffer(e, qt.endFooter(e)), e.asUint8Array(); } get numRecordBatches() { return this._recordBatches.length; } get numDictionaries() { return this._dictionaryBatches.length; } *recordBatches() { for (let t, e = -1, n = this.numRecordBatches; ++e < n;) (t = this.getRecordBatch(e)) && (yield t); } *dictionaryBatches() { for (let t, e = -1, n = this.numDictionaries; ++e < n;) (t = this.getDictionaryBatch(e)) && (yield t); } getRecordBatch(t) { return t >= 0 && t < this.numRecordBatches && this._recordBatches[t] || null; } getDictionaryBatch(t) { return t >= 0 && t < this.numDictionaries && this._dictionaryBatches[t] || null; } }; var Na = class extends Or { constructor(t, e) { super(t, e.version()), this._footer = e; } get numRecordBatches() { return this._footer.recordBatchesLength(); } get numDictionaries() { return this._footer.dictionariesLength(); } getRecordBatch(t) { if (t >= 0 && t < this.numRecordBatches) { let e = this._footer.recordBatches(t); if (e) return Je.decode(e); } return null; } getDictionaryBatch(t) { if (t >= 0 && t < this.numDictionaries) { let e = this._footer.dictionaries(t); if (e) return Je.decode(e); } return null; } }, Je = class { constructor(t, e, n) { this.metaDataLength = t, this.offset = typeof n == "number" ? n : n.low, this.bodyLength = typeof e == "number" ? e : e.low; } static decode(t) { return new Je(t.metaDataLength(), t.bodyLength(), t.offset()); } static encode(t, e) { let { metaDataLength: n } = e, i = new du(e.offset, 0), s = new du(e.bodyLength, 0); return pn.createBlock(t, i, n, s); } }; var ft = Object.freeze({ done: !0, value: void 0 }), Ii = class { constructor(t) { this._json = t; } get schema() { return this._json.schema; } get batches() { return this._json.batches || []; } get dictionaries() { return this._json.dictionaries || []; } }, mn = class { tee() { return this._getDOMStream().tee(); } pipe(t, e) { return this._getNodeStream().pipe(t, e); } pipeTo(t, e) { return this._getDOMStream().pipeTo(t, e); } pipeThrough(t, e) { return this._getDOMStream().pipeThrough(t, e); } _getDOMStream() { return this._DOMStream || (this._DOMStream = this.toDOMStream()); } _getNodeStream() { return this._nodeStream || (this._nodeStream = this.toNodeStream()); } }, ro = class extends mn { constructor() { super(), this._values = [], this.resolvers = [], this._closedPromise = new Promise(t => this._closedPromiseResolve = t); } get closed() { return this._closedPromise; } cancel(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield this.return(t); }); } write(t) { this._ensureOpen() && (this.resolvers.length <= 0 ? this._values.push(t) : this.resolvers.shift().resolve({ done: !1, value: t })); } abort(t) { this._closedPromiseResolve && (this.resolvers.length <= 0 ? this._error = { error: t } : this.resolvers.shift().reject({ done: !0, value: t })); } close() { if (this._closedPromiseResolve) { let { resolvers: t } = this; for (; t.length > 0;) t.shift().resolve(ft); this._closedPromiseResolve(), this._closedPromiseResolve = void 0; } } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } toDOMStream(t) { return $t.toDOMStream(this._closedPromiseResolve || this._error ? this : this._values, t); } toNodeStream(t) { return $t.toNodeStream(this._closedPromiseResolve || this._error ? this : this._values, t); } throw(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.abort(t), ft; }); } return(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.close(), ft; }); } read(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this.next(t, "read")).value; }); } peek(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this.next(t, "peek")).value; }); } next(...t) { return this._values.length > 0 ? Promise.resolve({ done: !1, value: this._values.shift() }) : this._error ? Promise.reject({ done: !0, value: this._error.error }) : this._closedPromiseResolve ? new Promise((e, n) => { this.resolvers.push({ resolve: e, reject: n }); }) : Promise.resolve(ft); } _ensureOpen() { if (this._closedPromiseResolve) return !0; throw new Error("AsyncQueue is closed"); } }; var hr = class extends ro { write(t) { if ((t = N(t)).byteLength > 0) return super.write(t); } toString(t = !1) { return t ? ai(this.toUint8Array(!0)) : this.toUint8Array(!1).then(ai); } toUint8Array(t = !1) { return t ? we(this._values)[0] : (() => I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { var e, n; let i = [], s = 0; try { for (var o = De(this), a; a = yield o.next(), !a.done;) { let c = a.value; i.push(c), s += c.byteLength; } } catch (c) { e = { error: c }; } finally { try { a && !a.done && (n = o.return) && (yield n.call(o)); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } return we(i, s)[0]; }))(); } }, pr = class { constructor(t) { t && (this.source = new ka($t.fromIterable(t))); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } next(t) { return this.source.next(t); } throw(t) { return this.source.throw(t); } return(t) { return this.source.return(t); } peek(t) { return this.source.peek(t); } read(t) { return this.source.read(t); } }, me = class { constructor(t) { t instanceof me ? this.source = t.source : t instanceof hr ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromAsyncIterable(t)) : bs(t) ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromNodeStream(t)) : li(t) ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromDOMStream(t)) : _s(t) ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromDOMStream(t.body)) : Pe(t) ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromIterable(t)) : Ce(t) ? this.source = new Mr($t.fromAsyncIterable(t)) : Ee(t) && (this.source = new Mr($t.fromAsyncIterable(t))); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } next(t) { return this.source.next(t); } throw(t) { return this.source.throw(t); } return(t) { return this.source.return(t); } get closed() { return this.source.closed; } cancel(t) { return this.source.cancel(t); } peek(t) { return this.source.peek(t); } read(t) { return this.source.read(t); } }, ka = class { constructor(t) { this.source = t; } cancel(t) { this.return(t); } peek(t) { return this.next(t, "peek").value; } read(t) { return this.next(t, "read").value; } next(t, e = "read") { return this.source.next({ cmd: e, size: t }); } throw(t) { return Object.create(this.source.throw && this.source.throw(t) || ft); } return(t) { return Object.create(this.source.return && this.source.return(t) || ft); } }, Mr = class { constructor(t) { this.source = t, this._closedPromise = new Promise(e => this._closedPromiseResolve = e); } cancel(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield this.return(t); }); } get closed() { return this._closedPromise; } read(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this.next(t, "read")).value; }); } peek(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return (yield this.next(t, "peek")).value; }); } next(t, e = "read") { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.source.next({ cmd: e, size: t }); }); } throw(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let e = this.source.throw && (yield this.source.throw(t)) || ft; return this._closedPromiseResolve && this._closedPromiseResolve(), this._closedPromiseResolve = void 0, Object.create(e); }); } return(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let e = this.source.return && (yield this.source.return(t)) || ft; return this._closedPromiseResolve && this._closedPromiseResolve(), this._closedPromiseResolve = void 0, Object.create(e); }); } }; var Ai = class extends pr { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.position = 0, this.buffer = N(t), this.size = typeof e > "u" ? this.buffer.byteLength : e; } readInt32(t) { let { buffer: e, byteOffset: n } = this.readAt(t, 4); return new DataView(e, n).getInt32(0, !0); } seek(t) { return this.position = Math.min(t, this.size), t < this.size; } read(t) { let { buffer: e, size: n, position: i } = this; return e && i < n ? (typeof t != "number" && (t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), this.position = Math.min(n, i + Math.min(n - i, t)), e.subarray(i, this.position)) : null; } readAt(t, e) { let n = this.buffer, i = Math.min(this.size, t + e); return n ? n.subarray(t, i) : new Uint8Array(e); } close() { this.buffer && (this.buffer = null); } throw(t) { return this.close(), { done: !0, value: t }; } return(t) { return this.close(), { done: !0, value: t }; } }, Jr = class extends me { constructor(t, e) { super(), this.position = 0, this._handle = t, typeof e == "number" ? this.size = e : this._pending = (() => I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this.size = (yield t.stat()).size, delete this._pending; }))(); } readInt32(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let { buffer: e, byteOffset: n } = yield this.readAt(t, 4); return new DataView(e, n).getInt32(0, !0); }); } seek(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this._pending && (yield this._pending), this.position = Math.min(t, this.size), t < this.size; }); } read(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this._pending && (yield this._pending); let { _handle: e, size: n, position: i } = this; if (e && i < n) { typeof t != "number" && (t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); let s = i, o = 0, a = 0, c = Math.min(n, s + Math.min(n - s, t)), d = new Uint8Array(Math.max(0, (this.position = c) - s)); for (; (s += a) < c && (o += a) < d.byteLength;) ({ bytesRead: a } = yield e.read(d, o, d.byteLength - o, s)); return d; } return null; }); } readAt(t, e) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this._pending && (yield this._pending); let { _handle: n, size: i } = this; if (n && t + e < i) { let s = Math.min(i, t + e), o = new Uint8Array(s - t); return (yield n.read(o, 0, e, t)).buffer; } return new Uint8Array(e); }); } close() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let t = this._handle; this._handle = null, t && (yield t.close()); }); } throw(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.close(), { done: !0, value: t }; }); } return(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.close(), { done: !0, value: t }; }); } }; var Ca = {}; an(Ca, { BaseInt64: () => Fi, Int128: () => _e, Int64: () => Pt, Uint64: () => rt }); function zn(r) { return r < 0 && (r = 4294967295 + r + 1), `0x${r.toString(16)}`; } var jn = 8, La = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8], Fi = class { constructor(t) { this.buffer = t; } high() { return this.buffer[1]; } low() { return this.buffer[0]; } _times(t) { let e = new Uint32Array([this.buffer[1] >>> 16, this.buffer[1] & 65535, this.buffer[0] >>> 16, this.buffer[0] & 65535]), n = new Uint32Array([t.buffer[1] >>> 16, t.buffer[1] & 65535, t.buffer[0] >>> 16, t.buffer[0] & 65535]), i = e[3] * n[3]; this.buffer[0] = i & 65535; let s = i >>> 16; return i = e[2] * n[3], s += i, i = e[3] * n[2] >>> 0, s += i, this.buffer[0] += s << 16, this.buffer[1] = s >>> 0 < i ? 65536 : 0, this.buffer[1] += s >>> 16, this.buffer[1] += e[1] * n[3] + e[2] * n[2] + e[3] * n[1], this.buffer[1] += e[0] * n[3] + e[1] * n[2] + e[2] * n[1] + e[3] * n[0] << 16, this; } _plus(t) { let e = this.buffer[0] + t.buffer[0] >>> 0; this.buffer[1] += t.buffer[1], e < this.buffer[0] >>> 0 && ++this.buffer[1], this.buffer[0] = e; } lessThan(t) { return this.buffer[1] < t.buffer[1] || this.buffer[1] === t.buffer[1] && this.buffer[0] < t.buffer[0]; } equals(t) { return this.buffer[1] === t.buffer[1] && this.buffer[0] == t.buffer[0]; } greaterThan(t) { return t.lessThan(this); } hex() { return `${zn(this.buffer[1])} ${zn(this.buffer[0])}`; } }, rt = class extends Fi { times(t) { return this._times(t), this; } plus(t) { return this._plus(t), this; } static from(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { return rt.fromString(typeof t == "string" ? t : t.toString(), e); } static fromNumber(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { return rt.fromString(t.toString(), e); } static fromString(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { let n = t.length, i = new rt(e); for (let s = 0; s < n;) { let o = jn < n - s ? jn : n - s, a = new rt(new Uint32Array([Number.parseInt(t.slice(s, s + o), 10), 0])), c = new rt(new Uint32Array([La[o], 0])); i.times(c), i.plus(a), s += o; } return i; } static convertArray(t) { let e = new Uint32Array(t.length * 2); for (let n = -1, i = t.length; ++n < i;) rt.from(t[n], new Uint32Array(e.buffer, e.byteOffset + 2 * n * 4, 2)); return e; } static multiply(t, e) { return new rt(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).times(e); } static add(t, e) { return new rt(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).plus(e); } }, Pt = class extends Fi { negate() { return this.buffer[0] = ~this.buffer[0] + 1, this.buffer[1] = ~this.buffer[1], this.buffer[0] == 0 && ++this.buffer[1], this; } times(t) { return this._times(t), this; } plus(t) { return this._plus(t), this; } lessThan(t) { let e = this.buffer[1] << 0, n = t.buffer[1] << 0; return e < n || e === n && this.buffer[0] < t.buffer[0]; } static from(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { return Pt.fromString(typeof t == "string" ? t : t.toString(), e); } static fromNumber(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { return Pt.fromString(t.toString(), e); } static fromString(t, e = new Uint32Array(2)) { let n = t.startsWith("-"), i = t.length, s = new Pt(e); for (let o = n ? 1 : 0; o < i;) { let a = jn < i - o ? jn : i - o, c = new Pt(new Uint32Array([Number.parseInt(t.slice(o, o + a), 10), 0])), d = new Pt(new Uint32Array([La[a], 0])); s.times(d), s.plus(c), o += a; } return n ? s.negate() : s; } static convertArray(t) { let e = new Uint32Array(t.length * 2); for (let n = -1, i = t.length; ++n < i;) Pt.from(t[n], new Uint32Array(e.buffer, e.byteOffset + 2 * n * 4, 2)); return e; } static multiply(t, e) { return new Pt(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).times(e); } static add(t, e) { return new Pt(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).plus(e); } }, _e = class { constructor(t) { this.buffer = t; } high() { return new Pt(new Uint32Array(this.buffer.buffer, this.buffer.byteOffset + 8, 2)); } low() { return new Pt(new Uint32Array(this.buffer.buffer, this.buffer.byteOffset, 2)); } negate() { return this.buffer[0] = ~this.buffer[0] + 1, this.buffer[1] = ~this.buffer[1], this.buffer[2] = ~this.buffer[2], this.buffer[3] = ~this.buffer[3], this.buffer[0] == 0 && ++this.buffer[1], this.buffer[1] == 0 && ++this.buffer[2], this.buffer[2] == 0 && ++this.buffer[3], this; } times(t) { let e = new rt(new Uint32Array([this.buffer[3], 0])), n = new rt(new Uint32Array([this.buffer[2], 0])), i = new rt(new Uint32Array([this.buffer[1], 0])), s = new rt(new Uint32Array([this.buffer[0], 0])), o = new rt(new Uint32Array([t.buffer[3], 0])), a = new rt(new Uint32Array([t.buffer[2], 0])), c = new rt(new Uint32Array([t.buffer[1], 0])), d = new rt(new Uint32Array([t.buffer[0], 0])), p = rt.multiply(s, d); this.buffer[0] = p.low(); let b = new rt(new Uint32Array([p.high(), 0])); return p = rt.multiply(i, d), b.plus(p), p = rt.multiply(s, c), b.plus(p), this.buffer[1] = b.low(), this.buffer[3] = b.lessThan(p) ? 1 : 0, this.buffer[2] = b.high(), new rt(new Uint32Array(this.buffer.buffer, this.buffer.byteOffset + 8, 2)).plus(rt.multiply(n, d)).plus(rt.multiply(i, c)).plus(rt.multiply(s, a)), this.buffer[3] += rt.multiply(e, d).plus(rt.multiply(n, c)).plus(rt.multiply(i, a)).plus(rt.multiply(s, o)).low(), this; } plus(t) { let e = new Uint32Array(4); return e[3] = this.buffer[3] + t.buffer[3] >>> 0, e[2] = this.buffer[2] + t.buffer[2] >>> 0, e[1] = this.buffer[1] + t.buffer[1] >>> 0, e[0] = this.buffer[0] + t.buffer[0] >>> 0, e[0] < this.buffer[0] >>> 0 && ++e[1], e[1] < this.buffer[1] >>> 0 && ++e[2], e[2] < this.buffer[2] >>> 0 && ++e[3], this.buffer[3] = e[3], this.buffer[2] = e[2], this.buffer[1] = e[1], this.buffer[0] = e[0], this; } hex() { return `${zn(this.buffer[3])} ${zn(this.buffer[2])} ${zn(this.buffer[1])} ${zn(this.buffer[0])}`; } static multiply(t, e) { return new _e(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).times(e); } static add(t, e) { return new _e(new Uint32Array(t.buffer)).plus(e); } static from(t, e = new Uint32Array(4)) { return _e.fromString(typeof t == "string" ? t : t.toString(), e); } static fromNumber(t, e = new Uint32Array(4)) { return _e.fromString(t.toString(), e); } static fromString(t, e = new Uint32Array(4)) { let n = t.startsWith("-"), i = t.length, s = new _e(e); for (let o = n ? 1 : 0; o < i;) { let a = jn < i - o ? jn : i - o, c = new _e(new Uint32Array([Number.parseInt(t.slice(o, o + a), 10), 0, 0, 0])), d = new _e(new Uint32Array([La[a], 0, 0, 0])); s.times(d), s.plus(c), o += a; } return n ? s.negate() : s; } static convertArray(t) { let e = new Uint32Array(t.length * 4); for (let n = -1, i = t.length; ++n < i;) _e.from(t[n], new Uint32Array(e.buffer, e.byteOffset + 4 * 4 * n, 4)); return e; } }; var xi = class extends D { constructor(t, e, n, i) { super(), this.nodesIndex = -1, this.buffersIndex = -1, this.bytes = t, this.nodes = e, this.buffers = n, this.dictionaries = i; } visit(t) { return super.visit(t instanceof H ? t.type : t); } visitNull(t, { length: e } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e }); } visitBool(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitInt(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitFloat(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitUtf8(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), valueOffsets: this.readOffsets(t), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitBinary(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), valueOffsets: this.readOffsets(t), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitFixedSizeBinary(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitDate(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitTimestamp(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitTime(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitDecimal(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitList(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), valueOffsets: this.readOffsets(t), child: this.visit(t.children[0]) }); } visitStruct(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), children: this.visitMany(t.children) }); } visitUnion(t) { return t.mode === gt.Sparse ? this.visitSparseUnion(t) : this.visitDenseUnion(t); } visitDenseUnion(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), typeIds: this.readTypeIds(t), valueOffsets: this.readOffsets(t), children: this.visitMany(t.children) }); } visitSparseUnion(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), typeIds: this.readTypeIds(t), children: this.visitMany(t.children) }); } visitDictionary(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t.indices), dictionary: this.readDictionary(t) }); } visitInterval(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), data: this.readData(t) }); } visitFixedSizeList(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), child: this.visit(t.children[0]) }); } visitMap(t, { length: e, nullCount: n } = this.nextFieldNode()) { return C({ type: t, length: e, nullCount: n, nullBitmap: this.readNullBitmap(t, n), valueOffsets: this.readOffsets(t), child: this.visit(t.children[0]) }); } nextFieldNode() { return this.nodes[++this.nodesIndex]; } nextBufferRange() { return this.buffers[++this.buffersIndex]; } readNullBitmap(t, e, n = this.nextBufferRange()) { return e > 0 && this.readData(t, n) || new Uint8Array(0); } readOffsets(t, e) { return this.readData(t, e); } readTypeIds(t, e) { return this.readData(t, e); } readData(t, { length: e, offset: n } = this.nextBufferRange()) { return this.bytes.subarray(n, n + e); } readDictionary(t) { return this.dictionaries.get(t.id); } }, no = class extends xi { constructor(t, e, n, i) { super(new Uint8Array(0), e, n, i), this.sources = t; } readNullBitmap(t, e, { offset: n } = this.nextBufferRange()) { return e <= 0 ? new Uint8Array(0) : dn(this.sources[n]); } readOffsets(t, { offset: e } = this.nextBufferRange()) { return $(Uint8Array, $(Int32Array, this.sources[e])); } readTypeIds(t, { offset: e } = this.nextBufferRange()) { return $(Uint8Array, $(t.ArrayType, this.sources[e])); } readData(t, { offset: e } = this.nextBufferRange()) { let { sources: n } = this; return F.isTimestamp(t) ? $(Uint8Array, Pt.convertArray(n[e])) : (F.isInt(t) || F.isTime(t)) && t.bitWidth === 64 ? $(Uint8Array, Pt.convertArray(n[e])) : F.isDate(t) && t.unit === Yt.MILLISECOND ? $(Uint8Array, Pt.convertArray(n[e])) : F.isDecimal(t) ? $(Uint8Array, _e.convertArray(n[e])) : F.isBinary(t) || F.isFixedSizeBinary(t) ? Im(n[e]) : F.isBool(t) ? dn(n[e]) : F.isUtf8(t) ? Vr(n[e].join("")) : $(Uint8Array, $(t.ArrayType, n[e].map(i => +i))); } }; function Im(r) { let t = r.join(""), e = new Uint8Array(t.length / 2); for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n += 2) e[n >> 1] = Number.parseInt(t.slice(n, n + 2), 16); return e; } var Wn = class extends sr { constructor(t) { super(t), this._values = new Yr(new Uint8Array(0)); } get byteLength() { let t = this._pendingLength + this.length * 4; return this._offsets && (t += this._offsets.byteLength), this._values && (t += this._values.byteLength), this._nulls && (t += this._nulls.byteLength), t; } setValue(t, e) { return super.setValue(t, N(e)); } _flushPending(t, e) { let n = this._offsets, i = this._values.reserve(e).buffer, s = 0; for (let [o, a] of t) if (a === void 0) n.set(o, 0); else { let c = a.length; i.set(a, s), n.set(o, c), s += c; } } }; var io = class extends _t { constructor(t) { super(t), this._values = new Pn; } setValue(t, e) { this._values.set(t, +e); } }; var _n = class extends Nt { }; _n.prototype._setValue = ga; var Ti = class extends _n { }; Ti.prototype._setValue = Ms; var Bi = class extends _n { }; Bi.prototype._setValue = Rs; var Di = class extends Nt { }; Di.prototype._setValue = Sa; var so = class extends _t { constructor({ type: t, nullValues: e, dictionaryHashFunction: n }) { super({ type: new ve(t.dictionary, t.indices, t.id, t.isOrdered) }), this._nulls = null, this._dictionaryOffset = 0, this._keysToIndices = Object.create(null), this.indices = yn({ type: this.type.indices, nullValues: e }), this.dictionary = yn({ type: this.type.dictionary, nullValues: null }), typeof n == "function" && (this.valueToKey = n); } get values() { return this.indices.values; } get nullCount() { return this.indices.nullCount; } get nullBitmap() { return this.indices.nullBitmap; } get byteLength() { return this.indices.byteLength + this.dictionary.byteLength; } get reservedLength() { return this.indices.reservedLength + this.dictionary.reservedLength; } get reservedByteLength() { return this.indices.reservedByteLength + this.dictionary.reservedByteLength; } isValid(t) { return this.indices.isValid(t); } setValid(t, e) { let n = this.indices; return e = n.setValid(t, e), this.length = n.length, e; } setValue(t, e) { let n = this._keysToIndices, i = this.valueToKey(e), s = n[i]; return s === void 0 && (n[i] = s = this._dictionaryOffset + this.dictionary.append(e).length - 1), this.indices.setValue(t, s); } flush() { let t = this.type, e = this._dictionary, n = this.dictionary.toVector(), i = this.indices.flush().clone(t); return i.dictionary = e ? e.concat(n) : n, this.finished || (this._dictionaryOffset += n.length), this._dictionary = i.dictionary, this.clear(), i; } finish() { return this.indices.finish(), this.dictionary.finish(), this._dictionaryOffset = 0, this._keysToIndices = Object.create(null), super.finish(); } clear() { return this.indices.clear(), this.dictionary.clear(), super.clear(); } valueToKey(t) { return typeof t == "string" ? t : `${t}`; } }; var Ei = class extends Nt { }; Ei.prototype._setValue = ba; var oo = class extends _t { setValue(t, e) { let [n] = this.children, i = t * this.stride; for (let s = -1, o = e.length; ++s < o;) n.set(i + s, e[s]); } addChild(t, e = "0") { if (this.numChildren > 0) throw new Error("FixedSizeListBuilder can only have one child."); let n = this.children.push(t); return this.type = new Ye(this.type.listSize, new H(e, t.type, !0)), n; } }; var bn = class extends Nt { setValue(t, e) { this._values.set(t, e); } }, ao = class extends bn { setValue(t, e) { super.setValue(t, fi(e)); } }, co = class extends bn { }, lo = class extends bn { }; var gn = class extends Nt { }; gn.prototype._setValue = Ia; var Oi = class extends gn { }; Oi.prototype._setValue = zs; var Mi = class extends gn { }; Mi.prototype._setValue = js; var Ue = class extends Nt { setValue(t, e) { this._values.set(t, e); } }, uo = class extends Ue { }, fo = class extends Ue { }, ho = class extends Ue { }, po = class extends Ue { }, mo = class extends Ue { }, _o = class extends Ue { }, yo = class extends Ue { }, bo = class extends Ue { }; var go = class extends sr { constructor(t) { super(t), this._offsets = new Vn; } addChild(t, e = "0") { if (this.numChildren > 0) throw new Error("ListBuilder can only have one child."); return this.children[this.numChildren] = t, this.type = new We(new H(e, t.type, !0)), this.numChildren - 1; } _flushPending(t) { let e = this._offsets, [n] = this.children; for (let [i, s] of t) if (s === void 0) e.set(i, 0); else { let o = s.length, a = e.set(i, o).buffer[i]; for (let c = -1; ++c < o;) n.set(a + c, s[c]); } } }; var wo = class extends sr { set(t, e) { return super.set(t, e); } setValue(t, e) { let n = e instanceof Map ? e : new Map(Object.entries(e)), i = this._pending || (this._pending = new Map), s = i.get(t); s && (this._pendingLength -= s.size), this._pendingLength += n.size, i.set(t, n); } addChild(t, e = `${this.numChildren}`) { if (this.numChildren > 0) throw new Error("ListBuilder can only have one child."); return this.children[this.numChildren] = t, this.type = new Xe(new H(e, t.type, !0), this.type.keysSorted), this.numChildren - 1; } _flushPending(t) { let e = this._offsets, [n] = this.children; for (let [i, s] of t) if (s === void 0) e.set(i, 0); else { let { [i]: o, [i + 1]: a } = e.set(i, s.size).buffer; for (let c of s.entries()) if (n.set(o, c), ++o >= a) break; } } }; var vo = class extends _t { setValue(t, e) { } setValid(t, e) { return this.length = Math.max(t + 1, this.length), e; } }; var So = class extends _t { setValue(t, e) { let { children: n, type: i } = this; switch (Array.isArray(e) || e.constructor) { case !0: return i.children.forEach((s, o) => n[o].set(t, e[o])); case Map: return i.children.forEach((s, o) => n[o].set(t, e.get(s.name))); default: return i.children.forEach((s, o) => n[o].set(t, e[s.name])); } } setValid(t, e) { return super.setValid(t, e) || this.children.forEach(n => n.setValid(t, e)), e; } addChild(t, e = `${this.numChildren}`) { let n = this.children.push(t); return this.type = new ut([...this.type.children, new H(e, t.type, !0)]), n; } }; var Rr = class extends Nt { }; Rr.prototype._setValue = wa; var Ri = class extends Rr { }; Ri.prototype._setValue = Us; var Ui = class extends Rr { }; Ui.prototype._setValue = Ns; var Ni = class extends Rr { }; Ni.prototype._setValue = ks; var ki = class extends Rr { }; ki.prototype._setValue = Ls; var Ur = class extends Nt { }; Ur.prototype._setValue = va; var Li = class extends Ur { }; Li.prototype._setValue = Cs; var Ci = class extends Ur { }; Ci.prototype._setValue = Ps; var Pi = class extends Ur { }; Pi.prototype._setValue = Vs; var Vi = class extends Ur { }; Vi.prototype._setValue = Hs; var $n = class extends _t { constructor(t) { super(t), this._typeIds = new Dr(new Int8Array(0), 1), typeof t.valueToChildTypeId == "function" && (this._valueToChildTypeId = t.valueToChildTypeId); } get typeIdToChildIndex() { return this.type.typeIdToChildIndex; } append(t, e) { return this.set(this.length, t, e); } set(t, e, n) { return n === void 0 && (n = this._valueToChildTypeId(this, e, t)), this.setValid(t, this.isValid(e)) && this.setValue(t, e, n), this; } setValue(t, e, n) { this._typeIds.set(t, n); let i = this.type.typeIdToChildIndex[n], s = this.children[i]; s == null || s.set(t, e); } addChild(t, e = `${this.children.length}`) { let n = this.children.push(t), { type: { children: i, mode: s, typeIds: o } } = this, a = [...i, new H(e, t.type)]; return this.type = new $e(s, [...o, n], a), n; } _valueToChildTypeId(t, e, n) { throw new Error("Cannot map UnionBuilder value to child typeId. Pass the `childTypeId` as the second argument to unionBuilder.append(), or supply a `valueToChildTypeId` function as part of the UnionBuilder constructor options."); } }, Io = class extends $n { }, Ao = class extends $n { constructor(t) { super(t), this._offsets = new Dr(new Int32Array(0)); } setValue(t, e, n) { let i = this._typeIds.set(t, n).buffer[t], s = this.getChildAt(this.type.typeIdToChildIndex[i]), o = this._offsets.set(t, s.length).buffer[t]; s == null || s.set(o, e); } }; var Hi = class extends sr { constructor(t) { super(t), this._values = new Yr(new Uint8Array(0)); } get byteLength() { let t = this._pendingLength + this.length * 4; return this._offsets && (t += this._offsets.byteLength), this._values && (t += this._values.byteLength), this._nulls && (t += this._nulls.byteLength), t; } setValue(t, e) { return super.setValue(t, Vr(e)); } _flushPending(t, e) { } }; Hi.prototype._flushPending = Wn.prototype._flushPending; var Pa = class extends D { visitNull() { return vo; } visitBool() { return io; } visitInt() { return Ue; } visitInt8() { return uo; } visitInt16() { return fo; } visitInt32() { return ho; } visitInt64() { return po; } visitUint8() { return mo; } visitUint16() { return _o; } visitUint32() { return yo; } visitUint64() { return bo; } visitFloat() { return bn; } visitFloat16() { return ao; } visitFloat32() { return co; } visitFloat64() { return lo; } visitUtf8() { return Hi; } visitBinary() { return Wn; } visitFixedSizeBinary() { return Ei; } visitDate() { return _n; } visitDateDay() { return Ti; } visitDateMillisecond() { return Bi; } visitTimestamp() { return Rr; } visitTimestampSecond() { return Ri; } visitTimestampMillisecond() { return Ui; } visitTimestampMicrosecond() { return Ni; } visitTimestampNanosecond() { return ki; } visitTime() { return Ur; } visitTimeSecond() { return Li; } visitTimeMillisecond() { return Ci; } visitTimeMicrosecond() { return Pi; } visitTimeNanosecond() { return Vi; } visitDecimal() { return Di; } visitList() { return go; } visitStruct() { return So; } visitUnion() { return $n; } visitDenseUnion() { return Ao; } visitSparseUnion() { return Io; } visitDictionary() { return so; } visitInterval() { return gn; } visitIntervalDayTime() { return Oi; } visitIntervalYearMonth() { return Mi; } visitFixedSizeList() { return oo; } visitMap() { return wo; } }, fu = new Pa; var U = class extends D { compareSchemas(t, e) { return t === e || e instanceof t.constructor && this.compareManyFields(t.fields, e.fields); } compareManyFields(t, e) { return t === e || Array.isArray(t) && Array.isArray(e) && t.length === e.length && t.every((n, i) => this.compareFields(n, e[i])); } compareFields(t, e) { return t === e || e instanceof t.constructor && t.name === e.name && t.nullable === e.nullable && this.visit(t.type, e.type); } }; function ye(r, t) { return t instanceof r.constructor; } function zi(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t); } function Nr(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.bitWidth === t.bitWidth && r.isSigned === t.isSigned; } function Fo(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.precision === t.precision; } function Am(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.byteWidth === t.byteWidth; } function Va(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.unit === t.unit; } function ji(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.unit === t.unit && r.timezone === t.timezone; } function Wi(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.unit === t.unit && r.bitWidth === t.bitWidth; } function Fm(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.children.length === t.children.length && mr.compareManyFields(r.children, t.children); } function xm(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.children.length === t.children.length && mr.compareManyFields(r.children, t.children); } function Ha(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.mode === t.mode && r.typeIds.every((e, n) => e === t.typeIds[n]) && mr.compareManyFields(r.children, t.children); } function Tm(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.id === t.id && r.isOrdered === t.isOrdered && mr.visit(r.indices, t.indices) && mr.visit(r.dictionary, t.dictionary); } function za(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.unit === t.unit; } function Bm(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.listSize === t.listSize && r.children.length === t.children.length && mr.compareManyFields(r.children, t.children); } function Dm(r, t) { return r === t || ye(r, t) && r.keysSorted === t.keysSorted && r.children.length === t.children.length && mr.compareManyFields(r.children, t.children); } U.prototype.visitNull = zi; U.prototype.visitBool = zi; U.prototype.visitInt = Nr; U.prototype.visitInt8 = Nr; U.prototype.visitInt16 = Nr; U.prototype.visitInt32 = Nr; U.prototype.visitInt64 = Nr; U.prototype.visitUint8 = Nr; U.prototype.visitUint16 = Nr; U.prototype.visitUint32 = Nr; U.prototype.visitUint64 = Nr; U.prototype.visitFloat = Fo; U.prototype.visitFloat16 = Fo; U.prototype.visitFloat32 = Fo; U.prototype.visitFloat64 = Fo; U.prototype.visitUtf8 = zi; U.prototype.visitBinary = zi; U.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = Am; U.prototype.visitDate = Va; U.prototype.visitDateDay = Va; U.prototype.visitDateMillisecond = Va; U.prototype.visitTimestamp = ji; U.prototype.visitTimestampSecond = ji; U.prototype.visitTimestampMillisecond = ji; U.prototype.visitTimestampMicrosecond = ji; U.prototype.visitTimestampNanosecond = ji; U.prototype.visitTime = Wi; U.prototype.visitTimeSecond = Wi; U.prototype.visitTimeMillisecond = Wi; U.prototype.visitTimeMicrosecond = Wi; U.prototype.visitTimeNanosecond = Wi; U.prototype.visitDecimal = zi; U.prototype.visitList = Fm; U.prototype.visitStruct = xm; U.prototype.visitUnion = Ha; U.prototype.visitDenseUnion = Ha; U.prototype.visitSparseUnion = Ha; U.prototype.visitDictionary = Tm; U.prototype.visitInterval = za; U.prototype.visitIntervalDayTime = za; U.prototype.visitIntervalYearMonth = za; U.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = Bm; U.prototype.visitMap = Dm; var mr = new U; function wn(r, t) { return mr.compareSchemas(r, t); } function hu(r, t) { return mr.compareFields(r, t); } function pu(r, t) { return mr.visit(r, t); } function yn(r) { let t = r.type, e = new (fu.getVisitFn(t)())(r); if (t.children && t.children.length > 0) { let n = r.children || [], i = { nullValues: r.nullValues }, s = Array.isArray(n) ? (o, a) => n[a] || i : ({ name: o }) => n[o] || i; for (let [o, a] of t.children.entries()) { let { type: c } = a, d = s(a, o); e.children.push(yn(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, d), { type: c }))); } } return e; } function xo(r, t) { return Em(r, t.map(e => e.data.concat())); } function Em(r, t) { let e = [...r.fields], n = [], i = { numBatches: t.reduce((b, _) => Math.max(b, _.length), 0) }, s = 0, o = 0, a = -1, c = t.length, d, p = []; for (; i.numBatches-- > 0;) { for (o = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, a = -1; ++a < c;) p[a] = d = t[a].shift(), o = Math.min(o, d ? d.length : o); Number.isFinite(o) && (p = Om(e, o, p, t, i), o > 0 && (n[s++] = C({ type: new ut(e), length: o, nullCount: 0, children: p.slice() }))); } return [r = r.assign(e), n.map(b => new ct(r, b))]; } function Om(r, t, e, n, i) { var s; let o = (t + 63 & -64) >> 3; for (let a = -1, c = n.length; ++a < c;) { let d = e[a], p = d == null ? void 0 : d.length; if (p >= t) p === t ? e[a] = d : (e[a] = d.slice(0, t), i.numBatches = Math.max(i.numBatches, n[a].unshift(d.slice(t, p - t)))); else { let b = r[a]; r[a] = b.clone({ nullable: !0 }), e[a] = (s = d == null ? void 0 : d._changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(t)) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : C({ type: b.type, length: t, nullCount: t, nullBitmap: new Uint8Array(o) }); } } return e; } var mu, It = class { constructor(...t) { var e, n; if (t.length === 0) return this.batches = [], this.schema = new G([]), this._offsets = [0], this; let i, s; t[0] instanceof G && (i = t.shift()), t[t.length - 1] instanceof Uint32Array && (s = t.pop()); let o = c => { if (c) { if (c instanceof ct) return [c]; if (c instanceof It) return c.batches; if (c instanceof et) { if (c.type instanceof ut) return [new ct(new G(c.type.children), c)]; } else { if (Array.isArray(c)) return c.flatMap(d => o(d)); if (typeof c[Symbol.iterator] == "function") return [...c].flatMap(d => o(d)); if (typeof c == "object") { let d = Object.keys(c), p = d.map(S => new L([c[S]])), b = new G(d.map((S, J) => new H(String(S), p[J].type))), [, _] = xo(b, p); return _.length === 0 ? [new ct(c)] : _; } } } return []; }, a = t.flatMap(c => o(c)); if (i = (n = i != null ? i : (e = a[0]) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.schema) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : new G([]), !(i instanceof G)) throw new TypeError("Table constructor expects a [Schema, RecordBatch[]] pair."); for (let c of a) { if (!(c instanceof ct)) throw new TypeError("Table constructor expects a [Schema, RecordBatch[]] pair."); if (!wn(i, c.schema)) throw new TypeError("Table and inner RecordBatch schemas must be equivalent."); } this.schema = i, this.batches = a, this._offsets = s != null ? s : Gs(this.data); } get data() { return this.batches.map(({ data: t }) => t); } get numCols() { return this.schema.fields.length; } get numRows() { return this.data.reduce((t, e) => t + e.length, 0); } get nullCount() { return this._nullCount === -1 && (this._nullCount = Xs(this.data)), this._nullCount; } isValid(t) { return !1; } get(t) { return null; } set(t, e) { } indexOf(t, e) { return -1; } getByteLength(t) { return 0; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.batches.length > 0 ? Ln.visit(new L(this.data)) : new Array(0)[Symbol.iterator](); } toArray() { return [...this]; } toString() { return `[ ${this.toArray().join(`, `)} ]`; } concat(...t) { let e = this.schema, n = this.data.concat(t.flatMap(({ data: i }) => i)); return new It(e, n.map(i => new ct(e, i))); } slice(t, e) { let n = this.schema; [t, e] = hi({ length: this.numRows }, t, e); let i = Ks(this.data, this._offsets, t, e); return new It(n, i.map(s => new ct(n, s))); } getChild(t) { return this.getChildAt(this.schema.fields.findIndex(e => e.name === t)); } getChildAt(t) { if (t > -1 && t < this.schema.fields.length) { let e = this.data.map(n => n.children[t]); if (e.length === 0) { let { type: n } = this.schema.fields[t], i = C({ type: n, length: 0, nullCount: 0 }); e.push(i._changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(this.numRows)); } return new L(e); } return null; } setChild(t, e) { var n; return this.setChildAt((n = this.schema.fields) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.findIndex(i => i.name === t), e); } setChildAt(t, e) { let n = this.schema, i = [...this.batches]; if (t > -1 && t < this.numCols) { e || (e = new L([C({ type: new ne, length: this.numRows })])); let s = n.fields.slice(), o = s[t].clone({ type: e.type }), a = this.schema.fields.map((c, d) => this.getChildAt(d)); [s[t], a[t]] = [o, e], [n, i] = xo(n, a); } return new It(n, i); } select(t) { let e = this.schema.fields.reduce((n, i, s) => n.set(i.name, s), new Map); return this.selectAt(t.map(n => e.get(n)).filter(n => n > -1)); } selectAt(t) { let e = this.schema.selectAt(t), n = this.batches.map(i => i.selectAt(t)); return new It(e, n); } assign(t) { let e = this.schema.fields, [n, i] = t.schema.fields.reduce((a, c, d) => { let [p, b] = a, _ = e.findIndex(S => S.name === c.name); return ~_ ? b[_] = d : p.push(d), a; }, [[], []]), s = this.schema.assign(t.schema), o = [...e.map((a, c) => [c, i[c]]).map(([a, c]) => c === void 0 ? this.getChildAt(a) : t.getChildAt(c)), ...n.map(a => t.getChildAt(a))].filter(Boolean); return new It(...xo(s, o)); } }; mu = Symbol.toStringTag; It[mu] = (r => (r.schema = null, r.batches = [], r._offsets = new Uint32Array([0]), r._nullCount = -1, r[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = !0, r.isValid = $r(_i), r.get = $r(Tt.getVisitFn(f.Struct)), r.set = Js(Xt.getVisitFn(f.Struct)), r.indexOf = qs(hn.getVisitFn(f.Struct)), r.getByteLength = $r(Ie.getVisitFn(f.Struct)), "Table"))(It.prototype); var yu, ct = class { constructor(...t) { switch (t.length) { case 2: { if ([this.schema] = t, !(this.schema instanceof G)) throw new TypeError("RecordBatch constructor expects a [Schema, Data] pair."); if ([, this.data = C({ nullCount: 0, type: new ut(this.schema.fields), children: this.schema.fields.map(e => C({ type: e.type, nullCount: 0 })) })] = t, !(this.data instanceof et)) throw new TypeError("RecordBatch constructor expects a [Schema, Data] pair."); [this.schema, this.data] = _u(this.schema, this.data.children); break; } case 1: { let [e] = t, { fields: n, children: i, length: s } = Object.keys(e).reduce((c, d, p) => (c.children[p] = e[d], c.length = Math.max(c.length, e[d].length), c.fields[p] = H.new({ name: d, type: e[d].type, nullable: !0 }), c), { length: 0, fields: new Array, children: new Array }), o = new G(n), a = C({ type: new ut(n), length: s, children: i, nullCount: 0 }); [this.schema, this.data] = _u(o, a.children, s); break; } default: throw new TypeError("RecordBatch constructor expects an Object mapping names to child Data, or a [Schema, Data] pair."); } } get dictionaries() { return this._dictionaries || (this._dictionaries = bu(this.schema.fields, this.data.children)); } get numCols() { return this.schema.fields.length; } get numRows() { return this.data.length; } get nullCount() { return this.data.nullCount; } isValid(t) { return this.data.getValid(t); } get(t) { return Tt.visit(this.data, t); } set(t, e) { return Xt.visit(this.data, t, e); } indexOf(t, e) { return hn.visit(this.data, t, e); } getByteLength(t) { return Ie.visit(this.data, t); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return Ln.visit(new L([this.data])); } toArray() { return [...this]; } concat(...t) { return new It(this.schema, [this, ...t]); } slice(t, e) { let [n] = new L([this.data]).slice(t, e).data; return new ct(this.schema, n); } getChild(t) { var e; return this.getChildAt((e = this.schema.fields) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.findIndex(n => n.name === t)); } getChildAt(t) { return t > -1 && t < this.schema.fields.length ? new L([this.data.children[t]]) : null; } setChild(t, e) { var n; return this.setChildAt((n = this.schema.fields) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.findIndex(i => i.name === t), e); } setChildAt(t, e) { let n = this.schema, i = this.data; if (t > -1 && t < this.numCols) { e || (e = new L([C({ type: new ne, length: this.numRows })])); let s = n.fields.slice(), o = i.children.slice(), a = s[t].clone({ type: e.type }); [s[t], o[t]] = [a, e.data[0]], n = new G(s, new Map(this.schema.metadata)), i = C({ type: new ut(s), children: o }); } return new ct(n, i); } select(t) { let e = this.schema.select(t), n = new ut(e.fields), i = []; for (let s of t) { let o = this.schema.fields.findIndex(a => a.name === s); ~o && (i[o] = this.data.children[o]); } return new ct(e, C({ type: n, length: this.numRows, children: i })); } selectAt(t) { let e = this.schema.selectAt(t), n = t.map(s => this.data.children[s]).filter(Boolean), i = C({ type: new ut(e.fields), length: this.numRows, children: n }); return new ct(e, i); } }; yu = Symbol.toStringTag; ct[yu] = (r => (r._nullCount = -1, r[Symbol.isConcatSpreadable] = !0, "RecordBatch"))(ct.prototype); function _u(r, t, e = t.reduce((n, i) => Math.max(n, i.length), 0)) { var n; let i = [...r.fields], s = [...t], o = (e + 63 & -64) >> 3; for (let [a, c] of r.fields.entries()) { let d = t[a]; (!d || d.length !== e) && (i[a] = c.clone({ nullable: !0 }), s[a] = (n = d == null ? void 0 : d._changeLengthAndBackfillNullBitmap(e)) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : C({ type: c.type, length: e, nullCount: e, nullBitmap: new Uint8Array(o) })); } return [r.assign(i), C({ type: new ut(i), length: e, children: s })]; } function bu(r, t, e = new Map) { for (let n = -1, i = r.length; ++n < i;) { let o = r[n].type, a = t[n]; if (F.isDictionary(o)) { if (!e.has(o.id)) a.dictionary && e.set(o.id, a.dictionary); else if (e.get(o.id) !== a.dictionary) throw new Error("Cannot create Schema containing two different dictionaries with the same Id"); } o.children && o.children.length > 0 && bu(o.children, a.children, e); } return e; } var vn = class extends ct { constructor(t) { let e = t.fields.map(i => C({ type: i.type })), n = C({ type: new ut(t.fields), nullCount: 0, children: e }); super(t, n); } }; var $i; (function (r) { r[r.BUFFER = 0] = "BUFFER"; })($i || ($i = {})); var Yi; (function (r) { r[r.LZ4_FRAME = 0] = "LZ4_FRAME", r[r.ZSTD = 1] = "ZSTD"; })(Yi || (Yi = {})); var qe = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsBodyCompression(t, e) { return (e || new qe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsBodyCompression(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new qe).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } codec() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : Yi.LZ4_FRAME; } method() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : $i.BUFFER; } static startBodyCompression(t) { t.startObject(2); } static addCodec(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(0, e, Yi.LZ4_FRAME); } static addMethod(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(1, e, $i.BUFFER); } static endBodyCompression(t) { return t.endObject(); } static createBodyCompression(t, e, n) { return qe.startBodyCompression(t), qe.addCodec(t, e), qe.addMethod(t, n), qe.endBodyCompression(t); } }; var Yn = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } offset() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos); } length() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + 8); } static sizeOf() { return 16; } static createBuffer(t, e, n) { return t.prep(8, 16), t.writeInt64(n), t.writeInt64(e), t.offset(); } }; var Xn = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } length() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos); } nullCount() { return this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + 8); } static sizeOf() { return 16; } static createFieldNode(t, e, n) { return t.prep(8, 16), t.writeInt64(n), t.writeInt64(e), t.offset(); } }; var Zt = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsRecordBatch(t, e) { return (e || new Zt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsRecordBatch(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Zt).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } length() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + t) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } nodes(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return n ? (e || new Xn).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 16, this.bb) : null; } nodesLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } buffers(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return n ? (e || new Yn).__init(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 16, this.bb) : null; } buffersLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } compression(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return e ? (t || new qe).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + e), this.bb) : null; } static startRecordBatch(t) { t.startObject(4); } static addLength(t, e) { t.addFieldInt64(0, e, t.createLong(0, 0)); } static addNodes(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static startNodesVector(t, e) { t.startVector(16, e, 8); } static addBuffers(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(2, e, 0); } static startBuffersVector(t, e) { t.startVector(16, e, 8); } static addCompression(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(3, e, 0); } static endRecordBatch(t) { return t.endObject(); } }; var Ne = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsDictionaryBatch(t, e) { return (e || new Ne).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsDictionaryBatch(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Ne).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } id() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + t) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } data(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return e ? (t || new Zt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb_pos + e), this.bb) : null; } isDelta() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return t ? !!this.bb.readInt8(this.bb_pos + t) : !1; } static startDictionaryBatch(t) { t.startObject(3); } static addId(t, e) { t.addFieldInt64(0, e, t.createLong(0, 0)); } static addData(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(1, e, 0); } static addIsDelta(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(2, +e, 0); } static endDictionaryBatch(t) { return t.endObject(); } }; var Gn; (function (r) { r[r.NONE = 0] = "NONE", r[r.Schema = 1] = "Schema", r[r.DictionaryBatch = 2] = "DictionaryBatch", r[r.RecordBatch = 3] = "RecordBatch", r[r.Tensor = 4] = "Tensor", r[r.SparseTensor = 5] = "SparseTensor"; })(Gn || (Gn = {})); var Ft = class { constructor() { this.bb = null, this.bb_pos = 0; } __init(t, e) { return this.bb_pos = t, this.bb = e, this; } static getRootAsMessage(t, e) { return (e || new Ft).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } static getSizePrefixedRootAsMessage(t, e) { return t.setPosition(t.position() + 4), (e || new Ft).__init(t.readInt32(t.position()) + t.position(), t); } version() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 4); return t ? this.bb.readInt16(this.bb_pos + t) : Xr.V1; } headerType() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 6); return t ? this.bb.readUint8(this.bb_pos + t) : Gn.NONE; } header(t) { let e = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 8); return e ? this.bb.__union(t, this.bb_pos + e) : null; } bodyLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 10); return t ? this.bb.readInt64(this.bb_pos + t) : this.bb.createLong(0, 0); } customMetadata(t, e) { let n = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return n ? (e || new dt).__init(this.bb.__indirect(this.bb.__vector(this.bb_pos + n) + t * 4), this.bb) : null; } customMetadataLength() { let t = this.bb.__offset(this.bb_pos, 12); return t ? this.bb.__vector_len(this.bb_pos + t) : 0; } static startMessage(t) { t.startObject(5); } static addVersion(t, e) { t.addFieldInt16(0, e, Xr.V1); } static addHeaderType(t, e) { t.addFieldInt8(1, e, Gn.NONE); } static addHeader(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(2, e, 0); } static addBodyLength(t, e) { t.addFieldInt64(3, e, t.createLong(0, 0)); } static addCustomMetadata(t, e) { t.addFieldOffset(4, e, 0); } static createCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e.length, 4); for (let n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) t.addOffset(e[n]); return t.endVector(); } static startCustomMetadataVector(t, e) { t.startVector(4, e, 4); } static endMessage(t) { return t.endObject(); } static finishMessageBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e); } static finishSizePrefixedMessageBuffer(t, e) { t.finish(e, void 0, !0); } static createMessage(t, e, n, i, s, o) { return Ft.startMessage(t), Ft.addVersion(t, e), Ft.addHeaderType(t, n), Ft.addHeader(t, i), Ft.addBodyLength(t, s), Ft.addCustomMetadata(t, o), Ft.endMessage(t); } }; var Rm = Bt, ja = class extends D { visit(t, e) { return t == null || e == null ? void 0 : super.visit(t, e); } visitNull(t, e) { return ur.startNull(e), ur.endNull(e); } visitInt(t, e) { return kt.startInt(e), kt.addBitWidth(e, t.bitWidth), kt.addIsSigned(e, t.isSigned), kt.endInt(e); } visitFloat(t, e) { return fe.startFloatingPoint(e), fe.addPrecision(e, t.precision), fe.endFloatingPoint(e); } visitBinary(t, e) { return ar.startBinary(e), ar.endBinary(e); } visitBool(t, e) { return cr.startBool(e), cr.endBool(e); } visitUtf8(t, e) { return fr.startUtf8(e), fr.endUtf8(e); } visitDecimal(t, e) { return Lt.startDecimal(e), Lt.addScale(e, t.scale), Lt.addPrecision(e, t.precision), Lt.addBitWidth(e, t.bitWidth), Lt.endDecimal(e); } visitDate(t, e) { return le.startDate(e), le.addUnit(e, t.unit), le.endDate(e); } visitTime(t, e) { return Kt.startTime(e), Kt.addUnit(e, t.unit), Kt.addBitWidth(e, t.bitWidth), Kt.endTime(e); } visitTimestamp(t, e) { let n = t.timezone && e.createString(t.timezone) || void 0; return Jt.startTimestamp(e), Jt.addUnit(e, t.unit), n !== void 0 && Jt.addTimezone(e, n), Jt.endTimestamp(e); } visitInterval(t, e) { return he.startInterval(e), he.addUnit(e, t.unit), he.endInterval(e); } visitList(t, e) { return lr.startList(e), lr.endList(e); } visitStruct(t, e) { return dr.startStruct_(e), dr.endStruct_(e); } visitUnion(t, e) { Ct.startTypeIdsVector(e, t.typeIds.length); let n = Ct.createTypeIdsVector(e, t.typeIds); return Ct.startUnion(e), Ct.addMode(e, t.mode), Ct.addTypeIds(e, n), Ct.endUnion(e); } visitDictionary(t, e) { let n = this.visit(t.indices, e); return Ae.startDictionaryEncoding(e), Ae.addId(e, new Rm(t.id, 0)), Ae.addIsOrdered(e, t.isOrdered), n !== void 0 && Ae.addIndexType(e, n), Ae.endDictionaryEncoding(e); } visitFixedSizeBinary(t, e) { return ue.startFixedSizeBinary(e), ue.addByteWidth(e, t.byteWidth), ue.endFixedSizeBinary(e); } visitFixedSizeList(t, e) { return de.startFixedSizeList(e), de.addListSize(e, t.listSize), de.endFixedSizeList(e); } visitMap(t, e) { return pe.startMap(e), pe.addKeysSorted(e, t.keysSorted), pe.endMap(e); } }, To = new ja; function Su(r, t = new Map) { return new G(Um(r, t), Bo(r.customMetadata), t); } function Wa(r) { return new Gt(r.count, Au(r.columns), Fu(r.columns)); } function Iu(r) { return new ge(Wa(r.data), r.id, r.isDelta); } function Um(r, t) { return (r.fields || []).filter(Boolean).map(e => H.fromJSON(e, t)); } function gu(r, t) { return (r.children || []).filter(Boolean).map(e => H.fromJSON(e, t)); } function Au(r) { return (r || []).reduce((t, e) => [...t, new Ze(e.count, Nm(e.VALIDITY)), ...Au(e.children)], []); } function Fu(r, t = []) { for (let e = -1, n = (r || []).length; ++e < n;) { let i = r[e]; i.VALIDITY && t.push(new be(t.length, i.VALIDITY.length)), i.TYPE && t.push(new be(t.length, i.TYPE.length)), i.OFFSET && t.push(new be(t.length, i.OFFSET.length)), i.DATA && t.push(new be(t.length, i.DATA.length)), t = Fu(i.children, t); } return t; } function Nm(r) { return (r || []).reduce((t, e) => t + +(e === 0), 0); } function xu(r, t) { let e, n, i, s, o, a; return !t || !(s = r.dictionary) ? (o = vu(r, gu(r, t)), i = new H(r.name, o, r.nullable, Bo(r.customMetadata))) : t.has(e = s.id) ? (n = (n = s.indexType) ? wu(n) : new rr, a = new ve(t.get(e), n, e, s.isOrdered), i = new H(r.name, a, r.nullable, Bo(r.customMetadata))) : (n = (n = s.indexType) ? wu(n) : new rr, t.set(e, o = vu(r, gu(r, t))), a = new ve(o, n, e, s.isOrdered), i = new H(r.name, a, r.nullable, Bo(r.customMetadata))), i || null; } function Bo(r) { return new Map(Object.entries(r || {})); } function wu(r) { return new At(r.isSigned, r.bitWidth); } function vu(r, t) { let e = r.type.name; switch (e) { case "NONE": return new ne; case "null": return new ne; case "binary": return new wr; case "utf8": return new vr; case "bool": return new Sr; case "list": return new We((t || [])[0]); case "struct": return new ut(t || []); case "struct_": return new ut(t || []); } switch (e) { case "int": { let n = r.type; return new At(n.isSigned, n.bitWidth); } case "floatingpoint": { let n = r.type; return new ce(mt[n.precision]); } case "decimal": { let n = r.type; return new Ir(n.scale, n.precision, n.bitWidth); } case "date": { let n = r.type; return new Ar(Yt[n.unit]); } case "time": { let n = r.type; return new je(X[n.unit], n.bitWidth); } case "timestamp": { let n = r.type; return new Fr(X[n.unit], n.timezone); } case "interval": { let n = r.type; return new xr(re[n.unit]); } case "union": { let n = r.type; return new $e(gt[n.mode], n.typeIds || [], t || []); } case "fixedsizebinary": { let n = r.type; return new Tr(n.byteWidth); } case "fixedsizelist": { let n = r.type; return new Ye(n.listSize, (t || [])[0]); } case "map": { let n = r.type; return new Xe((t || [])[0], n.keysSorted); } } throw new Error(`Unrecognized type: "${e}"`); } var Sn = Bt, km = Er, Lm = ie, Et = class { constructor(t, e, n, i) { this._version = e, this._headerType = n, this.body = new Uint8Array(0), i && (this._createHeader = () => i), this._bodyLength = typeof t == "number" ? t : t.low; } static fromJSON(t, e) { let n = new Et(0, Ut.V4, e); return n._createHeader = Cm(t, e), n; } static decode(t) { t = new Lm(N(t)); let e = Ft.getRootAsMessage(t), n = e.bodyLength(), i = e.version(), s = e.headerType(), o = new Et(n, i, s); return o._createHeader = Pm(e, s), o; } static encode(t) { let e = new km, n = -1; return t.isSchema() ? n = G.encode(e, t.header()) : t.isRecordBatch() ? n = Gt.encode(e, t.header()) : t.isDictionaryBatch() && (n = ge.encode(e, t.header())), Ft.startMessage(e), Ft.addVersion(e, Ut.V4), Ft.addHeader(e, n), Ft.addHeaderType(e, t.headerType), Ft.addBodyLength(e, new Sn(t.bodyLength, 0)), Ft.finishMessageBuffer(e, Ft.endMessage(e)), e.asUint8Array(); } static from(t, e = 0) { if (t instanceof G) return new Et(0, Ut.V4, Q.Schema, t); if (t instanceof Gt) return new Et(e, Ut.V4, Q.RecordBatch, t); if (t instanceof ge) return new Et(e, Ut.V4, Q.DictionaryBatch, t); throw new Error(`Unrecognized Message header: ${t}`); } get type() { return this.headerType; } get version() { return this._version; } get headerType() { return this._headerType; } get bodyLength() { return this._bodyLength; } header() { return this._createHeader(); } isSchema() { return this.headerType === Q.Schema; } isRecordBatch() { return this.headerType === Q.RecordBatch; } isDictionaryBatch() { return this.headerType === Q.DictionaryBatch; } }, Gt = class { constructor(t, e, n) { this._nodes = e, this._buffers = n, this._length = typeof t == "number" ? t : t.low; } get nodes() { return this._nodes; } get length() { return this._length; } get buffers() { return this._buffers; } }, ge = class { constructor(t, e, n = !1) { this._data = t, this._isDelta = n, this._id = typeof e == "number" ? e : e.low; } get id() { return this._id; } get data() { return this._data; } get isDelta() { return this._isDelta; } get length() { return this.data.length; } get nodes() { return this.data.nodes; } get buffers() { return this.data.buffers; } }, be = class { constructor(t, e) { this.offset = typeof t == "number" ? t : t.low, this.length = typeof e == "number" ? e : e.low; } }, Ze = class { constructor(t, e) { this.length = typeof t == "number" ? t : t.low, this.nullCount = typeof e == "number" ? e : e.low; } }; function Cm(r, t) { return () => { switch (t) { case Q.Schema: return G.fromJSON(r); case Q.RecordBatch: return Gt.fromJSON(r); case Q.DictionaryBatch: return ge.fromJSON(r); } throw new Error(`Unrecognized Message type: { name: ${Q[t]}, type: ${t} }`); }; } function Pm(r, t) { return () => { switch (t) { case Q.Schema: return G.decode(r.header(new wt)); case Q.RecordBatch: return Gt.decode(r.header(new Zt), r.version()); case Q.DictionaryBatch: return ge.decode(r.header(new Ne), r.version()); } throw new Error(`Unrecognized Message type: { name: ${Q[t]}, type: ${t} }`); }; } H.encode = Jm; H.decode = Gm; H.fromJSON = xu; G.encode = Km; G.decode = Vm; G.fromJSON = Su; Gt.encode = qm; Gt.decode = Hm; Gt.fromJSON = Wa; ge.encode = Zm; ge.decode = zm; ge.fromJSON = Iu; Ze.encode = Qm; Ze.decode = Wm; be.encode = t_; be.decode = jm; function Vm(r, t = new Map) { let e = Xm(r, t); return new G(e, Do(r), t); } function Hm(r, t = Ut.V4) { if (r.compression() !== null) throw new Error("Record batch compression not implemented"); return new Gt(r.length(), $m(r), Ym(r, t)); } function zm(r, t = Ut.V4) { return new ge(Gt.decode(r.data(), t), r.id(), r.isDelta()); } function jm(r) { return new be(r.offset(), r.length()); } function Wm(r) { return new Ze(r.length(), r.nullCount()); } function $m(r) { let t = []; for (let e, n = -1, i = -1, s = r.nodesLength(); ++n < s;) (e = r.nodes(n)) && (t[++i] = Ze.decode(e)); return t; } function Ym(r, t) { let e = []; for (let n, i = -1, s = -1, o = r.buffersLength(); ++i < o;) (n = r.buffers(i)) && (t < Ut.V4 && (n.bb_pos += 8 * (i + 1)), e[++s] = be.decode(n)); return e; } function Xm(r, t) { let e = []; for (let n, i = -1, s = -1, o = r.fieldsLength(); ++i < o;) (n = r.fields(i)) && (e[++s] = H.decode(n, t)); return e; } function Tu(r, t) { let e = []; for (let n, i = -1, s = -1, o = r.childrenLength(); ++i < o;) (n = r.children(i)) && (e[++s] = H.decode(n, t)); return e; } function Gm(r, t) { let e, n, i, s, o, a; return !t || !(a = r.dictionary()) ? (i = Du(r, Tu(r, t)), n = new H(r.name(), i, r.nullable(), Do(r))) : t.has(e = a.id().low) ? (s = (s = a.indexType()) ? Bu(s) : new rr, o = new ve(t.get(e), s, e, a.isOrdered()), n = new H(r.name(), o, r.nullable(), Do(r))) : (s = (s = a.indexType()) ? Bu(s) : new rr, t.set(e, i = Du(r, Tu(r, t))), o = new ve(i, s, e, a.isOrdered()), n = new H(r.name(), o, r.nullable(), Do(r))), n || null; } function Do(r) { let t = new Map; if (r) for (let e, n, i = -1, s = Math.trunc(r.customMetadataLength()); ++i < s;) (e = r.customMetadata(i)) && (n = e.key()) != null && t.set(n, e.value()); return t; } function Bu(r) { return new At(r.isSigned(), r.bitWidth()); } function Du(r, t) { let e = r.typeType(); switch (e) { case yt.NONE: return new ne; case yt.Null: return new ne; case yt.Binary: return new wr; case yt.Utf8: return new vr; case yt.Bool: return new Sr; case yt.List: return new We((t || [])[0]); case yt.Struct_: return new ut(t || []); } switch (e) { case yt.Int: { let n = r.type(new kt); return new At(n.isSigned(), n.bitWidth()); } case yt.FloatingPoint: { let n = r.type(new fe); return new ce(n.precision()); } case yt.Decimal: { let n = r.type(new Lt); return new Ir(n.scale(), n.precision(), n.bitWidth()); } case yt.Date: { let n = r.type(new le); return new Ar(n.unit()); } case yt.Time: { let n = r.type(new Kt); return new je(n.unit(), n.bitWidth()); } case yt.Timestamp: { let n = r.type(new Jt); return new Fr(n.unit(), n.timezone()); } case yt.Interval: { let n = r.type(new he); return new xr(n.unit()); } case yt.Union: { let n = r.type(new Ct); return new $e(n.mode(), n.typeIdsArray() || [], t || []); } case yt.FixedSizeBinary: { let n = r.type(new ue); return new Tr(n.byteWidth()); } case yt.FixedSizeList: { let n = r.type(new de); return new Ye(n.listSize(), (t || [])[0]); } case yt.Map: { let n = r.type(new pe); return new Xe((t || [])[0], n.keysSorted()); } } throw new Error(`Unrecognized type: "${yt[e]}" (${e})`); } function Km(r, t) { let e = t.fields.map(s => H.encode(r, s)); wt.startFieldsVector(r, e.length); let n = wt.createFieldsVector(r, e), i = t.metadata && t.metadata.size > 0 ? wt.createCustomMetadataVector(r, [...t.metadata].map(([s, o]) => { let a = r.createString(`${s}`), c = r.createString(`${o}`); return dt.startKeyValue(r), dt.addKey(r, a), dt.addValue(r, c), dt.endKeyValue(r); })) : -1; return wt.startSchema(r), wt.addFields(r, n), wt.addEndianness(r, e_ ? Gr.Little : Gr.Big), i !== -1 && wt.addCustomMetadata(r, i), wt.endSchema(r); } function Jm(r, t) { let e = -1, n = -1, i = -1, s = t.type, o = t.typeId; F.isDictionary(s) ? (o = s.dictionary.typeId, i = To.visit(s, r), n = To.visit(s.dictionary, r)) : n = To.visit(s, r); let a = (s.children || []).map(p => H.encode(r, p)), c = Dt.createChildrenVector(r, a), d = t.metadata && t.metadata.size > 0 ? Dt.createCustomMetadataVector(r, [...t.metadata].map(([p, b]) => { let _ = r.createString(`${p}`), S = r.createString(`${b}`); return dt.startKeyValue(r), dt.addKey(r, _), dt.addValue(r, S), dt.endKeyValue(r); })) : -1; return t.name && (e = r.createString(t.name)), Dt.startField(r), Dt.addType(r, n), Dt.addTypeType(r, o), Dt.addChildren(r, c), Dt.addNullable(r, !!t.nullable), e !== -1 && Dt.addName(r, e), i !== -1 && Dt.addDictionary(r, i), d !== -1 && Dt.addCustomMetadata(r, d), Dt.endField(r); } function qm(r, t) { let e = t.nodes || [], n = t.buffers || []; Zt.startNodesVector(r, e.length); for (let o of e.slice().reverse()) Ze.encode(r, o); let i = r.endVector(); Zt.startBuffersVector(r, n.length); for (let o of n.slice().reverse()) be.encode(r, o); let s = r.endVector(); return Zt.startRecordBatch(r), Zt.addLength(r, new Sn(t.length, 0)), Zt.addNodes(r, i), Zt.addBuffers(r, s), Zt.endRecordBatch(r); } function Zm(r, t) { let e = Gt.encode(r, t.data); return Ne.startDictionaryBatch(r), Ne.addId(r, new Sn(t.id, 0)), Ne.addIsDelta(r, t.isDelta), Ne.addData(r, e), Ne.endDictionaryBatch(r); } function Qm(r, t) { return Xn.createFieldNode(r, new Sn(t.length, 0), new Sn(t.nullCount, 0)); } function t_(r, t) { return Yn.createBuffer(r, new Sn(t.offset, 0), new Sn(t.length, 0)); } var e_ = (() => { let r = new ArrayBuffer(2); return new DataView(r).setInt16(0, 256, !0), new Int16Array(r)[0] === 256; })(); var Ya = r => `Expected ${Q[r]} Message in stream, but was null or length 0.`, Xa = r => `Header pointer of flatbuffer-encoded ${Q[r]} Message is null or length 0.`, Eu = (r, t) => `Expected to read ${r} metadata bytes, but only read ${t}.`, Ou = (r, t) => `Expected to read ${r} bytes for message body, but only read ${t}.`, Kn = class { constructor(t) { this.source = t instanceof pr ? t : new pr(t); } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } next() { let t; return (t = this.readMetadataLength()).done ? ft : t.value === -1 && (t = this.readMetadataLength()).done ? ft : (t = this.readMetadata(t.value)).done ? ft : t; } throw(t) { return this.source.throw(t); } return(t) { return this.source.return(t); } readMessage(t) { let e; if ((e = this.next()).done) return null; if (t != null && e.value.headerType !== t) throw new Error(Ya(t)); return e.value; } readMessageBody(t) { if (t <= 0) return new Uint8Array(0); let e = N(this.source.read(t)); if (e.byteLength < t) throw new Error(Ou(t, e.byteLength)); return e.byteOffset % 8 === 0 && e.byteOffset + e.byteLength <= e.buffer.byteLength ? e : e.slice(); } readSchema(t = !1) { let e = Q.Schema, n = this.readMessage(e), i = n == null ? void 0 : n.header(); if (t && !i) throw new Error(Xa(e)); return i; } readMetadataLength() { let t = this.source.read(Eo), e = t && new ie(t), n = (e == null ? void 0 : e.readInt32(0)) || 0; return { done: n === 0, value: n }; } readMetadata(t) { let e = this.source.read(t); if (!e) return ft; if (e.byteLength < t) throw new Error(Eu(t, e.byteLength)); return { done: !1, value: Et.decode(e) }; } }, Xi = class { constructor(t, e) { this.source = t instanceof me ? t : ms(t) ? new Jr(t, e) : new me(t); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } next() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let t; return (t = yield this.readMetadataLength()).done ? ft : t.value === -1 && (t = yield this.readMetadataLength()).done ? ft : (t = yield this.readMetadata(t.value)).done ? ft : t; }); } throw(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.source.throw(t); }); } return(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.source.return(t); }); } readMessage(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let e; if ((e = yield this.next()).done) return null; if (t != null && e.value.headerType !== t) throw new Error(Ya(t)); return e.value; }); } readMessageBody(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (t <= 0) return new Uint8Array(0); let e = N(yield this.source.read(t)); if (e.byteLength < t) throw new Error(Ou(t, e.byteLength)); return e.byteOffset % 8 === 0 && e.byteOffset + e.byteLength <= e.buffer.byteLength ? e : e.slice(); }); } readSchema(t = !1) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let e = Q.Schema, n = yield this.readMessage(e), i = n == null ? void 0 : n.header(); if (t && !i) throw new Error(Xa(e)); return i; }); } readMetadataLength() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let t = yield this.source.read(Eo), e = t && new ie(t), n = (e == null ? void 0 : e.readInt32(0)) || 0; return { done: n === 0, value: n }; }); } readMetadata(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let e = yield this.source.read(t); if (!e) return ft; if (e.byteLength < t) throw new Error(Eu(t, e.byteLength)); return { done: !1, value: Et.decode(e) }; }); } }, Gi = class extends Kn { constructor(t) { super(new Uint8Array(0)), this._schema = !1, this._body = [], this._batchIndex = 0, this._dictionaryIndex = 0, this._json = t instanceof Ii ? t : new Ii(t); } next() { let { _json: t } = this; if (!this._schema) { this._schema = !0; let e = Et.fromJSON(t.schema, Q.Schema); return { done: !1, value: e }; } if (this._dictionaryIndex < t.dictionaries.length) { let e = t.dictionaries[this._dictionaryIndex++]; this._body = e.data.columns; let n = Et.fromJSON(e, Q.DictionaryBatch); return { done: !1, value: n }; } if (this._batchIndex < t.batches.length) { let e = t.batches[this._batchIndex++]; this._body = e.columns; let n = Et.fromJSON(e, Q.RecordBatch); return { done: !1, value: n }; } return this._body = [], ft; } readMessageBody(t) { return e(this._body); function e(n) { return (n || []).reduce((i, s) => [...i, ...s.VALIDITY && [s.VALIDITY] || [], ...s.TYPE && [s.TYPE] || [], ...s.OFFSET && [s.OFFSET] || [], ...s.DATA && [s.DATA] || [], ...e(s.children)], []); } } readMessage(t) { let e; if ((e = this.next()).done) return null; if (t != null && e.value.headerType !== t) throw new Error(Ya(t)); return e.value; } readSchema() { let t = Q.Schema, e = this.readMessage(t), n = e == null ? void 0 : e.header(); if (!e || !n) throw new Error(Xa(t)); return n; } }, Eo = 4, $a = "ARROW1", Jn = new Uint8Array($a.length); for (let r = 0; r < $a.length; r += 1) Jn[r] = $a.codePointAt(r); function Oo(r, t = 0) { for (let e = -1, n = Jn.length; ++e < n;) if (Jn[e] !== r[t + e]) return !1; return !0; } var qn = Jn.length, Ga = qn + Eo, Mu = qn * 2 + Eo; var xt = class extends mn { constructor(t) { super(), this._impl = t; } get closed() { return this._impl.closed; } get schema() { return this._impl.schema; } get autoDestroy() { return this._impl.autoDestroy; } get dictionaries() { return this._impl.dictionaries; } get numDictionaries() { return this._impl.numDictionaries; } get numRecordBatches() { return this._impl.numRecordBatches; } get footer() { return this._impl.isFile() ? this._impl.footer : null; } isSync() { return this._impl.isSync(); } isAsync() { return this._impl.isAsync(); } isFile() { return this._impl.isFile(); } isStream() { return this._impl.isStream(); } next() { return this._impl.next(); } throw(t) { return this._impl.throw(t); } return(t) { return this._impl.return(t); } cancel() { return this._impl.cancel(); } reset(t) { return this._impl.reset(t), this._DOMStream = void 0, this._nodeStream = void 0, this; } open(t) { let e = this._impl.open(t); return Ce(e) ? e.then(() => this) : this; } readRecordBatch(t) { return this._impl.isFile() ? this._impl.readRecordBatch(t) : null; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._impl[Symbol.iterator](); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this._impl[Symbol.asyncIterator](); } toDOMStream() { return $t.toDOMStream(this.isSync() ? { [Symbol.iterator]: () => this } : { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => this }); } toNodeStream() { return $t.toNodeStream(this.isSync() ? { [Symbol.iterator]: () => this } : { [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => this }, { objectMode: !0 }); } static throughNode(t) { throw new Error('"throughNode" not available in this environment'); } static throughDOM(t, e) { throw new Error('"throughDOM" not available in this environment'); } static from(t) { return t instanceof xt ? t : hs(t) ? n_(t) : ms(t) ? o_(t) : Ce(t) ? (() => I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield xt.from(yield t); }))() : _s(t) || li(t) || bs(t) || Ee(t) ? s_(new me(t)) : i_(new pr(t)); } static readAll(t) { return t instanceof xt ? t.isSync() ? Ru(t) : Uu(t) : hs(t) || ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || Pe(t) || ps(t) ? Ru(t) : Uu(t); } }, _r = class extends xt { constructor(t) { super(t), this._impl = t; } readAll() { return [...this]; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._impl[Symbol.iterator](); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { yield W(yield* Tn(De(this[Symbol.iterator]()))); }); } }, qr = class extends xt { constructor(t) { super(t), this._impl = t; } readAll() { var t, e; return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let n = new Array; try { for (var i = De(this), s; s = yield i.next(), !s.done;) { let o = s.value; n.push(o); } } catch (o) { t = { error: o }; } finally { try { s && !s.done && (e = i.return) && (yield e.call(i)); } finally { if (t) throw t.error; } } return n; }); } [Symbol.iterator]() { throw new Error("AsyncRecordBatchStreamReader is not Iterable"); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this._impl[Symbol.asyncIterator](); } }, Zr = class extends _r { constructor(t) { super(t), this._impl = t; } }, Ki = class extends qr { constructor(t) { super(t), this._impl = t; } }, Mo = class { constructor(t = new Map) { this.closed = !1, this.autoDestroy = !0, this._dictionaryIndex = 0, this._recordBatchIndex = 0, this.dictionaries = t; } get numDictionaries() { return this._dictionaryIndex; } get numRecordBatches() { return this._recordBatchIndex; } isSync() { return !1; } isAsync() { return !1; } isFile() { return !1; } isStream() { return !1; } reset(t) { return this._dictionaryIndex = 0, this._recordBatchIndex = 0, this.schema = t, this.dictionaries = new Map, this; } _loadRecordBatch(t, e) { let n = this._loadVectors(t, e, this.schema.fields), i = C({ type: new ut(this.schema.fields), length: t.length, children: n }); return new ct(this.schema, i); } _loadDictionaryBatch(t, e) { let { id: n, isDelta: i } = t, { dictionaries: s, schema: o } = this, a = s.get(n); if (i || !a) { let c = o.dictionaries.get(n), d = this._loadVectors(t.data, e, [c]); return (a && i ? a.concat(new L(d)) : new L(d)).memoize(); } return a.memoize(); } _loadVectors(t, e, n) { return new xi(e, t.nodes, t.buffers, this.dictionaries).visitMany(n); } }, Zn = class extends Mo { constructor(t, e) { super(e), this._reader = hs(t) ? new Gi(this._handle = t) : new Kn(this._handle = t); } isSync() { return !0; } isStream() { return !0; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } cancel() { !this.closed && (this.closed = !0) && (this.reset()._reader.return(), this._reader = null, this.dictionaries = null); } open(t) { return this.closed || (this.autoDestroy = Nu(this, t), this.schema || (this.schema = this._reader.readSchema()) || this.cancel()), this; } throw(t) { return !this.closed && this.autoDestroy && (this.closed = !0) ? this.reset()._reader.throw(t) : ft; } return(t) { return !this.closed && this.autoDestroy && (this.closed = !0) ? this.reset()._reader.return(t) : ft; } next() { if (this.closed) return ft; let t, { _reader: e } = this; for (; t = this._readNextMessageAndValidate();) if (t.isSchema()) this.reset(t.header()); else if (t.isRecordBatch()) { this._recordBatchIndex++; let n = t.header(), i = e.readMessageBody(t.bodyLength), s = this._loadRecordBatch(n, i); return { done: !1, value: s }; } else if (t.isDictionaryBatch()) { this._dictionaryIndex++; let n = t.header(), i = e.readMessageBody(t.bodyLength), s = this._loadDictionaryBatch(n, i); this.dictionaries.set(n.id, s); } return this.schema && this._recordBatchIndex === 0 ? (this._recordBatchIndex++, { done: !1, value: new vn(this.schema) }) : this.return(); } _readNextMessageAndValidate(t) { return this._reader.readMessage(t); } }, Qn = class extends Mo { constructor(t, e) { super(e), this._reader = new Xi(this._handle = t); } isAsync() { return !0; } isStream() { return !0; } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this; } cancel() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { !this.closed && (this.closed = !0) && (yield this.reset()._reader.return(), this._reader = null, this.dictionaries = null); }); } open(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return this.closed || (this.autoDestroy = Nu(this, t), this.schema || (this.schema = yield this._reader.readSchema()) || (yield this.cancel())), this; }); } throw(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return !this.closed && this.autoDestroy && (this.closed = !0) ? yield this.reset()._reader.throw(t) : ft; }); } return(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return !this.closed && this.autoDestroy && (this.closed = !0) ? yield this.reset()._reader.return(t) : ft; }); } next() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.closed) return ft; let t, { _reader: e } = this; for (; t = yield this._readNextMessageAndValidate();) if (t.isSchema()) yield this.reset(t.header()); else if (t.isRecordBatch()) { this._recordBatchIndex++; let n = t.header(), i = yield e.readMessageBody(t.bodyLength), s = this._loadRecordBatch(n, i); return { done: !1, value: s }; } else if (t.isDictionaryBatch()) { this._dictionaryIndex++; let n = t.header(), i = yield e.readMessageBody(t.bodyLength), s = this._loadDictionaryBatch(n, i); this.dictionaries.set(n.id, s); } return this.schema && this._recordBatchIndex === 0 ? (this._recordBatchIndex++, { done: !1, value: new vn(this.schema) }) : yield this.return(); }); } _readNextMessageAndValidate(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this._reader.readMessage(t); }); } }, Ro = class extends Zn { constructor(t, e) { super(t instanceof Ai ? t : new Ai(t), e); } get footer() { return this._footer; } get numDictionaries() { return this._footer ? this._footer.numDictionaries : 0; } get numRecordBatches() { return this._footer ? this._footer.numRecordBatches : 0; } isSync() { return !0; } isFile() { return !0; } open(t) { if (!this.closed && !this._footer) { this.schema = (this._footer = this._readFooter()).schema; for (let e of this._footer.dictionaryBatches()) e && this._readDictionaryBatch(this._dictionaryIndex++); } return super.open(t); } readRecordBatch(t) { var e; if (this.closed) return null; this._footer || this.open(); let n = (e = this._footer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getRecordBatch(t); if (n && this._handle.seek(n.offset)) { let i = this._reader.readMessage(Q.RecordBatch); if (i != null && i.isRecordBatch()) { let s = i.header(), o = this._reader.readMessageBody(i.bodyLength); return this._loadRecordBatch(s, o); } } return null; } _readDictionaryBatch(t) { var e; let n = (e = this._footer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getDictionaryBatch(t); if (n && this._handle.seek(n.offset)) { let i = this._reader.readMessage(Q.DictionaryBatch); if (i != null && i.isDictionaryBatch()) { let s = i.header(), o = this._reader.readMessageBody(i.bodyLength), a = this._loadDictionaryBatch(s, o); this.dictionaries.set(s.id, a); } } } _readFooter() { let { _handle: t } = this, e = t.size - Ga, n = t.readInt32(e), i = t.readAt(e - n, n); return Or.decode(i); } _readNextMessageAndValidate(t) { var e; if (this._footer || this.open(), this._footer && this._recordBatchIndex < this.numRecordBatches) { let n = (e = this._footer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getRecordBatch(this._recordBatchIndex); if (n && this._handle.seek(n.offset)) return this._reader.readMessage(t); } return null; } }, Ka = class extends Qn { constructor(t, ...e) { let n = typeof e[0] != "number" ? e.shift() : void 0, i = e[0] instanceof Map ? e.shift() : void 0; super(t instanceof Jr ? t : new Jr(t, n), i); } get footer() { return this._footer; } get numDictionaries() { return this._footer ? this._footer.numDictionaries : 0; } get numRecordBatches() { return this._footer ? this._footer.numRecordBatches : 0; } isFile() { return !0; } isAsync() { return !0; } open(t) { let e = Object.create(null, { open: { get: () => super.open } }); return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!this.closed && !this._footer) { this.schema = (this._footer = yield this._readFooter()).schema; for (let n of this._footer.dictionaryBatches()) n && (yield this._readDictionaryBatch(this._dictionaryIndex++)); } return yield e.open.call(this, t); }); } readRecordBatch(t) { var e; return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.closed) return null; this._footer || (yield this.open()); let n = (e = this._footer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getRecordBatch(t); if (n && (yield this._handle.seek(n.offset))) { let i = yield this._reader.readMessage(Q.RecordBatch); if (i != null && i.isRecordBatch()) { let s = i.header(), o = yield this._reader.readMessageBody(i.bodyLength); return this._loadRecordBatch(s, o); } } return null; }); } _readDictionaryBatch(t) { var e; return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let n = (e = this._footer) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.getDictionaryBatch(t); if (n && (yield this._handle.seek(n.offset))) { let i = yield this._reader.readMessage(Q.DictionaryBatch); if (i != null && i.isDictionaryBatch()) { let s = i.header(), o = yield this._reader.readMessageBody(i.bodyLength), a = this._loadDictionaryBatch(s, o); this.dictionaries.set(s.id, a); } } }); } _readFooter() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let { _handle: t } = this; t._pending && (yield t._pending); let e = t.size - Ga, n = yield t.readInt32(e), i = yield t.readAt(e - n, n); return Or.decode(i); }); } _readNextMessageAndValidate(t) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this._footer || (yield this.open()), this._footer && this._recordBatchIndex < this.numRecordBatches) { let e = this._footer.getRecordBatch(this._recordBatchIndex); if (e && (yield this._handle.seek(e.offset))) return yield this._reader.readMessage(t); } return null; }); } }, Ja = class extends Zn { constructor(t, e) { super(t, e); } _loadVectors(t, e, n) { return new no(e, t.nodes, t.buffers, this.dictionaries).visitMany(n); } }; function Nu(r, t) { return t && typeof t.autoDestroy == "boolean" ? t.autoDestroy : r.autoDestroy; } function* Ru(r) { let t = xt.from(r); try { if (!t.open({ autoDestroy: !1 }).closed) do yield t; while (!t.reset().open().closed); } finally { t.cancel(); } } function Uu(r) { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { let e = yield W(xt.from(r)); try { if (!(yield W(e.open({ autoDestroy: !1 }))).closed) do yield yield W(e); while (!(yield W(e.reset().open())).closed); } finally { yield W(e.cancel()); } }); } function n_(r) { return new _r(new Ja(r)); } function i_(r) { let t = r.peek(qn + 7 & -8); return t && t.byteLength >= 4 ? Oo(t) ? new Zr(new Ro(r.read())) : new _r(new Zn(r)) : new _r(new Zn(function* () { }())); } function s_(r) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let t = yield r.peek(qn + 7 & -8); return t && t.byteLength >= 4 ? Oo(t) ? new Zr(new Ro(yield r.read())) : new qr(new Qn(r)) : new qr(new Qn(function () { return ae(this, arguments, function* () { }); }())); }); } function o_(r) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let { size: t } = yield r.stat(), e = new Jr(r, t); return t >= Mu && Oo(yield e.readAt(0, qn + 7 & -8)) ? new Ki(new Ka(e)) : new qr(new Qn(e)); }); } var vt = class extends D { constructor() { super(), this._byteLength = 0, this._nodes = [], this._buffers = [], this._bufferRegions = []; } static assemble(...t) { let e = i => i.flatMap(s => Array.isArray(s) ? e(s) : s instanceof ct ? s.data.children : s.data), n = new vt; return n.visitMany(e(t)), n; } visit(t) { if (t instanceof L) return this.visitMany(t.data), this; let { type: e } = t; if (!F.isDictionary(e)) { let { length: n, nullCount: i } = t; if (n > 2147483647) throw new RangeError("Cannot write arrays larger than 2^31 - 1 in length"); F.isNull(e) || Qe.call(this, i <= 0 ? new Uint8Array(0) : kn(t.offset, n, t.nullBitmap)), this.nodes.push(new Ze(n, i)); } return super.visit(t); } visitNull(t) { return this; } visitDictionary(t) { return this.visit(t.clone(t.type.indices)); } get nodes() { return this._nodes; } get buffers() { return this._buffers; } get byteLength() { return this._byteLength; } get bufferRegions() { return this._bufferRegions; } }; function Qe(r) { let t = r.byteLength + 7 & -8; return this.buffers.push(r), this.bufferRegions.push(new be(this._byteLength, t)), this._byteLength += t, this; } function a_(r) { let { type: t, length: e, typeIds: n, valueOffsets: i } = r; if (Qe.call(this, n), t.mode === gt.Sparse) return qa.call(this, r); if (t.mode === gt.Dense) { if (r.offset <= 0) return Qe.call(this, i), qa.call(this, r); { let s = n.reduce((p, b) => Math.max(p, b), n[0]), o = new Int32Array(s + 1), a = new Int32Array(s + 1).fill(-1), c = new Int32Array(e), d = ui(-i[0], e, i); for (let p, b, _ = -1; ++_ < e;) (b = a[p = n[_]]) === -1 && (b = a[p] = d[p]), c[_] = d[_] - b, ++o[p]; Qe.call(this, c); for (let p, b = -1, _ = t.children.length; ++b < _;) if (p = r.children[b]) { let S = t.typeIds[b], J = Math.min(e, o[S]); this.visit(p.slice(a[S], J)); } } } return this; } function c_(r) { let t; return r.nullCount >= r.length ? Qe.call(this, new Uint8Array(0)) : (t = r.values) instanceof Uint8Array ? Qe.call(this, kn(r.offset, r.length, t)) : Qe.call(this, dn(r.values)); } function Qr(r) { return Qe.call(this, r.values.subarray(0, r.length * r.stride)); } function ku(r) { let { length: t, values: e, valueOffsets: n } = r, i = n[0], s = n[t], o = Math.min(s - i, e.byteLength - i); return Qe.call(this, ui(-n[0], t, n)), Qe.call(this, e.subarray(i, i + o)), this; } function Za(r) { let { length: t, valueOffsets: e } = r; return e && Qe.call(this, ui(e[0], t, e)), this.visit(r.children[0]); } function qa(r) { return this.visitMany(r.type.children.map((t, e) => r.children[e]).filter(Boolean))[0]; } vt.prototype.visitBool = c_; vt.prototype.visitInt = Qr; vt.prototype.visitFloat = Qr; vt.prototype.visitUtf8 = ku; vt.prototype.visitBinary = ku; vt.prototype.visitFixedSizeBinary = Qr; vt.prototype.visitDate = Qr; vt.prototype.visitTimestamp = Qr; vt.prototype.visitTime = Qr; vt.prototype.visitDecimal = Qr; vt.prototype.visitList = Za; vt.prototype.visitStruct = qa; vt.prototype.visitUnion = a_; vt.prototype.visitInterval = Qr; vt.prototype.visitFixedSizeList = Za; vt.prototype.visitMap = Za; var In = class extends mn { constructor(t) { super(), this._position = 0, this._started = !1, this._sink = new hr, this._schema = null, this._dictionaryBlocks = [], this._recordBatchBlocks = [], this._dictionaryDeltaOffsets = new Map, ee(t) || (t = { autoDestroy: !0, writeLegacyIpcFormat: !1 }), this._autoDestroy = typeof t.autoDestroy == "boolean" ? t.autoDestroy : !0, this._writeLegacyIpcFormat = typeof t.writeLegacyIpcFormat == "boolean" ? t.writeLegacyIpcFormat : !1; } static throughNode(t) { throw new Error('"throughNode" not available in this environment'); } static throughDOM(t, e) { throw new Error('"throughDOM" not available in this environment'); } toString(t = !1) { return this._sink.toString(t); } toUint8Array(t = !1) { return this._sink.toUint8Array(t); } writeAll(t) { return Ce(t) ? t.then(e => this.writeAll(e)) : Ee(t) ? tc(this, t) : Qa(this, t); } get closed() { return this._sink.closed; } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this._sink[Symbol.asyncIterator](); } toDOMStream(t) { return this._sink.toDOMStream(t); } toNodeStream(t) { return this._sink.toNodeStream(t); } close() { return this.reset()._sink.close(); } abort(t) { return this.reset()._sink.abort(t); } finish() { return this._autoDestroy ? this.close() : this.reset(this._sink, this._schema), this; } reset(t = this._sink, e = null) { return t === this._sink || t instanceof hr ? this._sink = t : (this._sink = new hr, t && ol(t) ? this.toDOMStream({ type: "bytes" }).pipeTo(t) : t && al(t) && this.toNodeStream({ objectMode: !1 }).pipe(t)), this._started && this._schema && this._writeFooter(this._schema), this._started = !1, this._dictionaryBlocks = [], this._recordBatchBlocks = [], this._dictionaryDeltaOffsets = new Map, (!e || !wn(e, this._schema)) && (e == null ? (this._position = 0, this._schema = null) : (this._started = !0, this._schema = e, this._writeSchema(e))), this; } write(t) { let e = null; if (this._sink) { if (t == null) return this.finish() && void 0; if (t instanceof It && !(e = t.schema)) return this.finish() && void 0; if (t instanceof ct && !(e = t.schema)) return this.finish() && void 0; } else throw new Error("RecordBatchWriter is closed"); if (e && !wn(e, this._schema)) { if (this._started && this._autoDestroy) return this.close(); this.reset(this._sink, e); } t instanceof ct ? t instanceof vn || this._writeRecordBatch(t) : t instanceof It ? this.writeAll(t.batches) : Pe(t) && this.writeAll(t); } _writeMessage(t, e = 8) { let n = e - 1, i = Et.encode(t), s = i.byteLength, o = this._writeLegacyIpcFormat ? 4 : 8, a = s + o + n & ~n, c = a - s - o; return t.headerType === Q.RecordBatch ? this._recordBatchBlocks.push(new Je(a, t.bodyLength, this._position)) : t.headerType === Q.DictionaryBatch && this._dictionaryBlocks.push(new Je(a, t.bodyLength, this._position)), this._writeLegacyIpcFormat || this._write(Int32Array.of(-1)), this._write(Int32Array.of(a - o)), s > 0 && this._write(i), this._writePadding(c); } _write(t) { if (this._started) { let e = N(t); e && e.byteLength > 0 && (this._sink.write(e), this._position += e.byteLength); } return this; } _writeSchema(t) { return this._writeMessage(Et.from(t)); } _writeFooter(t) { return this._writeLegacyIpcFormat ? this._write(Int32Array.of(0)) : this._write(Int32Array.of(-1, 0)); } _writeMagic() { return this._write(Jn); } _writePadding(t) { return t > 0 ? this._write(new Uint8Array(t)) : this; } _writeRecordBatch(t) { let { byteLength: e, nodes: n, bufferRegions: i, buffers: s } = vt.assemble(t), o = new Gt(t.numRows, n, i), a = Et.from(o, e); return this._writeDictionaries(t)._writeMessage(a)._writeBodyBuffers(s); } _writeDictionaryBatch(t, e, n = !1) { this._dictionaryDeltaOffsets.set(e, t.length + (this._dictionaryDeltaOffsets.get(e) || 0)); let { byteLength: i, nodes: s, bufferRegions: o, buffers: a } = vt.assemble(new L([t])), c = new Gt(t.length, s, o), d = new ge(c, e, n), p = Et.from(d, i); return this._writeMessage(p)._writeBodyBuffers(a); } _writeBodyBuffers(t) { let e, n, i; for (let s = -1, o = t.length; ++s < o;) (e = t[s]) && (n = e.byteLength) > 0 && (this._write(e), (i = (n + 7 & -8) - n) > 0 && this._writePadding(i)); return this; } _writeDictionaries(t) { for (let [e, n] of t.dictionaries) { let i = this._dictionaryDeltaOffsets.get(e) || 0; if (i === 0 || (n = n == null ? void 0 : n.slice(i)).length > 0) for (let s of n.data) this._writeDictionaryBatch(s, e, i > 0), i += s.length; } return this; } }, kr = class extends In { static writeAll(t, e) { let n = new kr(e); return Ce(t) ? t.then(i => n.writeAll(i)) : Ee(t) ? tc(n, t) : Qa(n, t); } }, Lr = class extends In { static writeAll(t) { let e = new Lr; return Ce(t) ? t.then(n => e.writeAll(n)) : Ee(t) ? tc(e, t) : Qa(e, t); } constructor() { super(), this._autoDestroy = !0; } _writeSchema(t) { return this._writeMagic()._writePadding(2); } _writeFooter(t) { let e = Or.encode(new Or(t, Ut.V4, this._recordBatchBlocks, this._dictionaryBlocks)); return super._writeFooter(t)._write(e)._write(Int32Array.of(e.byteLength))._writeMagic(); } }; function Qa(r, t) { let e = t; t instanceof It && (e = t.batches, r.reset(void 0, t.schema)); for (let n of e) r.write(n); return r.finish(); } function tc(r, t) { var e, n, i, s; return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { for (e = De(t); n = yield e.next(), !n.done;) { let o = n.value; r.write(o); } } catch (o) { i = { error: o }; } finally { try { n && !n.done && (s = e.return) && (yield s.call(e)); } finally { if (i) throw i.error; } } return r.finish(); }); } function Lu(r, t) { if (Ee(r)) return u_(r, t); if (Pe(r)) return l_(r, t); throw new Error("toDOMStream() must be called with an Iterable or AsyncIterable"); } function l_(r, t) { let e = null, n = (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) === "bytes" || !1, i = (t == null ? void 0 : t.highWaterMark) || Math.pow(2, 24); return new ReadableStream(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { start(o) { s(o, e || (e = r[Symbol.iterator]())); }, pull(o) { e ? s(o, e) : o.close(); }, cancel() { ((e == null ? void 0 : e.return) && e.return() || !0) && (e = null); } }), Object.assign({ highWaterMark: n ? i : void 0 }, t)); function s(o, a) { let c, d = null, p = o.desiredSize || null; for (; !(d = a.next(n ? p : null)).done;) if (ArrayBuffer.isView(d.value) && (c = N(d.value)) && (p != null && n && (p = p - c.byteLength + 1), d.value = c), o.enqueue(d.value), p != null && --p <= 0) return; o.close(); } } function u_(r, t) { let e = null, n = (t == null ? void 0 : t.type) === "bytes" || !1, i = (t == null ? void 0 : t.highWaterMark) || Math.pow(2, 24); return new ReadableStream(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { start(o) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield s(o, e || (e = r[Symbol.asyncIterator]())); }); }, pull(o) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { e ? yield s(o, e) : o.close(); }); }, cancel() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { ((e == null ? void 0 : e.return) && (yield e.return()) || !0) && (e = null); }); } }), Object.assign({ highWaterMark: n ? i : void 0 }, t)); function s(o, a) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let c, d = null, p = o.desiredSize || null; for (; !(d = yield a.next(n ? p : null)).done;) if (ArrayBuffer.isView(d.value) && (c = N(d.value)) && (p != null && n && (p = p - c.byteLength + 1), d.value = c), o.enqueue(d.value), p != null && --p <= 0) return; o.close(); }); } } function Vu(r) { return new ec(r); } var ec = class { constructor(t) { this._numChunks = 0, this._finished = !1, this._bufferedSize = 0; let { ["readableStrategy"]: e, ["writableStrategy"]: n, ["queueingStrategy"]: i = "count" } = t, s = il(t, ["readableStrategy", "writableStrategy", "queueingStrategy"]); this._controller = null, this._builder = yn(s), this._getSize = i !== "bytes" ? Cu : Pu; let { ["highWaterMark"]: o = i === "bytes" ? Math.pow(2, 14) : 1e3 } = Object.assign({}, e), { ["highWaterMark"]: a = i === "bytes" ? Math.pow(2, 14) : 1e3 } = Object.assign({}, n); this.readable = new ReadableStream({ cancel: () => { this._builder.clear(); }, pull: c => { this._maybeFlush(this._builder, this._controller = c); }, start: c => { this._maybeFlush(this._builder, this._controller = c); } }, { highWaterMark: o, size: i !== "bytes" ? Cu : Pu }), this.writable = new WritableStream({ abort: () => { this._builder.clear(); }, write: () => { this._maybeFlush(this._builder, this._controller); }, close: () => { this._maybeFlush(this._builder.finish(), this._controller); } }, { highWaterMark: a, size: c => this._writeValueAndReturnChunkSize(c) }); } _writeValueAndReturnChunkSize(t) { let e = this._bufferedSize; return this._bufferedSize = this._getSize(this._builder.append(t)), this._bufferedSize - e; } _maybeFlush(t, e) { e != null && (this._bufferedSize >= e.desiredSize && ++this._numChunks && this._enqueue(e, t.toVector()), t.finished && ((t.length > 0 || this._numChunks === 0) && ++this._numChunks && this._enqueue(e, t.toVector()), !this._finished && (this._finished = !0) && this._enqueue(e, null))); } _enqueue(t, e) { this._bufferedSize = 0, this._controller = null, e == null ? t.close() : t.enqueue(e); } }, Cu = r => { var t; return (t = r == null ? void 0 : r.length) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : 0; }, Pu = r => { var t; return (t = r == null ? void 0 : r.byteLength) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : 0; }; function Uo(r, t) { let e = new hr, n = null, i = new ReadableStream({ cancel() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield e.close(); }); }, start(a) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield o(a, n || (n = yield s())); }); }, pull(a) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { n ? yield o(a, n) : a.close(); }); } }); return { writable: new WritableStream(e, Object.assign({ highWaterMark: Math.pow(2, 14) }, r)), readable: i }; function s() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield (yield xt.from(e)).open(t); }); } function o(a, c) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let d = a.desiredSize, p = null; for (; !(p = yield c.next()).done;) if (a.enqueue(p.value), d != null && --d <= 0) return; a.close(); }); } } function No(r, t) { let e = new this(r), n = new me(e), i = new ReadableStream({ cancel() { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield n.cancel(); }); }, pull(o) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield s(o); }); }, start(o) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { yield s(o); }); } }, Object.assign({ highWaterMark: Math.pow(2, 14) }, t)); return { writable: new WritableStream(e, r), readable: i }; function s(o) { return I(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let a = null, c = o.desiredSize; for (; a = yield n.read(c || null);) if (o.enqueue(a), c != null && (c -= a.byteLength) <= 0) return; o.close(); }); } } function ko(r, t = "stream") { return (t === "stream" ? kr : Lr).writeAll(r).toUint8Array(!0); } var p_ = Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, pa), Ca), Ea), ma), ua), Da), { compareSchemas: wn, compareFields: hu, compareTypes: pu }); $t.toDOMStream = Lu; _t.throughDOM = Vu; xt.throughDOM = Uo; Zr.throughDOM = Uo; _r.throughDOM = Uo; In.throughDOM = No; Lr.throughDOM = No; kr.throughDOM = No; function ti(r) { switch (r.typeId) { case f.Binary: return { sqlType: "binary" }; case f.Bool: return { sqlType: "bool" }; case f.Date: return { sqlType: "date" }; case f.DateDay: return { sqlType: "date32[d]" }; case f.DateMillisecond: return { sqlType: "date64[ms]" }; case f.Decimal: { let t = r; return { sqlType: "decimal", precision: t.precision, scale: t.scale }; } case f.Float: return { sqlType: "float" }; case f.Float16: return { sqlType: "float16" }; case f.Float32: return { sqlType: "float32" }; case f.Float64: return { sqlType: "float64" }; case f.Int: return { sqlType: "int32" }; case f.Int16: return { sqlType: "int16" }; case f.Int32: return { sqlType: "int32" }; case f.Int64: return { sqlType: "int64" }; case f.Uint16: return { sqlType: "uint16" }; case f.Uint32: return { sqlType: "uint32" }; case f.Uint64: return { sqlType: "uint64" }; case f.Uint8: return { sqlType: "uint8" }; case f.IntervalDayTime: return { sqlType: "interval[dt]" }; case f.IntervalYearMonth: return { sqlType: "interval[m]" }; case f.List: return { sqlType: "list", valueType: ti(r.valueType) }; case f.FixedSizeBinary: return { sqlType: "fixedsizebinary", byteWidth: r.byteWidth }; case f.Null: return { sqlType: "null" }; case f.Utf8: return { sqlType: "utf8" }; case f.Struct: return { sqlType: "struct", fields: r.children.map(e => Lo(e.name, e.type)) }; case f.Map: { let t = r; return { sqlType: "map", keyType: ti(t.keyType), valueType: ti(t.valueType) }; } case f.Time: return { sqlType: "time[s]" }; case f.TimeMicrosecond: return { sqlType: "time[us]" }; case f.TimeMillisecond: return { sqlType: "time[ms]" }; case f.TimeNanosecond: return { sqlType: "time[ns]" }; case f.TimeSecond: return { sqlType: "time[s]" }; case f.Timestamp: return { sqlType: "timestamp", timezone: r.timezone || void 0 }; case f.TimestampSecond: return { sqlType: "timestamp[s]", timezone: r.timezone || void 0 }; case f.TimestampMicrosecond: return { sqlType: "timestamp[us]", timezone: r.timezone || void 0 }; case f.TimestampNanosecond: return { sqlType: "timestamp[ns]", timezone: r.timezone || void 0 }; case f.TimestampMillisecond: return { sqlType: "timestamp[ms]", timezone: r.timezone || void 0 }; } throw new Error(`unsupported arrow type: ${r.toString()}`); } function Lo(r, t) { let e = ti(t); return e.name = r, e; } var Co = class { constructor() { this._bindings = null; this._nextMessageId = 0; } log(t) { this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: 0, type: "LOG", data: t }, []); } sendOK(t) { this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "OK", data: null }, []); } failWith(t, e) { let n = { name: e.name, message: e.message, stack: e.stack || void 0 }; this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "ERROR", data: n }, []); } async onMessage(t) { switch (t.type) { case "PING": this.sendOK(t); return; case "INSTANTIATE": this._bindings != null && this.failWith(t, new Error("duckdb already initialized")); try { this._bindings = await this.instantiate(t.data[0], t.data[1], e => { this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "INSTANTIATE_PROGRESS", data: e }, []); }), this.sendOK(t); } catch (e) { this._bindings = null, this.failWith(t, e); } return; default: break; } if (!this._bindings) return this.failWith(t, new Error("duckdb is not initialized")); try { switch (t.type) { case "GET_VERSION": this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "VERSION_STRING", data: this._bindings.getVersion() }, []); break; case "GET_FEATURE_FLAGS": this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "FEATURE_FLAGS", data: this._bindings.getFeatureFlags() }, []); break; case "RESET": this._bindings.reset(), this.sendOK(t); break; case "OPEN": this._bindings.open(t.data), this.sendOK(t); break; case "DROP_FILE": this._bindings.dropFile(t.data), this.sendOK(t); break; case "DROP_FILES": this._bindings.dropFiles(), this.sendOK(t); break; case "FLUSH_FILES": this._bindings.flushFiles(), this.sendOK(t); break; case "CONNECT": { let e = this._bindings.connect(); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "CONNECTION_INFO", data: e.useUnsafe((n, i) => i) }, []); break; } case "DISCONNECT": this._bindings.disconnect(t.data), this.sendOK(t); break; case "CREATE_PREPARED": { let e = this._bindings.createPrepared(t.data[0], t.data[1]); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "PREPARED_STATEMENT_ID", data: e }, []); break; } case "CLOSE_PREPARED": { this._bindings.closePrepared(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; } case "RUN_PREPARED": { let e = this._bindings.runPrepared(t.data[0], t.data[1], t.data[2]); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT", data: e }, [e.buffer]); break; } case "RUN_QUERY": { let e = this._bindings.runQuery(t.data[0], t.data[1]); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT", data: e }, [e.buffer]); break; } case "SEND_PREPARED": { let e = this._bindings.sendPrepared(t.data[0], t.data[1], t.data[2]); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT_HEADER", data: e }, [e.buffer]); break; } case "START_PENDING_QUERY": { let e = this._bindings.startPendingQuery(t.data[0], t.data[1]), n = []; e && n.push(e.buffer), this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT_HEADER_OR_NULL", data: e }, n); break; } case "POLL_PENDING_QUERY": { let e = this._bindings.pollPendingQuery(t.data), n = []; e && n.push(e.buffer), this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT_HEADER_OR_NULL", data: e }, n); break; } case "CANCEL_PENDING_QUERY": { let e = this._bindings.cancelPendingQuery(t.data); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "SUCCESS", data: e }, []); break; } case "FETCH_QUERY_RESULTS": { let e = this._bindings.fetchQueryResults(t.data); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "QUERY_RESULT_CHUNK", data: e }, [e.buffer]); break; } case "GET_TABLE_NAMES": { let e = this._bindings.getTableNames(t.data[0], t.data[1]); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "TABLE_NAMES", data: e }, []); break; } case "GLOB_FILE_INFOS": { let e = this._bindings.globFiles(t.data); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "FILE_INFOS", data: e }, []); break; } case "REGISTER_FILE_URL": this._bindings.registerFileURL(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; case "REGISTER_FILE_BUFFER": this._bindings.registerFileBuffer(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; case "REGISTER_FILE_HANDLE": this._bindings.registerFileHandle(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; case "COPY_FILE_TO_PATH": this._bindings.copyFileToPath(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; case "COPY_FILE_TO_BUFFER": { let e = this._bindings.copyFileToBuffer(t.data); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "FILE_BUFFER", data: e }, []); break; } case "COLLECT_FILE_STATISTICS": this._bindings.collectFileStatistics(t.data[0], t.data[1]), this.sendOK(t); break; case "EXPORT_FILE_STATISTICS": { this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "FILE_STATISTICS", data: this._bindings.exportFileStatistics(t.data) }, []); break; } case "INSERT_ARROW_FROM_IPC_STREAM": { this._bindings.insertArrowFromIPCStream(t.data[0], t.data[1], t.data[2]), this.sendOK(t); break; } case "IMPORT_CSV_FROM_PATH": { this._bindings.insertCSVFromPath(t.data[0], t.data[1], t.data[2]), this.sendOK(t); break; } case "IMPORT_JSON_FROM_PATH": { this._bindings.insertJSONFromPath(t.data[0], t.data[1], t.data[2]), this.sendOK(t); break; } case "TOKENIZE": { let e = this._bindings.tokenize(t.data); this.postMessage({ messageId: this._nextMessageId++, requestId: t.messageId, type: "SCRIPT_TOKENS", data: e }, []); break; } } } catch (e) { return this.failWith(t, e); } } }; var ju = {}, m_ = (() => { var r = ju.url; return function (t) { t = t || {}; var e = typeof t < "u" ? t : {}, n, i; e.ready = new Promise(function (l, u) { n = l, i = u; }); var s = Object.assign({}, e), o = [], a = "./this.program", c = (l, u) => { throw u; }, d = typeof window == "object", p = typeof importScripts == "function", b = typeof process == "object" && typeof process.versions == "object" && typeof process.versions.node == "string", _ = ""; function S(l) { return e.locateFile ? e.locateFile(l, _) : _ + l; } var J, q, ot, St; function Qt(l) { if (l instanceof ss) return; Fe("exiting due to exception: " + l); } var se, Cr, nn; b ? (p ? _ = rc().dirname(_) + "/" : _ = __dirname + "/", nn = () => { Cr || (se = zu(), Cr = rc()); }, J = function (u, h) { return nn(), u = Cr.normalize(u), se.readFileSync(u, h ? void 0 : "utf8"); }, ot = l => { var u = J(l, !0); return u.buffer || (u = new Uint8Array(u)), u; }, q = (l, u, h) => { nn(), l = Cr.normalize(l), se.readFile(l, function (m, y) { m ? h(m) : u(y.buffer); }); }, process.argv.length > 1 && (a = process.argv[1].replace(/\\/g, "/")), o = process.argv.slice(2), process.on("uncaughtException", function (l) { if (!(l instanceof ss)) throw l; }), process.on("unhandledRejection", function (l) { throw l; }), c = (l, u) => { if (yc()) throw process.exitCode = l, u; Qt(u), process.exit(l); }, e.inspect = function () { return "[Emscripten Module object]"; }) : (d || p) && (p ? _ = self.location.href : typeof document < "u" && document.currentScript && (_ = document.currentScript.src), r && (_ = r), _.indexOf("blob:") !== 0 ? _ = _.substr(0, _.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1) : _ = "", J = l => { var u = new XMLHttpRequest; return u.open("GET", l, !1), u.send(null), u.responseText; }, p && (ot = l => { var u = new XMLHttpRequest; return u.open("GET", l, !1), u.responseType = "arraybuffer", u.send(null), new Uint8Array(u.response); }), q = (l, u, h) => { var m = new XMLHttpRequest; m.open("GET", l, !0), m.responseType = "arraybuffer", m.onload = () => { if (m.status == 200 || m.status == 0 && m.response) { u(m.response); return; } h(); }, m.onerror = h, m.send(null); }, St = l => document.title = l); var Yo = e.print || console.log.bind(console), Fe = e.printErr || console.warn.bind(console); Object.assign(e, s), s = null, e.arguments && (o = e.arguments), e.thisProgram && (a = e.thisProgram), e.quit && (c = e.quit); var br; e.wasmBinary && (br = e.wasmBinary); var Z = e.noExitRuntime || !0; typeof WebAssembly != "object" && ke("no native wasm support detected"); var Rt, te = !1, Vt; function Ht(l, u) { l || ke(u); } function zt(l) { var u = e["_" + l]; return u; } function at(l, u, h, m, y) { var A = { string: function (Ot) { var Le = 0; if (Ot != null && Ot !== 0) { var tr = (Ot.length << 2) + 1; Le = ra(tr), Xo(Ot, Le, tr); } return Le; }, array: function (Ot) { var Le = ra(Ot.length); return lc(Ot, Le), Le; } }; function v(Ot) { return u === "string" ? gr(Ot) : u === "boolean" ? Boolean(Ot) : Ot; } var w = zt(l), x = [], tt = 0; if (m) for (var it = 0; it < m.length; it++) { var Be = A[h[it]]; Be ? (tt === 0 && (tt = Ec()), x[it] = Be(m[it])) : x[it] = m[it]; } var pt = w.apply(null, x); function Fn(Ot) { return tt !== 0 && Oc(tt), v(Ot); } return pt = Fn(pt), pt; } var oe = typeof TextDecoder < "u" ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0; function sn(l, u, h) { u >>>= 0; for (var m = u + h, y = u; l[y] && !(y >= m);) ++y; if (y - u > 16 && l.buffer && oe) return oe.decode(l.subarray(u, y)); for (var A = ""; u < y;) { var v = l[u++]; if (!(v & 128)) { A += String.fromCharCode(v); continue; } var w = l[u++] & 63; if ((v & 224) == 192) { A += String.fromCharCode((v & 31) << 6 | w); continue; } var x = l[u++] & 63; if ((v & 240) == 224 ? v = (v & 15) << 12 | w << 6 | x : v = (v & 7) << 18 | w << 12 | x << 6 | l[u++] & 63, v < 65536) A += String.fromCharCode(v); else { var tt = v - 65536; A += String.fromCharCode(55296 | tt >> 10, 56320 | tt & 1023); } } return A; } function gr(l, u) { return l >>>= 0, l ? sn(Pr, l, u) : ""; } function cc(l, u, h, m) { if (h >>>= 0, !(m > 0)) return 0; for (var y = h, A = h + m - 1, v = 0; v < l.length; ++v) { var w = l.charCodeAt(v); if (w >= 55296 && w <= 57343) { var x = l.charCodeAt(++v); w = 65536 + ((w & 1023) << 10) | x & 1023; } if (w <= 127) { if (h >= A) break; u[h++ >>> 0] = w; } else if (w <= 2047) { if (h + 1 >= A) break; u[h++ >>> 0] = 192 | w >> 6, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w & 63; } else if (w <= 65535) { if (h + 2 >= A) break; u[h++ >>> 0] = 224 | w >> 12, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w >> 6 & 63, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w & 63; } else { if (h + 3 >= A) break; u[h++ >>> 0] = 240 | w >> 18, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w >> 12 & 63, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w >> 6 & 63, u[h++ >>> 0] = 128 | w & 63; } } return u[h >>> 0] = 0, h - y; } function Xo(l, u, h) { return cc(l, Pr, u, h); } function Qu(l) { for (var u = 0, h = 0; h < l.length; ++h) { var m = l.charCodeAt(h); m >= 55296 && m <= 57343 && (m = 65536 + ((m & 1023) << 10) | l.charCodeAt(++h) & 1023), m <= 127 ? ++u : m <= 2047 ? u += 2 : m <= 65535 ? u += 3 : u += 4; } return u; } function lc(l, u) { ei.set(l, u >>> 0); } function td(l, u, h) { for (var m = 0; m < l.length; ++m) ei[u++ >>> 0] = l.charCodeAt(m); h || (ei[u >>> 0] = 0); } var uc, ei, Pr, ri, dc, B, ed, rd, nd; function fc(l) { uc = l, e.HEAP8 = ei = new Int8Array(l), e.HEAP16 = ri = new Int16Array(l), e.HEAP32 = B = new Int32Array(l), e.HEAPU8 = Pr = new Uint8Array(l), e.HEAPU16 = dc = new Uint16Array(l), e.HEAPU32 = ed = new Uint32Array(l), e.HEAPF32 = rd = new Float32Array(l), e.HEAPF64 = nd = new Float64Array(l); } var F_ = e.INITIAL_MEMORY || 16777216, hc, pc = [], mc = [], id = [], _c = [], sd = !1; function yc() { return Z; } function od() { if (e.preRun) for (typeof e.preRun == "function" && (e.preRun = [e.preRun]); e.preRun.length;) ud(e.preRun.shift()); Ji(pc); } function ad() { sd = !0, Ji(mc); } function cd() { Ji(id); } function ld() { if (e.postRun) for (typeof e.postRun == "function" && (e.postRun = [e.postRun]); e.postRun.length;) fd(e.postRun.shift()); Ji(_c); } function ud(l) { pc.unshift(l); } function dd(l) { mc.unshift(l); } function fd(l) { _c.unshift(l); } var on = 0, Go = null, ni = null; function hd(l) { on++, e.monitorRunDependencies && e.monitorRunDependencies(on); } function pd(l) { if (on--, e.monitorRunDependencies && e.monitorRunDependencies(on), on == 0 && (Go !== null && (clearInterval(Go), Go = null), ni)) { var u = ni; ni = null, u(); } } function ke(l) { e.onAbort && e.onAbort(l), l = "Aborted(" + l + ")", Fe(l), te = !0, Vt = 1, l += ". Build with -sASSERTIONS for more info."; var u = new WebAssembly.RuntimeError(l); throw i(u), u; } var md = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,"; function bc(l) { return l.startsWith(md); } var xe; e.locateFile ? (xe = "./duckdb-eh.wasm", bc(xe) || (xe = S(xe))) : xe = new URL("./duckdb-eh.wasm", ju.url).toString(); function gc(l) { try { if (l == xe && br) return new Uint8Array(br); if (ot) return ot(l); throw "both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed"; } catch (u) { ke(u); } } function _d() { return !br && (d || p) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(xe, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function (l) { if (!l.ok) throw "failed to load wasm binary file at '" + xe + "'"; return l.arrayBuffer(); }).catch(function () { return gc(xe); }) : Promise.resolve().then(function () { return gc(xe); }); } function yd() { var l = { a: Rf }; function u(v, w) { var x = v.exports; e.asm = x, Rt = e.asm.ha, fc(Rt.buffer), hc = e.asm.db, dd(e.asm.ia), pd("wasm-instantiate"); } hd("wasm-instantiate"); function h(v) { u(v.instance); } function m(v) { return _d().then(function (w) { return WebAssembly.instantiate(w, l); }).then(function (w) { return w; }).then(v, function (w) { Fe("failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: " + w), ke(w); }); } function y() { return !br && typeof WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming == "function" && !bc(xe) && typeof fetch == "function" ? fetch(xe, { credentials: "same-origin" }).then(function (v) { var w = WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(v, l); return w.then(h, function (x) { return Fe("wasm streaming compile failed: " + x), Fe("falling back to ArrayBuffer instantiation"), m(h); }); }) : m(h); } if (e.instantiateWasm) try { var A = e.instantiateWasm(l, u); return A; } catch (v) { return Fe("Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: " + v), !1; } return y().catch(i), {}; } function Ji(l) { for (; l.length > 0;) { var u = l.shift(); if (typeof u == "function") { u(e); continue; } var h = u.func; typeof h == "number" ? u.arg === void 0 ? wc(h)() : wc(h)(u.arg) : h(u.arg === void 0 ? null : u.arg); } } var qi = []; function wc(l) { var u = qi[l]; return u || (l >= qi.length && (qi.length = l + 1), qi[l] = u = hc.get(l)), u; } function bd(l) { if (l instanceof ss || l == "unwind") return Vt; c(1, l); } function gd(l, u, h, m) { ke("Assertion failed: " + gr(l) + ", at: " + [u ? gr(u) : "unknown filename", h, m ? gr(m) : "unknown function"]); } var jt = { buffers: [null, [], []], printChar: function (l, u) { var h = jt.buffers[l]; u === 0 || u === 10 ? ((l === 1 ? Yo : Fe)(sn(h, 0)), h.length = 0) : h.push(u); }, varargs: void 0, get: function () { jt.varargs += 4; var l = B[jt.varargs - 4 >>> 2]; return l; }, getStr: function (l) { var u = gr(l); return u; } }; function wd(l, u, h, m, y) { } function vd() { Fe("missing function: $SOCKFS"), ke(-1); } function vc() { Fe("missing function: $FS"), ke(-1); } function ii(l) { var u = vd.getSocket(l); if (!u) throw new vc.ErrnoError(8); return u; } function Ko(l) { return (l & 255) + "." + (l >> 8 & 255) + "." + (l >> 16 & 255) + "." + (l >> 24 & 255); } function Sc(l) { var u = "", h = 0, m = 0, y = 0, A = 0, v = 0, w = 0, x = [l[0] & 65535, l[0] >> 16, l[1] & 65535, l[1] >> 16, l[2] & 65535, l[2] >> 16, l[3] & 65535, l[3] >> 16], tt = !0, it = ""; for (w = 0; w < 5; w++) if (x[w] !== 0) { tt = !1; break; } if (tt) { if (it = Ko(x[6] | x[7] << 16), x[5] === -1) return u = "::ffff:", u += it, u; if (x[5] === 0) return u = "::", it === "" && (it = ""), it === "" && (it = "1"), u += it, u; } for (h = 0; h < 8; h++) x[h] === 0 && (h - y > 1 && (v = 0), y = h, v++), v > m && (m = v, A = h - m + 1); for (h = 0; h < 8; h++) { if (m > 1 && x[h] === 0 && h >= A && h < A + m) { h === A && (u += ":", A === 0 && (u += ":")); continue; } u += Number(ta(x[h] & 65535)).toString(16), u += h < 7 ? ":" : ""; } return u; } function Ic(l, u) { var h = ri[l >>> 1], m = ta(dc[l + 2 >>> 1]), y; switch (h) { case 2: if (u !== 16) return { errno: 28 }; y = B[l + 4 >>> 2], y = Ko(y); break; case 10: if (u !== 28) return { errno: 28 }; y = [B[l + 8 >>> 2], B[l + 12 >>> 2], B[l + 16 >>> 2], B[l + 20 >>> 2]], y = Sc(y); break; default: return { errno: 5 }; } return { family: h, addr: y, port: m }; } function Zi(l) { for (var u = l.split("."), h = 0; h < 4; h++) { var m = Number(u[h]); if (isNaN(m)) return null; u[h] = m; } return (u[0] | u[1] << 8 | u[2] << 16 | u[3] << 24) >>> 0; } function Qi(l) { return parseInt(l); } function Jo(l) { var u, h, m, y, A = /^((?=.*::)(?!.*::.+::)(::)?([\dA-F]{1,4}:(:|\b)|){5}|([\dA-F]{1,4}:){6})((([\dA-F]{1,4}((?!\3)::|:\b|$))|(?!\2\3)){2}|(((2[0-4]|1\d|[1-9])?\d|25[0-5])\.?\b){4})$/i, v = []; if (!A.test(l)) return null; if (l === "::") return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; for (l.startsWith("::") ? l = l.replace("::", "Z:") : l = l.replace("::", ":Z:"), l.indexOf(".") > 0 ? (l = l.replace(new RegExp("[.]", "g"), ":"), u = l.split(":"), u[u.length - 4] = Qi(u[u.length - 4]) + Qi(u[u.length - 3]) * 256, u[u.length - 3] = Qi(u[u.length - 2]) + Qi(u[u.length - 1]) * 256, u = u.slice(0, u.length - 2)) : u = l.split(":"), m = 0, y = 0, h = 0; h < u.length; h++) if (typeof u[h] == "string") if (u[h] === "Z") { for (y = 0; y < 8 - u.length + 1; y++) v[h + y] = 0; m = y - 1; } else v[h + m] = ns(parseInt(u[h], 16)); else v[h + m] = u[h]; return [v[1] << 16 | v[0], v[3] << 16 | v[2], v[5] << 16 | v[4], v[7] << 16 | v[6]]; } var Te = { address_map: { id: 1, addrs: {}, names: {} }, lookup_name: function (l) { var u = Zi(l); if (u !== null || (u = Jo(l), u !== null)) return l; var h; if (Te.address_map.addrs[l]) h = Te.address_map.addrs[l]; else { var m = Te.address_map.id++; Ht(m < 65535, "exceeded max address mappings of 65535"), h = "172.29." + (m & 255) + "." + (m & 65280), Te.address_map.names[h] = l, Te.address_map.addrs[l] = h; } return h; }, lookup_addr: function (l) { return Te.address_map.names[l] ? Te.address_map.names[l] : null; } }; function Ac(l, u, h) { if (h && l === 0) return null; var m = Ic(l, u); if (m.errno) throw new vc.ErrnoError(m.errno); return m.addr = Te.lookup_addr(m.addr) || m.addr, m; } function Sd(l, u, h) { var m = ii(l), y = Ac(u, h); return m.sock_ops.bind(m, y.addr, y.port), 0; } function Id(l, u, h) { var m = ii(l), y = Ac(u, h); return m.sock_ops.connect(m, y.addr, y.port), 0; } function Ad(l, u, h, m) { return u = jt.getStr(u), u = jt.calculateAt(l, u), jt.doAccess(u, h); } function Fd(l, u, h) { return jt.varargs = h, 0; } function xd(l, u) { } function Td(l, u, h) { } function Bd(l, u, h) { } function Fc(l, u) { Pr.fill(0, l, l + u); } function qo(l, u, h, m, y) { switch (u) { case 2: h = Zi(h), Fc(l, 16), y && (B[y >>> 2] = 16), ri[l >>> 1] = u, B[l + 4 >>> 2] = h, ri[l + 2 >>> 1] = ns(m); break; case 10: h = Jo(h), Fc(l, 28), y && (B[y >>> 2] = 28), B[l >>> 2] = u, B[l + 8 >>> 2] = h[0], B[l + 12 >>> 2] = h[1], B[l + 16 >>> 2] = h[2], B[l + 20 >>> 2] = h[3], ri[l + 2 >>> 1] = ns(m); break; default: return 5; } return 0; } function Dd(l, u, h) { var m = ii(l); if (!m.daddr) return -53; var y = qo(u, m.family, Te.lookup_name(m.daddr), m.dport, h); return 0; } function Ed(l, u, h, m, y) { var A = ii(l); return u === 1 && h === 4 ? (B[m >>> 2] = A.error, B[y >>> 2] = 4, A.error = null, 0) : -50; } function Od(l, u, h) { return jt.varargs = h, 0; } function Md(l, u) { } function Rd(l, u, h) { } function Ud(l, u, h, m) { } function Nd(l, u, h, m) { jt.varargs = m; } function kd(l, u, h, m, y, A) { var v = ii(l), w = v.sock_ops.recvmsg(v, h); if (!w) return 0; if (y) var x = qo(y, v.family, Te.lookup_name(w.addr), w.port, A); return Pr.set(w.buffer, u >>> 0), w.buffer.byteLength; } function Ld(l, u, h, m) { } function Cd(l) { } function Pd(l, u, h, m, y, A) { } function Vd(l, u, h) { } function Hd(l, u) { } function zd(l, u, h) { } function jd(l) { } var xc = "To use dlopen, you need enable dynamic linking, see https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/wiki/Linking"; function Wd(l, u) { ke(xc); } function $d(l, u) { ke(xc); } function Yd() { return Date.now(); } var Xd = !0; function Gd() { return Xd; } function Kd() { ke(""); } function Jd(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.createDirectory(e, l, u); } function qd(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.checkDirectory(e, l, u); } function Zd(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.listDirectoryEntries(e, l, u); } function Qd(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.removeDirectory(e, l, u); } function tf(l) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.closeFile(e, l); } function ef(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.checkFile(e, l, u); } function rf(l) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.getLastFileModificationTime(e, l); } function nf(l, u, h, m) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.moveFile(e, l, u, h, m); } function sf(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.openFile(e, l, u); } function of(l, u, h, m) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.readFile(e, l, u, h, m); } function af(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.truncateFile(e, l, u); } function cf(l, u, h, m) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.writeFile(e, l, u, h, m); } function lf(l, u) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.glob(e, l, u); } function uf(l) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.testPlatformFeature(e, l); } function df(l, u, h, m, y, A) { return globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME.callScalarUDF(e, l, u, h, m, y, A); } function Tc() { return 4294901760; } var Zo; b ? Zo = () => { var l = process.hrtime(); return l[0] * 1e3 + l[1] / 1e6; } : Zo = () => performance.now(); function ff(l, u, h) { Pr.copyWithin(l >>> 0, u >>> 0, u + h >>> 0); } function hf(l) { try { return Rt.grow(l - uc.byteLength + 65535 >>> 16), fc(Rt.buffer), 1; } catch (u) { } } function pf(l) { var u = Pr.length; l = l >>> 0; var h = Tc(); if (l > h) return !1; let m = (x, tt) => x + (tt - x % tt) % tt; for (var y = 1; y <= 4; y *= 2) { var A = u * (1 + .2 / y); A = Math.min(A, l + 100663296); var v = Math.min(h, m(Math.max(l, A), 65536)), w = hf(v); if (w) return !0; } return !1; } var Qo = {}; function mf() { return a || "./this.program"; } function si() { if (!si.strings) { var l = (typeof navigator == "object" && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8", u = { USER: "web_user", LOGNAME: "web_user", PATH: "/", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home/web_user", LANG: l, _: mf() }; for (var h in Qo) Qo[h] === void 0 ? delete u[h] : u[h] = Qo[h]; var m = []; for (var h in u) m.push(h + "=" + u[h]); si.strings = m; } return si.strings; } function _f(l, u) { var h = 0; return si().forEach(function (m, y) { var A = u + h; B[l + y * 4 >>> 2] = A, td(m, A), h += m.length + 1; }), 0; } function yf(l, u) { var h = si(); B[l >>> 2] = h.length; var m = 0; return h.forEach(function (y) { m += y.length + 1; }), B[u >>> 2] = m, 0; } function bf(l) { return 0; } function gf(l, u, h, m, y, A) { var v = jt.getStreamFromFD(l), w = jt.doReadv(v, u, h, m); return B[A >>> 2] = w, 0; } function wf(l, u, h, m, y, A) { var v = jt.getStreamFromFD(l), w = jt.doWritev(v, u, h, m); return B[A >>> 2] = w, 0; } function vf(l, u, h, m) { var y = jt.getStreamFromFD(l), A = jt.doReadv(y, u, h); return B[m >>> 2] = A, 0; } function Sf(l, u, h, m, y) { } function If(l) { var u = jt.getStreamFromFD(l); return u.stream_ops && u.stream_ops.fsync ? -u.stream_ops.fsync(u) : 0; } function Af(l, u, h, m) { for (var y = 0, A = 0; A < h; A++) { var v = B[u >>> 2], w = B[u + 4 >>> 2]; u += 8; for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) jt.printChar(l, Pr[v + x >>> 0]); y += w; } return B[m >>> 2] = y, 0; } function Ff(l, u, h, m) { var y = 0, A = 0, v = 0, w = 0, x = 0, tt = 0, it; function Be(pt, Fn, Ot, Le, tr, oi) { var g, E, bt, Wt; return E = pt === 10 ? 28 : 16, tr = pt === 10 ? Sc(tr) : Ko(tr), g = ea(E), Wt = qo(g, pt, tr, oi), Ht(!Wt), bt = ea(32), B[bt + 4 >>> 2] = pt, B[bt + 8 >>> 2] = Fn, B[bt + 12 >>> 2] = Ot, B[bt + 24 >>> 2] = Le, B[bt + 20 >>> 2] = g, pt === 10 ? B[bt + 16 >>> 2] = 28 : B[bt + 16 >>> 2] = 16, B[bt + 28 >>> 2] = 0, bt; } if (h && (v = B[h >>> 2], w = B[h + 4 >>> 2], x = B[h + 8 >>> 2], tt = B[h + 12 >>> 2]), x && !tt && (tt = x === 2 ? 17 : 6), !x && tt && (x = tt === 17 ? 2 : 1), tt === 0 && (tt = 6), x === 0 && (x = 1), !l && !u) return -2; if (v & -1088 || h !== 0 && B[h >>> 2] & 2 && !l) return -1; if (v & 32) return -2; if (x !== 0 && x !== 1 && x !== 2) return -7; if (w !== 0 && w !== 2 && w !== 10) return -6; if (u && (u = gr(u), A = parseInt(u, 10), isNaN(A))) return v & 1024 ? -2 : -8; if (!l) return w === 0 && (w = 2), (v & 1) === 0 && (w === 2 ? y = rs(2130706433) : y = [0, 0, 0, 1]), it = Be(w, x, tt, null, y, A), B[m >>> 2] = it, 0; if (l = gr(l), y = Zi(l), y !== null) if (w === 0 || w === 2) w = 2; else if (w === 10 && v & 8) y = [0, 0, rs(65535), y], w = 10; else return -2; else if (y = Jo(l), y !== null) if (w === 0 || w === 10) w = 10; else return -2; return y != null ? (it = Be(w, x, tt, l, y, A), B[m >>> 2] = it, 0) : v & 4 ? -2 : (l = Te.lookup_name(l), y = Zi(l), w === 0 ? w = 2 : w === 10 && (y = [0, 0, rs(65535), y]), it = Be(w, x, tt, null, y, A), B[m >>> 2] = it, 0); } function xf() { if (typeof crypto == "object" && typeof crypto.getRandomValues == "function") { var l = new Uint8Array(1); return function () { return crypto.getRandomValues(l), l[0]; }; } else if (b) try { var u = Mh("crypto"); return function () { return u.randomBytes(1)[0]; }; } catch (h) { } return function () { ke("randomDevice"); }; } function ts(l, u) { ts.randomDevice || (ts.randomDevice = xf()); for (var h = 0; h < u; h++) ei[l + h >>> 0] = ts.randomDevice(); return 0; } function Tf(l, u, h, m, y, A, v) { var w = Ic(l, u); if (w.errno) return -6; var x = w.port, tt = w.addr, it = !1; if (h && m) { var Be; if (v & 1 || !(Be = Te.lookup_addr(tt))) { if (v & 8) return -2; } else tt = Be; var pt = Xo(tt, h, m); pt + 1 >= m && (it = !0); } if (y && A) { x = "" + x; var pt = Xo(x, y, A); pt + 1 >= A && (it = !0); } return it ? -12 : 0; } function es(l) { return l % 4 === 0 && (l % 100 !== 0 || l % 400 === 0); } function Bf(l, u) { for (var h = 0, m = 0; m <= u; h += l[m++]) ; return h; } var Bc = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], Dc = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; function Df(l, u) { for (var h = new Date(l.getTime()); u > 0;) { var m = es(h.getFullYear()), y = h.getMonth(), A = (m ? Bc : Dc)[y]; if (u > A - h.getDate()) u -= A - h.getDate() + 1, h.setDate(1), y < 11 ? h.setMonth(y + 1) : (h.setMonth(0), h.setFullYear(h.getFullYear() + 1)); else return h.setDate(h.getDate() + u), h; } return h; } function Ef(l, u, h, m) { var y = B[m + 40 >>> 2], A = { tm_sec: B[m >>> 2], tm_min: B[m + 4 >>> 2], tm_hour: B[m + 8 >>> 2], tm_mday: B[m + 12 >>> 2], tm_mon: B[m + 16 >>> 2], tm_year: B[m + 20 >>> 2], tm_wday: B[m + 24 >>> 2], tm_yday: B[m + 28 >>> 2], tm_isdst: B[m + 32 >>> 2], tm_gmtoff: B[m + 36 >>> 2], tm_zone: y ? gr(y) : "" }, v = gr(h), w = { "%c": "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", "%D": "%m/%d/%y", "%F": "%Y-%m-%d", "%h": "%b", "%r": "%I:%M:%S %p", "%R": "%H:%M", "%T": "%H:%M:%S", "%x": "%m/%d/%y", "%X": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ec": "%c", "%EC": "%C", "%Ex": "%m/%d/%y", "%EX": "%H:%M:%S", "%Ey": "%y", "%EY": "%Y", "%Od": "%d", "%Oe": "%e", "%OH": "%H", "%OI": "%I", "%Om": "%m", "%OM": "%M", "%OS": "%S", "%Ou": "%u", "%OU": "%U", "%OV": "%V", "%Ow": "%w", "%OW": "%W", "%Oy": "%y" }; for (var x in w) v = v.replace(new RegExp(x, "g"), w[x]); var tt = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], it = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; function Be(g, E, bt) { for (var Wt = typeof g == "number" ? g.toString() : g || ""; Wt.length < E;) Wt = bt[0] + Wt; return Wt; } function pt(g, E) { return Be(g, E, "0"); } function Fn(g, E) { function bt(os) { return os < 0 ? -1 : os > 0 ? 1 : 0; } var Wt; return (Wt = bt(g.getFullYear() - E.getFullYear())) === 0 && (Wt = bt(g.getMonth() - E.getMonth())) === 0 && (Wt = bt(g.getDate() - E.getDate())), Wt; } function Ot(g) { switch (g.getDay()) { case 0: return new Date(g.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 29); case 1: return g; case 2: return new Date(g.getFullYear(), 0, 3); case 3: return new Date(g.getFullYear(), 0, 2); case 4: return new Date(g.getFullYear(), 0, 1); case 5: return new Date(g.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 31); case 6: return new Date(g.getFullYear() - 1, 11, 30); } } function Le(g) { var E = Df(new Date(g.tm_year + 1900, 0, 1), g.tm_yday), bt = new Date(E.getFullYear(), 0, 4), Wt = new Date(E.getFullYear() + 1, 0, 4), os = Ot(bt), xh = Ot(Wt); return Fn(os, E) <= 0 ? Fn(xh, E) <= 0 ? E.getFullYear() + 1 : E.getFullYear() : E.getFullYear() - 1; } var tr = { "%a": function (g) { return tt[g.tm_wday].substring(0, 3); }, "%A": function (g) { return tt[g.tm_wday]; }, "%b": function (g) { return it[g.tm_mon].substring(0, 3); }, "%B": function (g) { return it[g.tm_mon]; }, "%C": function (g) { var E = g.tm_year + 1900; return pt(E / 100 | 0, 2); }, "%d": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_mday, 2); }, "%e": function (g) { return Be(g.tm_mday, 2, " "); }, "%g": function (g) { return Le(g).toString().substring(2); }, "%G": function (g) { return Le(g); }, "%H": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_hour, 2); }, "%I": function (g) { var E = g.tm_hour; return E == 0 ? E = 12 : E > 12 && (E -= 12), pt(E, 2); }, "%j": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_mday + Bf(es(g.tm_year + 1900) ? Bc : Dc, g.tm_mon - 1), 3); }, "%m": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_mon + 1, 2); }, "%M": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_min, 2); }, "%n": function () { return ` `; }, "%p": function (g) { return g.tm_hour >= 0 && g.tm_hour < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"; }, "%S": function (g) { return pt(g.tm_sec, 2); }, "%t": function () { return " "; }, "%u": function (g) { return g.tm_wday || 7; }, "%U": function (g) { var E = g.tm_yday + 7 - g.tm_wday; return pt(Math.floor(E / 7), 2); }, "%V": function (g) { var E = Math.floor((g.tm_yday + 7 - (g.tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7); if ((g.tm_wday + 371 - g.tm_yday - 2) % 7 <= 2 && E++, E) { if (E == 53) { var Wt = (g.tm_wday + 371 - g.tm_yday) % 7; Wt != 4 && (Wt != 3 || !es(g.tm_year)) && (E = 1); } } else { E = 52; var bt = (g.tm_wday + 7 - g.tm_yday - 1) % 7; (bt == 4 || bt == 5 && es(g.tm_year % 400 - 1)) && E++; } return pt(E, 2); }, "%w": function (g) { return g.tm_wday; }, "%W": function (g) { var E = g.tm_yday + 7 - (g.tm_wday + 6) % 7; return pt(Math.floor(E / 7), 2); }, "%y": function (g) { return (g.tm_year + 1900).toString().substring(2); }, "%Y": function (g) { return g.tm_year + 1900; }, "%z": function (g) { var E = g.tm_gmtoff, bt = E >= 0; return E = Math.abs(E) / 60, E = E / 60 * 100 + E % 60, (bt ? "+" : "-") + String("0000" + E).slice(-4); }, "%Z": function (g) { return g.tm_zone; }, "%%": function () { return "%"; } }; v = v.replace(/%%/g, "\0\0"); for (var x in tr) v.includes(x) && (v = v.replace(new RegExp(x, "g"), tr[x](A))); v = v.replace(/\0\0/g, "%"); var oi = Mf(v, !1); return oi.length > u ? 0 : (lc(oi, l), oi.length - 1); } function Of(l, u, h, m) { return Ef(l, u, h, m); } function Mf(l, u, h) { var m = h > 0 ? h : Qu(l) + 1, y = new Array(m), A = cc(l, y, 0, y.length); return u && (y.length = A), y; } var Rf = { a: gd, P: wd, R: Sd, Q: Id, J: Ad, b: Fd, $: xd, u: Td, X: Bd, L: Dd, O: Ed, ba: Od, Y: Md, aa: Rd, Z: Ud, o: Nd, M: kd, H: Ld, m: Cd, N: Pd, k: Vd, _: Hd, n: zd, T: jd, V: Wd, U: $d, da: Yd, ca: Gd, d: Kd, B: Jd, C: qd, z: Zd, A: Qd, i: tf, x: ef, E: rf, y: nf, F: sf, f: of, D: af, j: cf, w: lf, g: uf, G: df, ea: Tc, S: Zo, fa: ff, ga: pf, q: _f, r: yf, c: bf, t: gf, s: wf, h: vf, v: Sf, I: If, e: Af, l: Ff, W: ts, K: Tf, p: Of }, x_ = yd(), Uf = e.___wasm_call_ctors = function () { return (Uf = e.___wasm_call_ctors = e.asm.ia).apply(null, arguments); }, Nf = e._main = function () { return (Nf = e._main = e.asm.ja).apply(null, arguments); }, kf = e._duckdb_web_fs_glob_add_path = function () { return (kf = e._duckdb_web_fs_glob_add_path = e.asm.ka).apply(null, arguments); }, Lf = e._duckdb_web_clear_response = function () { return (Lf = e._duckdb_web_clear_response = e.asm.la).apply(null, arguments); }, Cf = e._duckdb_web_fail_with = function () { return (Cf = e._duckdb_web_fail_with = e.asm.ma).apply(null, arguments); }, Pf = e._duckdb_web_reset = function () { return (Pf = e._duckdb_web_reset = e.asm.na).apply(null, arguments); }, Vf = e._duckdb_web_connect = function () { return (Vf = e._duckdb_web_connect = e.asm.oa).apply(null, arguments); }, Hf = e._duckdb_web_disconnect = function () { return (Hf = e._duckdb_web_disconnect = e.asm.pa).apply(null, arguments); }, zf = e._duckdb_web_flush_files = function () { return (zf = e._duckdb_web_flush_files = e.asm.qa).apply(null, arguments); }, jf = e._duckdb_web_flush_file = function () { return (jf = e._duckdb_web_flush_file = e.asm.ra).apply(null, arguments); }, Wf = e._duckdb_web_open = function () { return (Wf = e._duckdb_web_open = e.asm.sa).apply(null, arguments); }, $f = e._duckdb_web_get_global_file_info = function () { return ($f = e._duckdb_web_get_global_file_info = e.asm.ta).apply(null, arguments); }, Yf = e._duckdb_web_collect_file_stats = function () { return (Yf = e._duckdb_web_collect_file_stats = e.asm.ua).apply(null, arguments); }, Xf = e._duckdb_web_export_file_stats = function () { return (Xf = e._duckdb_web_export_file_stats = e.asm.va).apply(null, arguments); }, Gf = e._duckdb_web_fs_drop_file = function () { return (Gf = e._duckdb_web_fs_drop_file = e.asm.wa).apply(null, arguments); }, Kf = e._duckdb_web_fs_drop_files = function () { return (Kf = e._duckdb_web_fs_drop_files = e.asm.xa).apply(null, arguments); }, Jf = e._duckdb_web_fs_glob_file_infos = function () { return (Jf = e._duckdb_web_fs_glob_file_infos = e.asm.ya).apply(null, arguments); }, qf = e._duckdb_web_fs_get_file_info_by_id = function () { return (qf = e._duckdb_web_fs_get_file_info_by_id = e.asm.za).apply(null, arguments); }, Zf = e._duckdb_web_fs_get_file_info_by_name = function () { return (Zf = e._duckdb_web_fs_get_file_info_by_name = e.asm.Aa).apply(null, arguments); }, Qf = e._duckdb_web_fs_set_file_descriptor = function () { return (Qf = e._duckdb_web_fs_set_file_descriptor = e.asm.Ba).apply(null, arguments); }, th = e._duckdb_web_fs_register_file_url = function () { return (th = e._duckdb_web_fs_register_file_url = e.asm.Ca).apply(null, arguments); }, eh = e._duckdb_web_fs_register_file_buffer = function () { return (eh = e._duckdb_web_fs_register_file_buffer = e.asm.Da).apply(null, arguments); }, rh = e._duckdb_web_copy_file_to_buffer = function () { return (rh = e._duckdb_web_copy_file_to_buffer = e.asm.Ea).apply(null, arguments); }, nh = e._duckdb_web_copy_file_to_path = function () { return (nh = e._duckdb_web_copy_file_to_path = e.asm.Fa).apply(null, arguments); }, ih = e._duckdb_web_get_version = function () { return (ih = e._duckdb_web_get_version = e.asm.Ga).apply(null, arguments); }, sh = e._duckdb_web_get_feature_flags = function () { return (sh = e._duckdb_web_get_feature_flags = e.asm.Ha).apply(null, arguments); }, oh = e._duckdb_web_tokenize = function () { return (oh = e._duckdb_web_tokenize = e.asm.Ia).apply(null, arguments); }, ah = e._duckdb_web_udf_scalar_create = function () { return (ah = e._duckdb_web_udf_scalar_create = e.asm.Ja).apply(null, arguments); }, ch = e._duckdb_web_prepared_create = function () { return (ch = e._duckdb_web_prepared_create = e.asm.Ka).apply(null, arguments); }, lh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_close = function () { return (lh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_close = e.asm.La).apply(null, arguments); }, uh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_run = function () { return (uh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_run = e.asm.Ma).apply(null, arguments); }, dh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_send = function () { return (dh = e._duckdb_web_prepared_send = e.asm.Na).apply(null, arguments); }, fh = e._duckdb_web_query_run = function () { return (fh = e._duckdb_web_query_run = e.asm.Oa).apply(null, arguments); }, hh = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_start = function () { return (hh = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_start = e.asm.Pa).apply(null, arguments); }, ph = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_poll = function () { return (ph = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_poll = e.asm.Qa).apply(null, arguments); }, mh = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_cancel = function () { return (mh = e._duckdb_web_pending_query_cancel = e.asm.Ra).apply(null, arguments); }, _h = e._duckdb_web_query_fetch_results = function () { return (_h = e._duckdb_web_query_fetch_results = e.asm.Sa).apply(null, arguments); }, yh = e._duckdb_web_get_tablenames = function () { return (yh = e._duckdb_web_get_tablenames = e.asm.Ta).apply(null, arguments); }, bh = e._duckdb_web_insert_arrow_from_ipc_stream = function () { return (bh = e._duckdb_web_insert_arrow_from_ipc_stream = e.asm.Ua).apply(null, arguments); }, gh = e._duckdb_web_insert_csv_from_path = function () { return (gh = e._duckdb_web_insert_csv_from_path = e.asm.Va).apply(null, arguments); }, wh = e._duckdb_web_insert_json_from_path = function () { return (wh = e._duckdb_web_insert_json_from_path = e.asm.Wa).apply(null, arguments); }, rs = e._htonl = function () { return (rs = e._htonl = e.asm.Xa).apply(null, arguments); }, ns = e._htons = function () { return (ns = e._htons = e.asm.Ya).apply(null, arguments); }, ta = e._ntohs = function () { return (ta = e._ntohs = e.asm.Za).apply(null, arguments); }, ea = e._malloc = function () { return (ea = e._malloc = e.asm._a).apply(null, arguments); }, vh = e._free = function () { return (vh = e._free = e.asm.$a).apply(null, arguments); }, Ec = e.stackSave = function () { return (Ec = e.stackSave = e.asm.ab).apply(null, arguments); }, Oc = e.stackRestore = function () { return (Oc = e.stackRestore = e.asm.bb).apply(null, arguments); }, ra = e.stackAlloc = function () { return (ra = e.stackAlloc = e.asm.cb).apply(null, arguments); }; e.ccall = at; var is; function ss(l) { this.name = "ExitStatus", this.message = "Program terminated with exit(" + l + ")", this.status = l; } var Sh = !1; ni = function l() { is || na(), is || (ni = l); }; function Ih(l) { var u = e._main, h = 0, m = 0; try { var y = u(h, m); return Ah(y, !0), y; } catch (A) { return bd(A); } finally { Sh = !0; } } function na(l) { if (l = l || o, on > 0 || (od(), on > 0)) return; function u() { is || (is = !0, e.calledRun = !0, !te && (ad(), cd(), n(e), e.onRuntimeInitialized && e.onRuntimeInitialized(), Mc && Ih(l), ld())); } e.setStatus ? (e.setStatus("Running..."), setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(function () { e.setStatus(""); }, 1), u(); }, 1)) : u(); } e.run = na; function Ah(l, u) { Vt = l, Fh(l); } function Fh(l) { Vt = l, yc() || (e.onExit && e.onExit(l), te = !0), c(l, new ss(l)); } if (e.preInit) for (typeof e.preInit == "function" && (e.preInit = [e.preInit]); e.preInit.length > 0;) e.preInit.pop()(); var Mc = !0; return e.noInitialRun && (Mc = !1), na(), t.ready; }; })(), Wu = m_; var Po = class { constructor(t, e) { this._bindings = t, this._conn = e; } close() { this._bindings.disconnect(this._conn); } useUnsafe(t) { return t(this._bindings, this._conn); } query(t) { let e = this._bindings.runQuery(this._conn, t), n = xt.from(e); return console.assert(n.isSync()), console.assert(n.isFile()), new It(n); } async send(t) { let e = this._bindings.startPendingQuery(this._conn, t); for (; e == null;) e = await new Promise((s, o) => { try { s(this._bindings.pollPendingQuery(this._conn)); } catch (a) { o(a); } }); let n = new Vo(this._bindings, this._conn, e), i = xt.from(n); return console.assert(i.isSync()), console.assert(i.isStream()), i; } cancelSent() { return this._bindings.cancelPendingQuery(this._conn); } getTableNames(t) { return this._bindings.getTableNames(this._conn, t); } prepare(t) { let e = this._bindings.createPrepared(this._conn, t); return new nc(this._bindings, this._conn, e); } createScalarFunction(t, e, n) { this._bindings.createScalarFunction(this._conn, t, e, n); } insertArrowTable(t, e) { let n = ko(t, "stream"); this.insertArrowFromIPCStream(n, e); } insertArrowFromIPCStream(t, e) { this._bindings.insertArrowFromIPCStream(this._conn, t, e); } insertCSVFromPath(t, e) { this._bindings.insertCSVFromPath(this._conn, t, e); } insertJSONFromPath(t, e) { this._bindings.insertJSONFromPath(this._conn, t, e); } }, Vo = class { constructor(t, e, n) { this.bindings = t; this.conn = e; this.header = n; this._first = !0, this._depleted = !1; } next() { if (this._first) return this._first = !1, { done: !1, value: this.header }; if (this._depleted) return { done: !0, value: null }; let t = this.bindings.fetchQueryResults(this.conn); return this._depleted = t.length == 0, { done: this._depleted, value: t }; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this; } }, nc = class { constructor(t, e, n) { this.bindings = t, this.connectionId = e, this.statementId = n; } close() { this.bindings.closePrepared(this.connectionId, this.statementId); } query(...t) { let e = this.bindings.runPrepared(this.connectionId, this.statementId, t), n = xt.from(e); return console.assert(n.isSync()), console.assert(n.isFile()), new It(n); } send(...t) { let e = this.bindings.sendPrepared(this.connectionId, this.statementId, t), n = new Vo(this.bindings, this.connectionId, e), i = xt.from(n); return console.assert(i.isSync()), console.assert(i.isStream()), i; } }; var Xu = new TextEncoder, $u = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); function ic(r, t, e) { let n = Xu.encode(e), i = r._malloc(n.byteLength), s = r.HEAPU8.subarray(i, i + n.byteLength); s.set(n), r.HEAPF64[(t >> 3) + 0] = 1, r.HEAPF64[(t >> 3) + 1] = i, r.HEAPF64[(t >> 3) + 2] = s.byteLength; } function oc(r) { switch (r) { case "UINT8": case "INT8": return 1; case "INT32": case "FLOAT": return 4; case "INT64": case "UINT64": case "DOUBLE": case "VARCHAR": return 8; default: return 0; } } function sc(r, t, e, n) { let i = r.HEAPU8.subarray(t, t + n * oc(e)); switch (e) { case "UINT8": return new Uint8Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); case "INT8": return new Int8Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); case "INT32": return new Int32Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); case "FLOAT": return new Float32Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); case "DOUBLE": return new Float64Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); case "VARCHAR": return new Float64Array(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, n); default: return new Array(0); } } function Yu(r, t, e) { let n = r.HEAPU8.subarray(t, t + e); return new Uint8Array(n.buffer, n.byteOffset, e); } function Ho(r, t, e) { let n = r.HEAPU8.subarray(t, t + e * 8); return new Float64Array(n.buffer, n.byteOffset, e); } function Gu(r, t, e, n, i, s, o, a) { try { let c = r._udfFunctions.get(n); if (!c) { ic(t, e, "Unknown UDF with id: " + n); return; } let d = $u.decode(t.HEAPU8.subarray(i, i + s)), p = JSON.parse(d), b = Ho(t, o, a / 8), _ = Z => { var te; let Rt = null; switch ((Z.validityBuffer !== void 0 && (Rt = Yu(t, b[Z.validityBuffer], p.rows)), Z.physicalType)) { case "VARCHAR": { if (Z.dataBuffer === null || Z.dataBuffer === void 0) throw new Error("malformed data view, expected data buffer for VARCHAR argument"); if (Z.lengthBuffer === null || Z.lengthBuffer === void 0) throw new Error("malformed data view, expected data length buffer for VARCHAR argument"); let Vt = sc(t, b[Z.dataBuffer], Z.physicalType, p.rows), Ht = [], zt = Ho(t, b[Z.lengthBuffer], p.rows); for (let at = 0; at < p.rows; ++at) { if (Rt != null && !Rt[at]) { Ht.push(null); continue; } let oe = t.HEAPU8.subarray(Vt[at], Vt[at] + zt[at]), sn = $u.decode(oe); Ht.push(sn); } return at => Ht[at]; } case "STRUCT": { let Vt = {}, Ht = []; for (let zt = 0; zt < (((te = Z.children) == null ? void 0 : te.length) || 0); ++zt) { let at = Z.children[zt], oe = _(at); Ht.push(sn => { Vt[at.name] = oe(sn); }); } return Rt != null ? zt => { if (!Rt[zt]) return null; for (let at of Ht) at(zt); return Vt; } : zt => { for (let at of Ht) at(zt); return Vt; }; } default: { if (Z.dataBuffer === void 0) throw new Error("malformed data view, expected data buffer for argument of type: " + Z.physicalType); let Vt = sc(t, b[Z.dataBuffer], Z.physicalType, p.rows); return Rt != null ? Ht => Rt[Ht] ? Vt[Ht] : null : Ht => Vt[Ht]; } } }, S = []; for (let Z = 0; Z < p.args.length; ++Z) S.push(_(p.args[Z])); let J = p.rows * oc(p.ret.physicalType), q = t._malloc(J), ot = sc(t, q, p.ret.physicalType, p.rows), St = t._malloc(p.rows), Qt = Yu(t, St, p.rows); if (ot.length == 0 || Qt.length == 0) { ic(t, e, "Can't create physical arrays for result"); return; } let se = ot; p.ret.physicalType == "VARCHAR" && (se = new Array(p.rows)); let Cr = []; for (let Z = 0; Z < p.args.length; ++Z) Cr.push(null); for (let Z = 0; Z < p.rows; ++Z) { for (let te = 0; te < p.args.length; ++te) Cr[te] = S[te](Z); let Rt = c.func(...Cr); se[Z] = Rt, Qt[Z] = Rt == null ? 0 : 1; } let nn = 0; switch (p.ret.physicalType) { case "VARCHAR": { let Z = new Array(0); nn = t._malloc(p.rows * oc("DOUBLE")); let Rt = Ho(t, nn, p.rows), te = 0; for (let at = 0; at < p.rows; ++at) { let oe = Xu.encode(se[at] || ""); Z.push(oe), Rt[at] = oe.length, te += oe.length; } let Vt = t._malloc(te), Ht = t.HEAPU8.subarray(Vt, Vt + te), zt = 0; for (let at = 0; at < p.rows; ++at) { ot[at] = zt; let oe = Z[at]; Ht.subarray(zt, zt + oe.length).set(oe), zt += oe.length; } } } let Yo = 3 * 8, Fe = t._malloc(Yo), br = Ho(t, Fe, 3); br[0] = q, br[1] = St, br[2] = nn, t.HEAPF64[(e >> 3) + 0] = 0, t.HEAPF64[(e >> 3) + 1] = Fe, t.HEAPF64[(e >> 3) + 2] = 0; } catch (c) { ic(t, e, c.toString()); } } function y_() { let r = new TextDecoder; return t => (typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && t.buffer instanceof SharedArrayBuffer && (t = new Uint8Array(t)), r.decode(t)); } var b_ = y_(); function yr(r, t) { r.ccall("duckdb_web_fail_with", null, ["string"], [t]); } function An(r, t, e) { let n = r.HEAPU8.subarray(t, t + e), i = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(n.byteLength)); return i.set(n), i; } function z(r, t, e) { return b_(r.HEAPU8.subarray(t, t + e)); } function nt(r, t, e, n) { let i = r.stackSave(), s = r.stackAlloc(3 * 8); e.unshift("number"), n.unshift(s), r.ccall(t, null, e, n); let o = r.HEAPF64[(s >> 3) + 0], a = r.HEAPF64[(s >> 3) + 1], c = r.HEAPF64[(s >> 3) + 2]; return r.stackRestore(i), [o, a, c]; } function ht(r) { r.ccall("duckdb_web_clear_response", null, [], []); } var zo = class { constructor(t) { let e = new Float64Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength / 8), n = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(t.byteLength)); n.set(t.subarray(7 * 8)), this.totalFileReadsCold = e[0], this.totalFileReadsAhead = e[1], this.totalFileReadsCached = e[2], this.totalFileWrites = e[3], this.totalPageAccesses = e[4], this.totalPageLoads = e[5], this.blockSize = e[6], this.blockStats = n; } getBlockStats(t, e) { return e = e || { file_reads_cold: 0, file_reads_ahead: 0, file_reads_cached: 0, file_writes: 0, page_accesses: 0, page_loads: 0 }, e.file_writes = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 0] & 15, e.file_reads_cold = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 0] >> 4, e.file_reads_ahead = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 1] & 15, e.file_reads_cached = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 1] >> 4, e.page_accesses = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 1] & 15, e.page_loads = this.blockStats[t * 3 + 1] >> 4, e; } }; var g_ = new TextEncoder; var jo = class { constructor(t, e) { this._instance = null; this._initPromise = null; this._initPromiseResolver = () => { }; this.onInstantiationProgress = []; this._logger = t, this._runtime = e, this._nextUDFId = 1; } get logger() { return this._logger; } get mod() { return this._instance; } get pthread() { return this.mod.PThread || null; } async instantiate(t = e => { }) { return this._instance != null ? this : (this._initPromise != null && (this.onInstantiationProgress.push(t), await this._initPromise), this._initPromise = new Promise(e => { this._initPromiseResolver = e; }), this.onInstantiationProgress = [t], this._instance = await this.instantiateImpl({ print: console.log.bind(console), printErr: console.log.bind(console), onRuntimeInitialized: this._initPromiseResolver }), await this._initPromise, this._initPromise = null, this.onInstantiationProgress = this.onInstantiationProgress.filter(e => e != t), this); } open(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_open", ["string"], [JSON.stringify(t)]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); ht(this.mod); } reset() { let [t, e, n] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_reset", [], []); if (t !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, e, n)); ht(this.mod); } getVersion() { let [t, e, n] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_get_version", [], []); if (t !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, e, n)); let i = z(this.mod, e, n); return ht(this.mod), i; } getFeatureFlags() { return this.mod.ccall("duckdb_web_get_feature_flags", "number", [], []); } tokenize(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_tokenize", ["string"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); let s = z(this.mod, n, i); return ht(this.mod), JSON.parse(s); } connect() { let t = this.mod.ccall("duckdb_web_connect", "number", [], []); return new Po(this, t); } disconnect(t) { if (this.mod.ccall("duckdb_web_disconnect", null, ["number"], [t]), this.pthread) for (let e of [...this.pthread.runningWorkers, ...this.pthread.unusedWorkers]) e.postMessage({ cmd: "dropUDFFunctions", connectionId: t }); } runQuery(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_query_run", ["number", "string"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); let o = An(this.mod, i, s); return ht(this.mod), o; } startPendingQuery(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_pending_query_start", ["number", "string"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); if (i == 0) return null; let o = An(this.mod, i, s); return ht(this.mod), o; } pollPendingQuery(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_pending_query_poll", ["number"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); if (n == 0) return null; let s = An(this.mod, n, i); return ht(this.mod), s; } cancelPendingQuery(t) { return this.mod.ccall("duckdb_web_pending_query_cancel", "boolean", ["number"], [t]); } fetchQueryResults(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_query_fetch_results", ["number"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); let s = An(this.mod, n, i); return ht(this.mod), s; } getTableNames(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_get_tablenames", ["number", "string"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); let o = z(this.mod, i, s); return ht(this.mod), JSON.parse(o); } createScalarFunction(t, e, n, i) { let s = { functionId: this._nextUDFId, name: e, returnType: ti(n) }, o = { functionId: s.functionId, connectionId: t, name: e, returnType: n, func: i }; this._nextUDFId += 1; let [a, c, d] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_udf_scalar_create", ["number", "string"], [t, JSON.stringify(s)]); if (a !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, c, d)); if (ht(this.mod), globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME._udfFunctions = (globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME._udfFunctions || new Map).set(o.functionId, o), this.pthread) for (let p of [...this.pthread.runningWorkers, ...this.pthread.unusedWorkers]) p.postMessage({ cmd: "registerUDFFunction", udf: o }); } createPrepared(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_prepared_create", ["number", "string"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); return ht(this.mod), i; } closePrepared(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_prepared_close", ["number", "number"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); ht(this.mod); } runPrepared(t, e, n) { let [i, s, o] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_prepared_run", ["number", "number", "string"], [t, e, JSON.stringify(n)]); if (i !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, s, o)); let a = An(this.mod, s, o); return ht(this.mod), a; } sendPrepared(t, e, n) { let [i, s, o] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_prepared_send", ["number", "number", "string"], [t, e, JSON.stringify(n)]); if (i !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, s, o)); let a = An(this.mod, s, o); return ht(this.mod), a; } insertArrowFromIPCStream(t, e, n) { if (e.length == 0) return; let i = this.mod._malloc(e.length); this.mod.HEAPU8.subarray(i, i + e.length).set(e); let o = n ? JSON.stringify(n) : "", [a, c, d] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_insert_arrow_from_ipc_stream", ["number", "number", "number", "string"], [t, i, e.length, o]); if (a !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, c, d)); } insertCSVFromPath(t, e, n) { if (n.columns !== void 0) { n.columnsFlat = []; for (let d in n.columns) n.columnsFlat.push(Lo(d, n.columns[d])); } let i = { ...n }; i.columns = i.columnsFlat, delete i.columnsFlat; let s = JSON.stringify(i), [o, a, c] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_insert_csv_from_path", ["number", "string", "string"], [t, e, s]); if (o !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, a, c)); } insertJSONFromPath(t, e, n) { if (n.columns !== void 0) { n.columnsFlat = []; for (let d in n.columns) n.columnsFlat.push(Lo(d, n.columns[d])); } let i = { ...n }; i.columns = i.columnsFlat, delete i.columnsFlat; let s = JSON.stringify(i), [o, a, c] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_insert_json_from_path", ["number", "string", "string"], [t, e, s]); if (o !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, a, c)); } globFiles(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_glob_file_infos", ["string"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); let s = z(this.mod, n, i); ht(this.mod); let o = JSON.parse(s); return o == null ? [] : o; } registerFileURL(t, e) { e === void 0 && (e = t); let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_register_file_url", ["string", "string", "number"], [t, e, -1]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); ht(this.mod); } registerFileText(t, e) { let n = g_.encode(e); this.registerFileBuffer(t, n); } registerFileBuffer(t, e) { let n = this.mod._malloc(e.length); this.mod.HEAPU8.subarray(n, n + e.length).set(e); let [s, o, a] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_register_file_buffer", ["string", "number", "number"], [t, n, e.length]); if (s !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, o, a)); ht(this.mod); } registerFileHandle(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_register_file_url", ["string", "string", "number"], [t, t, -1]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); if (ht(this.mod), globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME._files = (globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME._files || new Map).set(t, e), this.pthread) { for (let o of this.pthread.runningWorkers) o.postMessage({ cmd: "registerFileHandle", fileName: t, fileHandle: e }); for (let o of this.pthread.unusedWorkers) o.postMessage({ cmd: "dropFileHandle", fileName: t }); } } dropFile(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_drop_file", ["string"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); ht(this.mod); } dropFiles() { let [t, e, n] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_fs_drop_files", [], []); if (t !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, e, n)); ht(this.mod); } flushFiles() { this.mod.ccall("duckdb_web_flush_files", null, [], []); } copyFileToPath(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_copy_file_to_path", ["string", "string"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); ht(this.mod); } copyFileToBuffer(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_copy_file_to_buffer", ["string"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); let s = this.mod.HEAPU8.subarray(n, n + i), o = new Uint8Array(s.length); return o.set(s), ht(this.mod), o; } collectFileStatistics(t, e) { let [n, i, s] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_collect_file_stats", ["string", "boolean"], [t, e]); if (n !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, i, s)); } exportFileStatistics(t) { let [e, n, i] = nt(this.mod, "duckdb_web_export_file_stats", ["string"], [t]); if (e !== 0) throw new Error(z(this.mod, n, i)); return new zo(this.mod.HEAPU8.subarray(n, n + i)); } }; var Wo = class extends jo { constructor(e, n, i, s) { super(e, n); this.mainModuleURL = i, this.pthreadWorkerURL = s; } locateFile(e, n) { if (e.endsWith(".wasm")) return this.mainModuleURL; if (e.endsWith(".worker.js")) { if (!this.pthreadWorkerURL) throw new Error("Missing DuckDB worker URL!"); return this.pthreadWorkerURL; } throw new Error(`WASM instantiation requested unexpected file: prefix=${n} path=${e}`); } instantiateWasm(e, n) { globalThis.DUCKDB_RUNTIME = this._runtime; let i = this.onInstantiationProgress; if (WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) if (typeof TransformStream == "function") { let o = (async () => { var q; let a = new Request(this.mainModuleURL), c = await fetch(a), d = c.headers.get("content-length"), p = d && parseInt(d, 10) || 0, b = new Date, _ = { startedAt: b, updatedAt: b, bytesTotal: p || 0, bytesLoaded: 0 }, S = { transform(ot, St) { _.bytesLoaded += ot.byteLength; let Qt = new Date; if (Qt.getTime() - _.updatedAt.getTime() < 20) { _.updatedAt = Qt, St.enqueue(ot); return; } for (let se of i) se(_); St.enqueue(ot); } }, J = new TransformStream(S); return new Response((q = c.body) == null ? void 0 : q.pipeThrough(J), c); })(); WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(o, e).then(a => { n(a.instance, a.module); }); } else { console.warn("instantiating without progress handler since transform streams are unavailable"); let s = new Request(this.mainModuleURL); WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch(s), e).then(o => { n(o.instance, o.module); }); } else if (typeof XMLHttpRequest == "function") { let s = new XMLHttpRequest, o = this.mainModuleURL, a = new Date, c = { startedAt: a, updatedAt: a, bytesTotal: 0, bytesLoaded: 0 }; s.open("GET", o), s.responseType = "arraybuffer", s.onerror = d => { throw this.logger.log({ timestamp: new Date, level: 4, origin: 3, topic: 5, event: 2, value: "Failed to load WASM: " + d }), new Error(d.toString()); }, s.onprogress = d => { c.bytesTotal = d.total, c.bytesLoaded = d.loaded; let p = new Date; if (p.getTime() - c.updatedAt.getTime() < 20) { c.updatedAt = p; return; } for (let b of i) b(c); }, s.onload = () => { WebAssembly.instantiate(s.response, e).then(d => { n(d.instance, d.module); }).catch(d => { throw this.logger.log({ timestamp: new Date, level: 4, origin: 3, topic: 5, event: 2, value: "Failed to instantiate WASM: " + d }), new Error(d); }); }, s.send(); } else console.warn("instantiating with manual fetch since streaming instantiation and xhrs are unavailable"), (async () => { let o = new Request(this.mainModuleURL), c = await (await fetch(o)).arrayBuffer(); WebAssembly.instantiate(c, e).then(d => { n(d.instance, d.module); }); })(); return []; } }; var $o = class extends Wo { constructor(t, e, n, i = null) { super(t, e, n, i); } instantiateImpl(t) { return Wu({ ...t, instantiateWasm: this.instantiateWasm.bind(this), locateFile: this.locateFile.bind(this) }); } }; var tn = Uc(Ku()), Ju = function (r, t, e) { var n; if ((n = r == null ? void 0 : r.endpoint) != null && n.startsWith("http")) { let i = `${r == null ? void 0 : r.endpoint}`, s = i.indexOf("://") + 3; return i.substring(s); } else return r != null && r.endpoint ? `${e}.${r == null ? void 0 : r.endpoint}` : `${e}.s3.amazonaws.com`; }; function w_(r, t, e) { var i, s, o, a; let n = qu(t); return { url: n.path, query: "", host: Ju(r, t, n.bucket), region: (i = r == null ? void 0 : r.region) != null ? i : "", service: "s3", method: e, accessKeyId: (s = r == null ? void 0 : r.accessKeyId) != null ? s : "", secretAccessKey: (o = r == null ? void 0 : r.secretAccessKey) != null ? o : "", sessionToken: (a = r == null ? void 0 : r.sessionToken) != null ? a : "", dateNow: new Date().toISOString().replace(/-/g, "").split("T")[0], datetimeNow: new Date().toISOString().replace(/-/g, "").replace(/:/g, "").split(".")[0] + "Z" }; } function v_(r, t = !1) { let e = "0123456789ABCDEF", n = ""; for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { let s = r[i]; s >= "A" && s <= "Z" || s >= "a" && s <= "z" || s >= "0" && s <= "9" || s == "_" || s == "-" || s == "~" || s == "." ? n += s : s == "/" ? t ? n += "%2F" : n += s : (n += "%", n += e[s.charCodeAt(0) >> 4], n += e[s.charCodeAt(0) & 15]); } return n; } function S_(r, t = null) { var J; let e = (J = t == null ? void 0 : t.contentHash) != null ? J : "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855", n = new Map; n.set("x-amz-date", r.datetimeNow), n.set("x-amz-content-sha256", e), r.sessionToken && n.set("x-amz-security-token", r.sessionToken); let i = ""; t != null && t.contentType && (i += "content-type;"), i += "host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date", r.sessionToken && (i += ";x-amz-security-token"); let s = r.method + ` ` + v_(r.url) + ` ` + r.query; t != null && t.contentType && (s += ` content-type:` + (t == null ? void 0 : t.contentType)), s += ` host:` + r.host + ` x-amz-content-sha256:` + e + ` x-amz-date:` + r.datetimeNow, r.sessionToken && r.sessionToken.length > 0 && (s += ` x-amz-security-token:` + r.sessionToken), s += ` ` + i + ` ` + e; let o = (0, tn.sha256)(s), a = `AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 ` + r.datetimeNow + ` ` + r.dateNow + "/" + r.region + "/" + r.service + `/aws4_request ` + o, c = "AWS4" + r.secretAccessKey, d = tn.sha256.hmac.arrayBuffer(c, r.dateNow), p = tn.sha256.hmac.arrayBuffer(d, r.region), b = tn.sha256.hmac.arrayBuffer(p, r.service), _ = tn.sha256.hmac.arrayBuffer(b, "aws4_request"), S = tn.sha256.hmac(_, a); return n.set("Authorization", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=" + r.accessKeyId + "/" + r.dateNow + "/" + r.region + "/" + r.service + "/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=" + i + ", Signature=" + S), n; } var I_ = function (r, t, e, n = null, i = null) { let s = w_(r, t, e), o = { contentType: n, contentHash: i ? tn.sha256.hex(i) : null }; return S_(s, o); }; function en(r, t, e, n, i = null, s = null) { ((t == null ? void 0 : t.accessKeyId) || (t == null ? void 0 : t.sessionToken)) && (I_(t, e, n, i, s).forEach((a, c) => { r.setRequestHeader(c, a); }), i && r.setRequestHeader("content-type", i)); } function qu(r) { if (r.indexOf("s3://") != 0) throw new Error("URL needs to start with s3://"); let t = r.indexOf("/", 5); if (t == -1) throw new Error("URL needs to contain a '/' after the host"); let e = r.substring(5, t); if (!e) throw new Error("URL needs to contain a bucket name"); let n = r.substring(t); if (!n) throw new Error("URL needs to contain key"); return { bucket: e, path: n }; } function rn(r, t) { var n; let e = qu(t); return (n = r == null ? void 0 : r.endpoint) != null && n.startsWith("http") ? `${r == null ? void 0 : r.endpoint}/${e.bucket}` + e.path : "https://" + Ju(r, t, e.bucket) + e.path; } var lt = { _files: new Map, _fileInfoCache: new Map, _udfFunctions: new Map, _globalFileInfo: null, getFileInfo(r, t) { try { let e = lt._fileInfoCache.get(t), [n, i, s] = nt(r, "duckdb_web_fs_get_file_info_by_id", ["number", "number"], [t, (e == null ? void 0 : e.cacheEpoch) || 0]); if (n !== 0) return null; if (s === 0) return e; let o = z(r, i, s); ht(r); let a = JSON.parse(o); if (a == null) return null; let c = { ...a, blob: null }; return lt._fileInfoCache.set(t, c), c; } catch (e) { return null; } }, getGlobalFileInfo(r) { var t; try { let [e, n, i] = nt(r, "duckdb_web_get_global_file_info", ["number"], [((t = lt._globalFileInfo) == null ? void 0 : t.cacheEpoch) || 0]); if (e !== 0) return null; if (i === 0) return lt._globalFileInfo; let s = z(r, n, i); ht(r); let o = JSON.parse(s); return o == null ? null : (lt._globalFileInfo = { ...o, blob: null }, lt._globalFileInfo); } catch (e) { return null; } }, testPlatformFeature: (r, t) => { switch (t) { case 1: return typeof BigInt64Array < "u"; default: return console.warn(`test for unknown feature: ${t}`), !1; } }, openFile: (r, t, e) => { var n; try { lt._fileInfoCache.delete(t); let i = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (i == null ? void 0 : i.dataProtocol) { case 3: case 4: { if (e & 1 && e & 2) throw new Error(`Opening file ${i.fileName} failed: cannot open file with both read and write flags set`); if (e & 32) throw new Error(`Opening file ${i.fileName} failed: appending to HTTP/S3 files is not supported`); if (e & 2) { let o = new XMLHttpRequest; if (i.dataProtocol == 4 ? (o.open("HEAD", rn(i.s3Config, i.dataUrl), !1), en(o, i.s3Config, i.dataUrl, "HEAD")) : o.open("HEAD", i.dataUrl, !1), o.send(null), o.status != 200 && o.status != 404) throw new Error(`Opening file ${i.fileName} failed: Unexpected return status from server (${o.status})`); if (o.status == 404 && !(e & 8 || e & 16)) throw new Error(`Opening file ${i.fileName} failed: Cannot write to non-existent file without FILE_FLAGS_FILE_CREATE or FILE_FLAGS_FILE_CREATE_NEW flag.`); let a = r._malloc(1), c = new Uint8Array; r.HEAPU8.set(c, a); let d = r._malloc(2 * 8); return r.HEAPF64[(d >> 3) + 0] = 1, r.HEAPF64[(d >> 3) + 1] = a, d; } else if (e != 1) throw new Error(`Opening file ${i.fileName} failed: unsupported file flags: ${e}`); let s = null; try { let o = new XMLHttpRequest; i.dataProtocol == 4 ? (o.open("HEAD", rn(i.s3Config, i.dataUrl), !1), en(o, i.s3Config, i.dataUrl, "HEAD")) : o.open("HEAD", i.dataUrl, !1), o.setRequestHeader("Range", "bytes=0-"), o.send(null); let a = o.getResponseHeader("Content-Length"); if (o.status == 206 && a !== null) { let c = r._malloc(16); return r.HEAPF64[(c >> 3) + 0] = +a, r.HEAPF64[(c >> 3) + 1] = 0, c; } } catch (o) { s = o, console.warn(`HEAD request with range header failed: ${o}`); } if (i.allowFullHttpReads) { console.warn(`falling back to full HTTP read for: ${i.dataUrl}`); let o = new XMLHttpRequest; if (i.dataProtocol == 4 ? (o.open("GET", rn(i.s3Config, i.dataUrl), !1), en(o, i.s3Config, i.dataUrl, "GET")) : o.open("GET", i.dataUrl, !1), o.responseType = "arraybuffer", o.send(null), o.status == 200) { let a = r._malloc(o.response.byteLength), c = new Uint8Array(o.response, 0, o.response.byteLength); r.HEAPU8.set(c, a); let d = r._malloc(2 * 8); return r.HEAPF64[(d >> 3) + 0] = o.response.byteLength, r.HEAPF64[(d >> 3) + 1] = a, d; } } if (s != null) throw new Error(`Reading file ${i.fileName} failed with error: ${s}`); return 0; } case 1: { let s = (n = lt._files) == null ? void 0 : n.get(i.fileName); if (s) { let c = r._malloc(16); return r.HEAPF64[(c >> 3) + 0] = s.size, r.HEAPF64[(c >> 3) + 1] = 0, c; } console.warn(`Buffering missing file: ${i.fileName}`); let o = r._malloc(2 * 8), a = r._malloc(1); return r.HEAPF64[(o >> 3) + 0] = 1, r.HEAPF64[(o >> 3) + 1] = a, o; } } } catch (i) { console.error(i.toString()), yr(r, i.toString()); } return 0; }, glob: (r, t, e) => { try { let n = z(r, t, e); if (n.startsWith("http") || n.startsWith("s3://")) { let i = new XMLHttpRequest; if (n.startsWith("s3://")) { let s = lt.getGlobalFileInfo(r); i.open("HEAD", rn(s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, n), !1), en(i, s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, n, "HEAD"); } else i.open("HEAD", n, !1); if (i.send(null), i.status != 200 && i.status !== 206) { yr(r, `HEAD request failed: ${n}`); return; } r.ccall("duckdb_web_fs_glob_add_path", null, ["string"], [n]); } } catch (n) { return yr(r, n.toString()), 0; } }, checkFile: (r, t, e) => { try { let n = z(r, t, e); if (n.startsWith("http") || n.startsWith("s3://")) { let i = new XMLHttpRequest; if (n.startsWith("s3://")) { let s = lt.getGlobalFileInfo(r); i.open("HEAD", rn(s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, n), !1), en(i, s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, n, "HEAD"); } else i.open("HEAD", n, !1); return i.send(null), i.status == 206 || i.status == 200; } } catch (n) { return !1; } return !1; }, syncFile: (r, t) => { }, closeFile: (r, t) => { let e = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (lt._fileInfoCache.delete(t), e == null ? void 0 : e.dataProtocol) { case 3: case 4: break; case 1: return; } }, truncateFile: (r, t, e) => { let n = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (n == null ? void 0 : n.dataProtocol) { case 3: yr(r, "Cannot truncate a http file"); return; case 4: yr(r, "Cannot truncate an s3 file"); return; case 1: yr(r, "truncateFile not implemented"); return; } return 0; }, readFile(r, t, e, n, i) { var s; try { let o = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (o == null ? void 0 : o.dataProtocol) { case 3: case 4: { if (!o.dataUrl) throw new Error(`Missing data URL for file ${t}`); try { let a = new XMLHttpRequest; if (o.dataProtocol == 4 ? (a.open("GET", rn(o == null ? void 0 : o.s3Config, o.dataUrl), !1), en(a, o == null ? void 0 : o.s3Config, o.dataUrl, "GET")) : a.open("GET", o.dataUrl, !1), a.responseType = "arraybuffer", a.setRequestHeader("Range", `bytes=${i}-${i + n - 1}`), a.send(null), a.status == 206 || a.status == 200 && n == a.response.byteLength && i == 0) { let c = new Uint8Array(a.response, 0, Math.min(a.response.byteLength, n)); return r.HEAPU8.set(c, e), c.byteLength; } else throw a.status == 200 ? new Error(`Range request for ${o.dataUrl} did not return a partial response: ${a.status} "${a.statusText}"`) : new Error(`Range request for ${o.dataUrl} did returned non-success status: ${a.status} "${a.statusText}"`); } catch (a) { throw new Error(`Range request for ${o.dataUrl} failed with error: ${a}"`); } } case 1: { let a = (s = lt._files) == null ? void 0 : s.get(o.fileName); if (!a) throw new Error(`No handle available for file: ${o.fileName}`); let c = a.slice(i, i + n), d = new Uint8Array(new FileReaderSync().readAsArrayBuffer(c)); return r.HEAPU8.set(d, e), d.byteLength; } } return 0; } catch (o) { return yr(r, o.toString()), 0; } }, writeFile: (r, t, e, n, i) => { let s = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (s == null ? void 0 : s.dataProtocol) { case 3: return yr(r, "Cannot write to HTTP file"), 0; case 4: { let o = r.HEAPU8.subarray(e, e + n), a = new XMLHttpRequest; return a.open("PUT", rn(s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, s.dataUrl), !1), en(a, s == null ? void 0 : s.s3Config, s.dataUrl, "PUT", "", o), a.send(o), n; } case 1: return yr(r, "writefile not implemented"), 0; } return 0; }, getLastFileModificationTime: (r, t) => { var n; let e = lt.getFileInfo(r, t); switch (e == null ? void 0 : e.dataProtocol) { case 1: { if (!((n = lt._files) == null ? void 0 : n.get(e.fileName))) throw Error(`No handle available for file: ${e.fileName}`); return 0; } case 3: case 4: return new Date().getTime(); } return 0; }, checkDirectory: (r, t, e) => { let n = z(r, t, e); return console.log(`checkDirectory: ${n}`), !1; }, createDirectory: (r, t, e) => { let n = z(r, t, e); console.log(`createDirectory: ${n}`); }, removeDirectory: (r, t, e) => { let n = z(r, t, e); console.log(`removeDirectory: ${n}`); }, listDirectoryEntries: (r, t, e) => { let n = z(r, t, e); return console.log(`listDirectoryEntries: ${n}`), !1; }, moveFile: (r, t, e, n, i) => { var c, d; let s = z(r, t, e), o = z(r, n, i), a = (c = lt._files) == null ? void 0 : c.get(s); a !== void 0 && (lt._files.delete(a), lt._files.set(o, a)); for (let [p, b] of ((d = lt._fileInfoCache) == null ? void 0 : d.entries()) || []) if (b.dataUrl == s) { lt._fileInfoCache.delete(p); break; } return !0; }, removeFile: (r, t, e) => { }, callScalarUDF: (r, t, e, n, i, s, o) => { Gu(lt, r, t, e, n, i, s, o); } }; var ac = class extends Co { postMessage(t, e) { globalThis.postMessage(t, e); } async instantiate(t, e, n) { return await new $o(this, lt, t, e).instantiate(n); } }; function Zu() { let r = new ac; globalThis.onmessage = async (t) => { await r.onMessage(t.data); }; } Zu(); return Rh(A_); })();